Xue'an suddenly laughed, then waved and isolated the people around him with a divine thought, leaving only himself and Yang Fu.

For this sudden change, Yang Fu calmly faced it without any surprise.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "in fact, I was a little strange just now. Why did you suddenly support me with such a clear-cut stand!"

"What's strange about this? After all, the big day island belongs to everyone. Although there are such or such disputes, it's still calm after all. I don't want such a place to be occupied by those disgusting tentacles!" Yang Fu smiled.

"Oh? Is that really why?" Xue an said faintly.

"Or what do you think?" Yang's smile hasn't changed.

Xue an didn't respond to Yang Fu's words, but suddenly turned off the topic.

"The fire gun club, a killer organization that has suddenly emerged in recent ten years, is a leader even in the big day island with a large number of powerful factions. The founder Yang Fu is extremely mysterious. No one knows who its successor came from and how to accumulate the great wealth of the organization!"

"People only know that this person can do anything!"

Xue an looked at Yang Fu. "Am I right?"

Yang Fu laughed. "This is just a rumor made up by some boring people outside. How can I be so powerful!"

"Oh? There's another thing that caught my attention. Do you want to hear it?"

"What's up?"

"Just one year before the rise of the musket club, a mysterious trading market covering the whole high-dimensional universe suddenly appeared. People call it... Ghost city!"

When hearing the words "ghost city", Yang Fu, who was originally an old God, finally stiffened his smile, and his eyelids jumped uncontrollably.

Xue'an ignored these and continued.

"Once this ghost city appeared, it attracted countless people's covet, but no matter how these people investigate, they can't find the person who built it behind the scenes!"

"At the same time, the ghost city is also in rapid evolution. After making up for many loopholes, the ghost city finally detonated the market and made a lot of wealth in a very short time. Then the fire gun club appeared!"

"So... Does president Yang think there is a connection between the two?"

Yang Fu's face changed and finally gave a long sigh.

"Xue an, it seems that although I tried my best to raise your evaluation before, I still underestimate you now!"

"With these fragmented information alone, I can deduce my true identity. You are the first person!"

"Yes, I'm the builder of the ghost city!"

Xue an had expected this result, so he was not surprised, but nodded.

"It seems that all my previous guesses are right!"

"What guess?"

"In fact, when I first entered the ghost city, I had a faint feeling that although the core of this thing is exquisite, many places are designed very simply, even to the point of rudeness, which is obviously written by men!"

"At the same time, this man should have a strong mechanical plot, otherwise the mechanical style everywhere can't be explained!"

Yang Fu opened his eyes wide and finally felt a real shock.

"These are what you felt when you first entered the ghost city?"

Xue an nodded, "yes, and not only that..."

Xue settled down. "If I guess correctly, the core of your ghost city should come from evil things or at least from the power of evil things!"

If it was a shock just now, Yang Fu's hair stood up and his eyes suddenly burst out of killing.

Xue an just smiled faintly, "don't be so, I'm just a guess!"

"I don't believe it!" Yang Fu said in a hoarse voice, "others can also be speculated through clues. No one knows about it at all. How do you speculate?"

"Because it's impossible!"


"I mean, the existence of the ghost city is impossible!"

"Its existence is contrary to common sense. Even in the heavens where I am, there is no medium that can spread across the whole universe in an instant!"

"Especially in the universe where the energy level is much higher than my world, it is impossible to achieve this goal, let alone the unimaginable real-time calculation ability!"

"This has exceeded the limit that science and technology can reach, and cultivation is impossible. Only evil things that can't be understood by common sense, or even shouldn't exist at all, can do this!"

Yang Fu was completely speechless.

Looking at the young man talking in front of him, he felt creepy for the first time.

With only some crude information, he inferred his true identity, and then completed a wonderful derivation through some clues.

Yang Fu has not felt this threat from intelligence for a long time.

"I have to say that you are really a powerful character. Yes, as you guessed, the core of the ghost city is really built from the blood of the evil things I harvest!"

"Oh? Well, the reason why you support me so clearly this time is not as high sounding as you say?" Xue an smiled.

Yang Fu was embarrassed. "In fact, I really want to eliminate those evil things. Of course, it would be better if I could harvest more advanced evil things in this process!"

"Why do you do this? Can the ghost city be upgraded?" Xue an raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Of course! In fact, the ghost city is far from my idea. At best, it is only a rudimentary primary version!"

"What's your idea?" Xue an asked again.

"Well... It doesn't hurt to tell you! My ultimate vision is to create a real multi-dimensional universe, a supreme core that can govern everything!"

"In there, the core is the truly omnipotent God. It can calculate new worlds at will, and you can explore these worlds and get rich rewards!"

"Game?" Xue an asked.

"No, how can such a great existence be just a game? In my imagination, the calculated world actually exists, and even everything you get in it can be brought out through complex calculation!"

"For example, if you enter an ancient world and get the inheritance of ancient gods, when you leave, as long as you pay enough energy, you can bring the inheritance of gods to reality completely!"

"At that time, the cultivation system of the world will undergo earth shaking changes. It is no longer comparable to the dull and rigid system now!" Yang Fu said excitedly.

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