Zhenbei martial arts school.

In the cold winter night wind, Tan Dong has been waiting at the door for more than an hour.

Tan Xiaoyu came over, "Dad, the weather is so cold, you still have injuries. You'd better go back to the house and have a rest first."

Tan Dong shook his head, "it should be back soon, and then wait!"

Tan Xiaoyu some disapproved, "Dad, this Xue an, really as powerful as you said?"

Tan Dong took a look at Tan Xiaoyu. "You just came back from abroad. You don't know the situation in China. But I can say that there are not many martial arts experts in China today who are rivals of Mr. Xue!"

Tan Xiaoyu secretly skimmed his lips, in the heart quite disdain.

"Dad, if you want me to tell you, I'd better go directly and beat the guy who hurt you. It's not only out of your anger, but also gives our Zhenbei martial arts school a face. Why wait for Xue an?"

Tan Dong's face was gloomy. "Xiaoyu, I sent you abroad with a lot of money. It's not that you are arrogant. Although you learn well from the Taekwondo masters of H country, it doesn't mean that you can despise others!"

"Yes Tan Xiaoyu lowered his head, but he was still unconvinced.

She is Tan Dong's only daughter, but has been learning Taekwondo with the national treasure level taekwondo master of H country.

Now she is very advanced in Taekwondo.

Yesterday, after she learned that her father had been injured, she rushed back overnight and vowed to avenge her father.

A father who is determined to wait is called Xue an.

This makes Tan Xiaoyu feel very uncomfortable.

I want to see if you have three heads and six arms! If you're a normal guy, I'll make a fool of you in public! Tan Xiaoyu thought.

After waiting for a while, a low-key Volvo slowly stopped in front of Zhenbei martial arts school.

The door opened and Qin Yu got out of the car first.

Her appearance, let Tan Xiaoyu also some surprise.

Isn't this the first lady of Longtai group? Why is she here?

Instead of leaving, Qin Yu stood respectfully aside and opened the door.

Then Xue an got out of the car with two children.

Tan Dong looks excited, quickly down the steps, a few steps forward, a bow respectfully.

"Mr. Xue! Miss Qin

Xue an nodded slightly.

Is this what my father called Mr. Xue? Tan Xiaoyu looks at Xue an.

It's nice to look at it, but it's too thin. Who's not a big man with a big body?

Is this the only expert?

And I had two kids in my arms.

Is this for fun?

Tan Xiaoyu looked at more disdain, in the heart a force to complain about his father, age is easy to be fooled.

This kid is a liar at first sight.

Just like him, I can hit ten in one punch!

So tan Xiaoyu has been standing on the steps, not down.

Tan Dong noticed the scene and frowned, "Xiaoyu, come down to see Mr. Xue and Miss Qin!"

Tan Xiaoyu reluctantly came down the steps, a perfunctory fist.

"Miss Qin!"

Did not pay any attention to Xue an!

Tan Dong was frightened, for fear that Xue an would not be happy again.

Can Xue an did not pay attention to this tan Xiaoyu, at the moment his attention is all on his two sleeping daughters.

As for the rest, he didn't care.

But Xue an's reaction, but let Tan Xiaoyu more sure, this guy must be a silver wax gun head.

Otherwise, how dare not even dare to face such naked provocation?

My teacher said that a warrior without courage is like a tiger without fangs. He has no lethality at all.

Tan Xiaoyu's expression can not help but disdain, "Dad, Miss Qin, I just got off the plane, go back to clean up the next thing first!"

Then he turned and left.

Tan Dong's expression is a little embarrassed, just want to explain with Xue an.

Xue an looked at him faintly, "how are you hurt?"

Tan Dong laughed bitterly, "it's not too heavy. He's stopped temporarily, or I can't stand here now!"

Xue an nodded and suddenly hit it with a finger, which was just on Tan Dong's Tanzhong acupoint.

Tan Dong felt like a burst of electric current, shivering all over his body and breathing suddenly and freely.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Xue." Tan Dong quickly thanks.

"Mr. Xue, will you go back to the Qin family first?" Qin Yu asked.

Xue an shook her head. "Live here."

"Live here?" Qin Yu was in some difficulties.

"Well, because it's close to Hong's house!" Xue an light said, and then walked into the martial arts school.

Qin Yu didn't know what she meant, but Xue an said that, and she could only listen to it.Tan Dong naturally overjoyed, quickly ordered people to clean out a clean room.

Xue an settled his two daughters first.

It was early in the morning.

Xue an was not sleepy.

But walked to the courtyard, looked up at the dark blue sky, and then slowly closed his eyes.

Divine consciousness spreads.

In the spiritual world composed of divine consciousness, everything around is no longer there, and all that remains is the flame of life.

These flames are big and small. The nearest one to xue'an is Tan Dong's flame, but at the moment, Tan Dong's flame seems to be a little sluggish.

In addition, Qin Yu's fire is not small, but there is also a group of flame is very conspicuous.

It's the woman of today.

The spread of divine consciousness is becoming wider and wider!

Once you enter Xiaoyao, you will become an immortal. Although this sentence is somewhat exaggerated, it also shows that this happy state is the watershed between mortals and immortals.

However, even if ordinary people enter the happy state, they can not have such things as divine consciousness.

At least, it must be a kind of supernatural power that can be possessed by the heaven and the human realm, and even the immortals.

But who is Xue an?

That's the supreme immortal in the whole universe. It's hard to beat him for such a small problem!

Soon, within the scope of xue'an's consciousness, there was a huge flame.

The flame is burning like a volcano.

Xue an's mouth slowly emerged a little smile.

Then open your eyes and look into the distance.

"Do you want to use martial arts? It's interesting. I hope you don't disappoint me. Let me see how capable you are

At the moment, Yu Qing, who is meditating with his knees crossed, suddenly opens his eyes.

Just now, he felt a strong, almost terrifying smell.

Although fleeting, the terror power contained in the breath still made Yu Qing shudder.

Who is it?

Is there any talent in Beijiang?

Yu Qing was uncertain.

It's morning.

Tan Xiaoyu came out of the house, stretched out a long stretch, his muscles and bones made bursts of Bangbang bang, and then began his daily practice.

Today is the day to settle accounts with Hong family.

Naturally, she had to be ready for everything.

As for Xue an.

She didn't expect him at all.

He even thought that it would be good for the so-called Mr. Xue not to drag his feet.

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