It turned out that Xue an had already seen that the giant spider swallowed up the blood of Yi Guyun clan.

This is nothing unusual. Even the giant spider didn't take this seriously.

In its words, it's just a small and shabby family. If you swallow it, you'll swallow it. It's nothing at all.

But the problem lies in the Yi family.

Previously, Xue an and Nezha said in the secret land of Senluo valley that Yi Guyun had the blood of Yi who shot at the ninth day in ancient Chinese myths and legends.

Although after so many years of inheritance, this blood has been very thin, but it was the second to none God in ancient times!

Its handed down blood is naturally extraordinary.

Therefore, Yi Guyun's talent on the way of arrow is excellent and coveted by Senluo valley.

As for Yi Guyun's people, although their blood is not as strong as Yi Guyun's, in other words, they have not awakened, but they also exist after all.

Therefore, after being swallowed by the giant spider, the Yi family never lost their soul and lived in the belly of the giant spider.

The giant spider doesn't care much about it. Anyway, it has been swallowed into its stomach. Can it cause any storm?

If it's normal, the giant spider is right to think so.

After all, as the world's top evil thing, only a few immortal souls are not even mole ants for it.

Didn't those who didn't see the Feixian temple, which was fed by it and finally swallowed by it, also didn't completely wear off the last soul?

But it miscalculated one point, that is, the unyielding nature of the Chinese people.

Despite being swallowed up and consumed, the only soul left never succumbed, but lay dormant and waited for the opportunity.

Seeing this, Xue an borrowed the cloud bow from Yi Guyun and shot the three arrows.

Of course, these three arrows can't hurt the giant spider, but they can awaken the souls dormant in the giant spider.

Then Xue an was deliberately swallowed up by the giant spider, and with the help of the spirits of the Yi people, he successfully broke the invincible golden body of the giant spider.

After hearing Xue an's story, Yi Gu Yun burst into tears in his eyes and lowered his head for a long time.

Xue an sighed, "Miss Yi, don't be sad..."

Before Xue an finished, Yi Guyun looked up. Although tears had covered his cheeks, his eyes were surprisingly firm.

"My Lord, I'm not sad. On the contrary, I'm very happy!"

"Although my people have died, they also let the murderer pay the price before they completely disappear, which is enough. Now the only thing I can do is to live well!"

Looking at this surprisingly determined girl, even Xue an couldn't help but be moved by it and finally nodded in awe.

"It's wonderful for you to think so!"

"But I have something to ask your permission!" Yi Guyun suddenly said.

"Come on, as long as I can do it, there's nothing to say!" Xue an said in a deep voice.

In a sense, the reason why it is so easy to kill the giant spider this time is largely due to the help of the Yi people.

Without their help, although Xue an can kill the giant spider, he must pay a huge price.

Although these Yi people have been killed and only a little soul remains, they can't be resurrected without helping Xue an.

But anyway, now they have disappeared with the giant spider.

Xue an still had a trace of guilt in his heart, so when he heard Yi Guyun's words, he didn't ask what it was and immediately responded.

"It's very simple. I want to follow the adult and deal with the evil thing with you!" Yi Guyun's tone was firm.

Xue an was quite surprised, because he never thought that Yi Guyun would make such a request, so he couldn't help hesitating.

"Miss Yi, of course your idea is not wrong, but..."

"But what? Didn't you just say I could ask for anything?" Yi Gu Yun immediately asked.

Xue an was helpless, "but it's not easy to deal with the evil things that came. Even I can't guarantee that everyone will retreat, and miss Yi, you..."

Xue an hesitated for a moment and finally sighed: "your people have fallen. Now the Yi family can say that you are the only one left. What if something happens to you?"

This is Xue an's real concern.

But I didn't expect Yi Guyun to smile after hearing it. "Adults think too much. I think my father and other people will agree with my proposal if there is a spirit in heaven!"

"After all... The Yi family has never had cowards!"

Looking at Yi Guyun with a determined look on his face, Xue an was stunned, but she suddenly came over and sighed.

How can I forget that the blood of the ancient god Yi is flowing on the lonely cloud of Yi!

The pride in that bone can't be changed!

Just then Nezha, who had been standing nearby without talking, also spoke.

"Xue an, you'd better agree to her request, otherwise she won't give up!"

Xue an nodded, "well, I'll promise you!"

Yi Guyun smiled on his face and nodded, "well, I promise I won't live up to your expectations!"

Xue an smiled. Before she responded, she heard a hearty laugh coming from her side.

"Since even an orphan girl has such courage, how can our fire gun club stand idly by? This time, it's also my fire gun club!"

All the people turned their heads and saw Yang Fu coming slowly. Standing beside him was Yang Mufeng, followed by Wei Qingfeng, Meng Yi and others.

Although Xue an doesn't know Yang Fu, she knows Yang Mufeng who challenged herself before. She knows that she has a very special position in the fire gun club and is the president's sister.

Combined with what Yang Fu said before, he couldn't help recognizing his identity.

"President Yang?" Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Hahaha, just call me Yang Fu!"

Wu nianyin and others standing behind Xue an couldn't help a commotion, and their faces were shocked.

Yang Fu!

The founder of the musket club!

In recent years, the most legendary figure on the island of Japan.

Before, the people of the fire gun club assassinated Wu nianyin, and Yang Mufeng also came to the door to challenge. It can be said that it is an enemy rather than a friend!

But I never expected that such a character would directly state his support for Xue an.

In fact, not only the members of the Wu family, but also the members of the fire gun club were stunned.

Yang Mufeng didn't understand. He couldn't help shouting, "brother..."

But before she finished, Yang Fu waved his hand, "don't say it. How can a little gratitude and resentment be compared with this matter!"

Yang Fu looked up at Xue an and made no secret of his appreciative eyes.

"You said I was right?"

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