In Nai's opinion, this giant spider evil thing dares to play tricks at this time. It's looking for death.

Sure enough.

Without hesitation, Xue an picked up the woman's hair and lifted it from the ground.

Until then, the giant spider thought that its charm had taken effect, so she looked at xue'an with eyes like silk, hoping to confuse the man, and then she took the opportunity to escape.

But the iron fist that fell on his face mercilessly shattered his fantasy.

Xue an was very ruthless. He didn't mean to "cherish fragrance and jade" at all. He punched him directly on the nose.

With a click, the bridge of the nose broke and sank into a deep pit.

Then the second punch came again, and this time it hit his mouth.

The small mouth of the pink and tender cherry is instantly torn, and the teeth and jaw are smashed together.

The third punch was even more exaggerated and directly hit his forehead.

The sound of his head beating bright and clean, even faint pink.

But the strange thing is that although he was injured so badly, there was no blood flowing out.

Xue an finally stopped and said calmly, "do you understand now?"

The woman's charming face was beyond recognition at the moment. Nevertheless, after hearing Xue an's question, it nodded wildly and said vaguely.

"I see!"

"Then take it out. I don't want to waste any more words!"

This time, the woman did not hesitate, or it may be that she had recognized the reality and knew that her previous plans were basically wishful thinking, so she honestly took out the rest of the fragments of Xuanyuan mirror.

After getting it, Xue an was not in a hurry to start the integration, but sealed it temporarily.

Then Xue an looked at the flesh and blood wriggling on her face and smiled at the woman who was rapidly recovering her appearance.

"Good to go, no to send!"

After that, Xue an clapped it directly.

This palm is different from the fist before. It is powerful with the sound of wind and thunder.


Before the word "life" was said, the woman's head was smashed.

Brain splashes.

Many people were moved by it.

Yang Fu smiled, "this boy is cruel enough, I like it!"

After Xue an cleanly solved the giant spider evil thing, he turned and came to a huge cocoon.

The whole body of the cocoon is white, just like a skinned egg.

But this seemingly exquisite and beautiful giant cocoon is actually the cage that binds Nezha.

you 're right!

This giant cocoon is completely composed of spider silk spitted out by the giant spider.

Although Nezha struggled hard, he was still trapped in it.

Xue an reached out and patted the giant cocoon. The giant cocoon was motionless and obviously very tough.

If other people were true, they might be baffled by this huge cocoon, but Xue an just smiled calmly, and then a flash of fire flashed through his fingertips.


The huge cocoon was shrouded in flames in an instant, and then heard the crackling sound inside.

That's the sound of spider silk breaking because it can't withstand the blazing high temperature.

Soon, the cocoon wall became thinner and a person's shadow appeared in it.

The next second, the tip of a gun pierced the cocoon wall, and then Nezha rushed out of it.

"That thing... Huh? Xue'an, are you out?"

Nezha's eyes were about to crack, and he wanted to rush out to find the giant spider.

Born arrogant, he couldn't accept that he would be trapped.

It was a great humiliation to him.

In fact, even if Xue an didn't help, it wouldn't be long before Nezha could break the huge cocoon.

Xue an's help only accelerated the process.

But unexpectedly, she rushed out and threw herself into the air. Not only that, Xue an stood in front of her.

This naturally surprised Nezha.

Xue an smiled.

"Yes! I'm fine!"

"What about the giant spider?"


Nezha wanted to say something, but when he saw the body on the ground, he finally closed his mouth, nodded and turned away.

For him, eliminating evil things has become his highest ideal in life.

Nothing is more important than destroying evil things.

And he never hypocritically believes that what process is more important than the result.

In his opinion, only a dead evil thing is a good evil thing. As for how the evil thing died, it doesn't matter at all.

Although she didn't get along for a long time, Xue an also knew her elder's temper, so she just smiled faintly, then turned around and returned to the team.

At this time, his blood was still on his body, but this did not detract from his elegance, but added some cruel beauty.

Shu Jingchu was the first to greet, "Xue an, are you okay!"

Facing her concerned eyes, Xue an smiled, "what can I do for you?"

"But the blood on you..."

"Oh, it's all from the giant spider!" Xue an's understatement.

At the same time, Wu Nian, Yin, Wu Shaobei and others also welcomed them one after another.

"My Lord!"

"Mr. Xue!"

The cordial greetings came one after another. Xue an nodded in response one by one, and then went straight through the crowd to Nai Yingying.

Nai Yingying looked at him with a smile, "Congratulations, Xue an. Although it is said that most of the death of this giant spider comes from its stupidity, the strength of this guy can not be underestimated. You can kill it to prove that you have the strength to directly challenge those big guys!"

Xue an naturally knows what the big man in Nai's mouth means, but after so many waves, Xue an is calm at this time.

"Then let that day come as soon as possible!"

"Don't worry, it won't take long!" Nai whined and shrugged with great interest.

"OK, I won't disturb your conversation. I'll go back first!"

Nai turned and walked away.

What she said about you is Xue an and Yi Guyun.

Xue an took out the cloud bow, "Miss Yi, thank you for your cloud bow. Now give it back to you!"

Yi Gu Yun took it, apparently not relieved from the feeling that his people were killed.

Seeing this, xue'an's face was solemn, "Miss Yi!"


"Do you know why I borrowed a bow from you and shot three arrows at the belly of the giant spider?"

Yi Guyun shook his head.

In fact, not only did she wonder, but many people present didn't understand why Xue an did that.

"Because I want to awaken the soul of your people in this way!"

"Awaken... The soul?"

"That's right. The giant spider is insatiable and doesn't care after swallowing your people, but how does it know how powerful the inheritance spread in your blood!"

"I actually borrowed this to succeed in anti killing!" Xue an spoke very seriously.

Yi Guyun's eyes became blazing. "You mean... My people helped you kill this giant spider?"


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