"Yes! Are you all here empty handed? " He Ying exclaimed with exaggeration.

"My husband specially bought a very precious flower from abroad and prepared to give it to Stephen as a gift! At that time, the heroine's seat should be mine He Ying said confidently.

She is jealous of fan Mengxue's teeth itching. This time, she finally has the chance to overcome fan Mengxue. Naturally, she is full of joy.

Dong Tiancheng said with a warm smile: "Miss Fan, if you don't bring a gift, I can help you, but Hey, hey

This one contains all the meanings.

Fan Mengxue's face was cold, "no need!"

Then he turned and went away.

Xue an looked at He Ying and Dong Tiancheng, then gave a faint smile.

"Baba, what are you laughing at?" Xue wanted to ask.

"Oh, it's OK. I suddenly feel that if the dwarf wax gourd becomes fine, it's almost like this."

Dong Tiancheng's face suddenly turned green. His height has always been his death spot. How dare this guy laugh at himself?

Dong Tiancheng just wants to attack, but Xue an has already led his two daughters to leave.

Dong Tiancheng looks at Xue an's back with a gloomy face and grits his teeth in secret.

I want you to look good later!

The center of the garden is a few glass houses, when Xue an and fan Mengxue and others arrived here.

There are already a lot of people in the glass house.

And look at these people one by one, they are not ordinary people.

But at the moment, these people are all standing in silence.

And inside, a blonde foreigner is particularly striking.

This is Stephen.

At the moment, Stephen, full of hope, seems to be waiting for something.


The door of the glass room opened, and a beautiful figure came out slowly.

The first time you see this woman, you can only describe her with flowers.

Because she is more beautiful than flowers.

Stephen's face was more excited at the sight of the woman.

"Master Wei!"

"Master Wei! You are here at last

People say hello.

The woman nodded lightly, and then lifted the cloth on the table with elegant posture.

There is a nine color flower.

The breath of all was still.

Stephen's eyes shine.

This is a flower, but it has nine different colors.

And the posture is different, but beautiful.

"Wei, I'll take this flower!" Stephen said quickly.

This master does not sell the flower, and gently shakes his head

Stephen was in a hurry. "Why not sell it?"

Master Wei said faintly, "because only those who say the meaning of this flower can have it!"

This question, let the present people look at each other.

And then someone started to try.

Since she came to the flower garden, she became famous.

Many people come here in admiration for a pot of rare flowers and plants.

However, master Wei shook his head gently when someone said a lot of answers.

At this time, Dong Tiancheng said with a smile: "this little brother claims to be good at all kinds of flowers and trees. At this moment, would you like to explain it?"

This voice, all eyes are directed to Xue an.

Master Wei also noticed Xue an, but he frowned slightly.

All the flowers, plants and trees are exquisite?

Even she dare not say so.

It is estimated that he is a Dengtu prodigal.

The corner of Dong Tiancheng's mouth appears a trace of complacent smile.

If you make a fool of yourself in public, even if you hate master Wei, you will certainly offend Stephen.

So fan Mengxue's heroine is in vain.

This is what Dong Tiancheng planned.

However, when he was satisfied, Xue an gave a faint smile.

"Although I didn't say But what he said is right. I know all the flowers and plants in the world. "

This sentence made the whole audience in an uproar.

Many people look at Xue an with disdain.

Stephen, in particular, is disdainful.

When he was in Europe, he studied flowers and plants, and he was also a master of landscape architecture.

Even he doesn't dare to claim to be good at everything.

This man says he knows everything?

It's a joke.

Wei also slightly frowned.

"Sir, what do you call it?"

"My name is Xue an! I'm a great Baba! " Xue wants to rush to say.The sound of milk and milk made many people laugh.

Among these laughter, Dong Tiancheng and He Ying are the most powerful.

However, Xue an just stood aloof and did not have any expression. Only after the laughter gradually stopped, she said faintly: "you this flower, is a name Forget it

As soon as this sentence came out, Wei's face changed greatly.

For the moment, everyone is gradually quiet.

Xue an continued: "this flower has exhausted all the skills in the world. Nine kinds of extreme beauty are integrated in one, but there is no green leaf to accompany it. This loneliness is accompanied by this flower, and its destination will also be soil, so It's a name that forgets love

Dong Tiancheng was the first to sneer, "it's true that you can be hypocritical..."

But his sneer did not go on, because he saw an amazing scene.

Master Wei, who has always been indifferent to people, actually took the initiative to come to Xue an and then gave a deep courtesy.

"Today, we know that there are still people who untie flowers in the world!"

This scene, let everybody gape.

Especially those who have just made a mockery of xue'an are even more ashamed and eager to get into the cracks in the ground.

It's just Stephen, who's a little discontented.

He has been here for a few days, has been deeply fascinated by this flower like woman.

So naturally, I don't want to see Master Wei treat Xue an with such respect.

"If you can only say it, how can it be said that there are all kinds of flowers and plants?" This Stephen said in a cold voice.

Dong Tiancheng also jumped out and said, "yes, the director of Stephen is right. Anyone can do this kind of thing. If there is no one who is not good at it, it will be ridiculous!"

Then Dong Tiancheng opened the box he was carrying with him.

"You see, this is a wonderful flower that I paid a lot of money to buy!"

Stephen was a flower lover. He was fascinated by this dark flower.

And many people have joined the camp of denouncing Xue an.

After all, this man won the limelight of many people when he came, which naturally aroused a lot of people's jealousy.

But Xue an just light standing there, waiting for people's voice to gradually become smaller.

Then he lowered his head and said to Xue Xiang and Xue Nian, "you Do you want to see Baba magic


"Good! Baba will give you a magic flower

With that, Xue an stretched out his hand.

Dong Tiancheng laughed: "what? This is ready to hold

I didn't say anything later.

Because he saw a stunning scene.

In the palm of xue'an's hand, a small seed began to take root and sprout, and then grew up at a very fast speed. In the twinkling of an eye, the seed grew a flower and bone bud waiting to be released.

This scene makes many people think they are dazzled.

But it's not over.

Xue an faintly chanted: "after I bloom, all flowers will be killed!"

Almost instantaneously, the originally strong lotus withered immediately.

Almost at the same time, all the flowers in full bloom in the whole garden withered instantly.

But the flower of this dreamland is blooming slowly!

Beautiful as if illusory!

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