"Formation! Formation!" Wu Shaobei shouted recklessly.

But because of this distraction, wushaobei was unstable and stumbled, and then rolled in the direction of the giant spider by a powerful storm.

At the critical moment, Wu nianyin grabbed him.

"Second uncle, hold on!"

Wu nianyin grabbed Wu Shaobei's arm and exerted so much force that green tendons burst out on his forehead.

But the suction was so great that Wu nianyin was still taken by a few steps and nearly fell.

Seeing this scene, wushaobei couldn't help being anxious, "the master of the house, let go!"

Wu nianyin jumped out of his teeth and said, "no, the Wu family man will never give up his family!"

Wu Shaobei burst into tears. Suddenly, he shook his shoulder and directly broke free from Wu nianyin's hand.

Wu nianyin wanted to catch it again, but it was too late. He could only hiss and shout, "second uncle!"

Wu Shaobei's figure flew uncontrollably to the giant spider. Even so, he still didn't have any panic, but said in a deep voice.

"Nianyin, you have to live, because only you are here, the Wu family will not perish!"

Then he closed his eyes with a smile and waited for death to come.

But just then, a warm arm suddenly held him from behind.

Wu Shaobei was shocked, Huoran raised his eyes, and then saw Xue an.

At the moment, Xue an was bathed in blood, and her face was covered with blood. Only her eyes were as bright as stars.

"Xue... Mr. Xue!"

Wu Shaobei couldn't believe his eyes.

Just now, countless people saw Xue an buried at the mouth of the giant spider with their own eyes. Naturally, wushaobei also saw it.

Although there is still a glimmer of hope in his heart, Wu Shaobei is a very rational person. He doesn't think the probability of Xue an's survival is great, but he didn't say it.

But I didn't expect that just a moment later, xue'an appeared in front of me unscathed.

It's amazing.

Xue an smiled and didn't say anything, but just released her hand.

At this time, wushaobei found that the violent wind that was just raging had stopped.

He subconsciously turned his head and saw a scene that he would never forget,

I saw that the giant spider, who was still swaggering just now, had lost its arrogance. At the same time, a big hole was broken in its abdomen to reveal its internal organs.

The smelly blood rushed out like a waterfall. Although there were muscle wriggles in the wound to try to repair the wound, it was stopped by a mysterious force without exception.

Whenever it is about to form and heal, this force will tear the wound again.

"Ah ah ah ah!" The giant spider finally couldn't bear it. He raised his head and howled miserably.

"Xue an, what did you do to me? Why did this happen!" The giant spider roared. There was no previous arrogance in his words, but a deep fear.

Xue an didn't answer, but slowly wiped the blood off his face, and then spoke in an indifferent tone.

"It's very simple. It's all because of your greed!"

"I don't understand!" The roar of the giant spider became more and more shrill.

Xue an smiled faintly.

"Since you think you are immune to physical and mental damage, you have been invincible, so you greedily devour everything. Even the Yi tribe living around Feixian temple has not escaped your clutches!"

"How should I feel when they are ruined?"

Although the tone of the giant spider is weak, his words are still full of evil spirits.

Xue an was not in a hurry, but stood there talking.

"A little thing you think doesn't matter is actually your biggest flaw!"

Speaking of this, Xue an's mouth suddenly burst into a sneer.

"Do you think Yi clan is so easy to swallow?"

At the same time, the giant spider's huge body began to collapse rapidly.

Just like a building with its skeleton removed, it is paralyzed to the ground at a very fast speed.

There was an uproar when there was smoke everywhere.

In fact, everyone has been stunned by these great changes.

First, xue'an was swallowed. Many people thought he was dead, but they didn't expect xue'an to rush out of the belly of the giant spider just a moment later.

Wu Shaobei didn't see the scene, but the onlookers could see it clearly.

And then what Xue an said also made many people fall into meditation.

Many people know the existence of Yi tribe, but as giant spider said, this tribe is just a small tribe in decline. How can it be such a powerful flaw of evil things?

While many people are puzzled, the smoke gradually dissipates, and then the picture is amazing to many people.

The ugly and strange giant spider no longer exists. Instead, it has a graceful female body.

I saw her crawling on the ground, revealing her imaginative figure lines.

Even if you can't see Pang, you can know that he is definitely a beauty only by his graceful body.

Xue an's pace did not slow down at all. He went straight to the woman, then raised his foot and stepped on the back of the woman's head.

This scene made many people's eyelids jump.

Xue an didn't care at all, but said faintly, "the golden body has been broken. Do you think if I go down with this foot, will your head break?"

The woman uttered a plaintive cry, "Sir, spare your life! I'd like to offer a mirror of all souls. Please let me go!"

Xue an then raised her feet, and then the woman slowly raised her head, revealing a pitiful face.


Absolute beauty!

This is the first reaction of countless people after seeing the woman's true face.

At the moment, the beauty is looking at Xue an pitifully.

That look is enough to melt the steel.

But Xue an was not moved at all. "Take it out!"

The woman trembled, then opened her mouth and spit out her tongue like a snake letter. There was a fragment of a mirror on the tip of her tongue!

Although the fragment is very small, it erupts into a strong momentum as soon as it appears.

The woman raised her eyes and looked up, and her lenses trembled slightly.

The enchanting appearance made people shake their hearts.

Shu Jingchu, who was secretly happy because of Xue an's safe return, couldn't help spitting.



But all the actions of the woman were useless. Xue an was indifferent and her fingertips trembled. Then the mirror fragment fell into her own hands.

"My Lord, this is the fragment of the mirror!" The woman was very clever and didn't forget to lick her lips gently with the tip of her tongue when she was about to die. It was almost indescribable charm.

But Xue Anfei didn't move at all, but his face became colder and colder.

"That's all?"

The woman's expression changed rapidly and said with a strong smile, "what do you mean? I don't quite understand!"

Nai Yingying, who had been watching the war in the distance, gave a sneer and gently spit out two words.


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