After the whole body of exercise Qi and blood is unblocked, Tan Xiaoyu stops, and then enters the restaurant.

At this time, Xue an is feeding his two daughters in the restaurant.

That face dotes on the appearance to want more gentle have how gentle.

Tan Xiaoyu a bit disdainful a curl of the mouth, and then found a seat to sit down.

At this time, Tan Dong also got up, walked into the restaurant and saw Xue an. He said gratefully, "Mr. Xue, thank you for your treatment last night. I'm much better now!"

Xue an nodded slightly.

Qin Yu couldn't help asking, "Mr. Xue, how many people do you need to take to Hong's house? I'll arrange it now! "

Xue an put down the spoon, looked at Qin Yu, and said with a smile: "no, it's just a Yuqing. Why set up a teacher and make a crowd!"

This makes Tan Xiaoyu almost laugh, thinking that there are so many people pretending to be forced these days!

Tan Dong glared at her fiercely, and then said, "Mr. Xue, this is not only your business, but also the reputation of our Zhenbei martial arts school for many years. I have invited many martial arts colleagues to go to Hong's home together! I hope Mr. Xue can win the victory at that time

Xue an nodded noncommittally.

At this time, Xue wants to say with one voice: "Baba, are you going to fight?"

Xue an smiles. "Do you know what a fight is?"

Xue wants to nod with Xue Nian, "aunt xuan'er said that fighting is a bad child, but she also said that if someone bullies him, he will fight back!"

Xue an touched Xue Xiang and Xue Nian's head and said gently, "yes, who bullies us, we will let him pay the due price!"


Those martial arts colleagues invited by Tan Dong arrived one after another.

These people are different in height, fat and thin, but they are basically curators of various martial arts schools in Beijiang.

When they got together, they started the model of mutual praise.

And one by one, he swore to tan Dong: "don't worry, curator tan. Then we must teach this man a lesson! Take revenge on you

"Yes, yes! Good, good Tan Dong can only give thanks.

Tan Xiaoyu a face disdain, directly find an excuse to leave first.

She decided to go over and clean up Yuqing. When her father and others arrived, she found that Yuqing had been cleaned up by herself. The expression on her face may be so wonderful!

Making up his mind, Tan Xiaoyu took a taxi and went straight to Hong's house.

Hong's family had packed up everything early today, waiting for Xue an to come.

Tan Xiaoyu got out of the car, looked at the luxury villa, and walked in with his head raised.

"Who are you looking for, miss?"

Tan Xiaoyu said in a cold voice, "if you ask Yu Qing to come out and die, you will say that the people of Zhenbei martial arts school are revenge for the challenge!"

When Yu Qing, who is talking to Qin Tian, hears the news, he is stunned and then laughs indifferently.

"Good! I want to see how powerful the people in Zhenbei martial arts school can be! "

Then Yu Qing came out.

At the first sight of Yu Qing, Tan Xiaoyu looks dignified.

She could see that the man was by no means ordinary.

Especially that pair of eyes, the essence overflows, lets the human dare not look directly.

However, Tan Xiaoyu, who was competitive, did not have the slightest fear, but said in a cold voice: "you are Yu Qing, who injured my father?"

Yu Qing did not expect to find the door to revenge will be a woman, can not help but a Leng, and then nodded, "yes!"

"Good! Die Tan Xiaoyu kicked a side kick and then came over.

This foot momentum is steady, with the wind will hit Yu Qing's head.

Tan Xiaoyu is confident that if this foot is hit, then Yuqing will not die but also be seriously injured.

But before she showed a proud smile, she felt that her ankle had been caught. Then she swung it violently, and the whole person was thrown out.

Give it a plop.

Tan Xiaoyu fell to the ground and struggled for several times, unable to get up.

A move.

Tan Xiaoyu was defeated by Yu Qing.

Her face was full of horror and disbelief.

Even her master could not defeat herself so easily.

Is this man more powerful than his master?

At this time, Yu Qing frowned and said, "do you want to take revenge on this skill? Are you here to be funny? "

Tan Xiaoyu's heart is full of humiliation.

Yu Qing then said, "since you dare to come to my trouble, you have to pay the price! For the sake of being a woman, I'll only waste you one arm

Say Yu Qing to come forward, raise foot to prepare to waste Tan Xiaoyu.

At this time, Tan Dong arrived with people in a hurry.

"Hold on!" Tan Dong shouts from afar.

Yu Qing stopped and looked at Tan Dong and said faintly, "how? Did Xue an not come, but let you die? "This sentence makes those curators who follow Tan Dong furious.

"How can you come from? You are so wild. Look at my bear's paw!" A big man roared up.

The next second, he was kicked out by Yu Qing.

"Oh, it's very powerful! The big one This group of curators know the truth of siege.

One after another, ready to spend Yu Qing with the number of people.

But in the blink of an eye, these people were kicked out by Yu Qing.

Yu Qing said: "if Xue an doesn't come, then don't blame me for my impoliteness. Your daughter's arm can't be kept!"

Speaking, Yu Qing suddenly kicked out.

But just then, a lazy voice came from the distance.

"I hear you've been looking for me?"

This voice eases Tan Dong's expression.

But lying on the ground can not move Tan Xiaoyu is all over a shock.

Yu Qing raised his eyes and saw a man, leading two children, slowly came over.

Seeing him, Hong Ming and Qin Tian, who were standing behind Yu Qing, called out: "Master Yu, this is Xue an who killed your senior brother."

Yu Qing stares at Xue an, and says word by word: "kill to pay for your life, debt to pay for money, you killed my elder martial brother, so you must die today!"

Xue an ignored Yu Qing, but lowered his head to the two girls and said with a smile: "you two follow aunt Qin Yu to the car to play, Baba will pass by."


After the two little girls left. Xue an sighed slightly, "it's easy to want my life, but you have to take my fist first!"

The size of the pinhole is the size of the pupil.

I had said so to tan Dong, but now it's his turn.

"Good! But... "

Later words did not have time to say, because Xue an's fist has arrived, this blow is in Yu Qing's chest.

Yu Qinghong's feet directly from the ground, fly several tens of meters away, fell into the villa fish pond, do not know whether to die or not.

All this happened at the moment of the electric light flint.

Even a lot of people did not respond, Yu Qing has been hit by Xue an.

then Xue Ancai gently blows his fist and lightly says, "when I die, I still waste so much talking. Do you think I'm free?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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