Snow covered the city again.

The falling snowflakes make Xue Xiang and Xue Nian very excited.

Not even breakfast, he rushed downstairs and began to pile up a snowman.

Xue an stood smiling and watched.

"Baba, look! Is my snowman beautiful? "

"Good looking. I think the snowman is the most beautiful." Xue an nodded as he tried to understand what this strange snowball was.

"These are Baba's eyes!" Xue Nian put two stones on the snowball and said with a smile.

"This is Baba's mouth!" I want to use a curved lipstick.

Xue an looked at it with a smile, and then pointed to the blank Snowman beside him.

What is this

"This, of course, is numb." Xue wanted to say.

"Then why does numbness have no eyes and mouth?"

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian lowered their heads, "we I haven't seen what Ma Ma Ma looks like. Aunt xuan'er says that's our Ma Ma Ma in the photo, but why hasn't Ma Ma come to see us all the time

Xue an felt a slight shock in her heart, then squatted down and said very seriously: "Miss son, nian'er, Ma Ma Ma likes you most, but she has something to do, so she can't come here for a while. After a while, Baba takes you to see Ma Ma Ma! All right? "

"Mm-hmm!" The two girls nodded together.

Just then, Han Yao came in a white road tiger.

She was still a little afraid of xue'an, so she stood far away and did not dare to come.

Until fan Mengxue also went downstairs, Han Yao came over, and then looked at fan Mengxue in amazement.

"You What's the matter with your face? "

"What happened to my face?"

Han Yao was shocked.

Because the former fan Mengxue, although very beautiful, can have a part of the credit is from the modern make-up technology.

But today's fan Mengxue, plain faced, a trace of powder has not been applied, but the United States thrilling.

Especially for the skin, it can be broken.

If fan Mengxue used to be a nine point beauty, now she is a real goddess.

Han Yao suppressed her doubts and said, "Stephen is in the flower garden outside the city. I have made an appointment to meet him now."

Fan Mengxue nodded, "OK, but Xue an also wants to go with him."

"He's going too?" Han Yao frowned, but did not dare to show anything.

Xue an said to two little girls at this time: "Baba takes you to see flowers outside the city, OK?"


"But Baba, I'm so hungry Xue Nian covered his stomach and said wrongly.

"What would you like to eat

"Leek box!" Said the two little girls at the same time.

So, on this Land Rover SUV, which costs as much as one million yuan, two little girls are holding a leek box and eating happily.

Han Yao dare not have the slightest dissatisfaction, can only quietly lower the window.

"Why did Stephen come to Beijiang? And to the garden outside the city? " Fan Mengxue asked.

"It's because Stephen is extremely obsessed with flowers and plants. This year, an expert came to Beijiang's flower garden and planted a lot of rare flowers and plants. Therefore, this Stephen is attracted by his name."


The car soon drove out of the garden.

After getting off the bus, Xue an found that all kinds of luxury cars were parked here.

And at the door, there are many security guards guarding.

Han Yao led the party into the garden.

As soon as they came in, people found that there was a special hole here.

First of all, the temperature is much higher than the outside world, warm as spring.

Secondly, as far as you can see, there are all kinds of flowers and plants.

And these plants are in full bloom.

This kind of beautiful scenery, let fan Mengxue and two little girls are stunned.

Han Yao sighed, "when I saw it for the first time, I was so scared! Such a nursery is not necessarily in China! No wonder Stephen is coming all the way here

Xue an is indifferent, these flowers and plants are really good, but for him, it is not enough to see.

When and when he stands on the sky and the stars are the real sky.

I've never seen the magnificent scenery of Hualan.

"Oh, isn't this fan Mengxue?" Just then, a voice with some sarcasm came from behind.

Fan Mengxue turned her head and saw that a man and a woman came over.

The woman is a beauty of all kinds, while the man is a short man.

This kind of collocation is very inconsistent.And this woman has almost been posted on it.

Fan Mengxue recognized the visitor, "what shadow? Why are you here? "

This woman is a famous actress in the circle, called He Ying.

Once upon a time, fan Mengxue and He Ying also cooperated.

It was only later that fan Mengxue couldn't bear to see what He Ying had done, and after two years of development.

The gap between the two is growing.

Fan Mengxue is already the movie queen.

He Ying can only stay in the small place of Beijiang.

At this time, He Ying is also staring at fan Mengxue with envious eyes. Hearing her asking, He Ying can't help sneering.

"What? Is this place only for you? You are not the only one who knows about Stephen's coming here

Then He Ying turned his attention to Xue an and said, "Yo, this is your little lover of fan Da star. He looks good, but it's a pity..."

He Ying noticed that Xue an didn't have any valuable decoration, even a watch. He Ying couldn't help but take some scorn.

"See, this is my husband, chairman Dong Tiancheng of Tiancheng Group, worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Any ring is all the property of your little lover. Sometimes, women just can't owe themselves!" He Ying said with pride.

Fan Mengxue frowned slightly.

Because she noticed that Dong Tiancheng looked at her eyes, which were full of greed and possessiveness.

This kind of vision fan Meng has seen too much.

Dong Tiancheng is really full of greed at the moment, because he only saw fan Mengxue on TV, but he didn't expect that real people are more beautiful than on TV!

In particular, the skin that can be broken by blowing bullets makes people salivate.

However, Dong Tiancheng was a very cautious man. He was afraid that Xue an would be the son of a rich family, so he laughed.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Fan, but I don't know that this gentleman is..."

Fan Mengxue did not speak, Xue wanted to say with Xue Nian: "this is my Baba!"

"Oh..." Dong Tiancheng and He Ying have a clear look.

Actually, she is still a child. Fan Mengxue has a unique taste.

Dong Tiancheng thought about it for a moment. He thought that none of the children of a wealthy family had children, so he put down his heart and said with a smile, "Miss Fan, are you here to see Steven, too?"


"Did you bring any present?"

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