Qin Tian Hongming, who was originally excited, had a frozen look on his face.

A punch.

Xue an defeated Yu Qing with only one punch?

Tan Dong is more stunned.

Although he believed that Xue an could win, he had to fight hard.

I didn't expect it would be so easy.

But one of the most shocking is Tan Xiaoyu.

She went abroad to study Taekwondo when she was young. Once upon a time, she thought her level was world-class.

This time I came back to China with a great desire to try. Think you can make a difference.

But in the face of Yu Qing, she didn't even support a move.

This hit Tan Xiaoyu enough.

Can not expect, after Xue an unexpectedly a punch will Yu Qing to solve.

You know, from the beginning, Tan Xiaoyu did not look up to Xue an.

Now this fact, like a resounding slap in the face of Tan Xiaoyu.

Tan Xiaoyu looks at Xue an's eyes become complicated.

Especially thinking of his original behavior, Tan Xiaoyu felt a fever on his face.

Just when Tan Dong and others thought that the overall situation had been decided.

A fierce breath came from the fish pond and enveloped the whole scene.

This is.

Tan Xiaoyu and others are still in doubt.

Yu Qing, in a mess, slowly walks out of the fish pond and looks at Xue an with a murderous face.

"I wanted to give you a happy one, but now I've changed my mind. I'll chop you up a little bit!" Yu Qingyin said with pity.

With Yu Qing's voice, his momentum is becoming more and more powerful.

"You should be honored for that, because few people deserve it!" Yu Qing said, slowly pulled out a long sword from the waist.

The long sword is flexible in texture. It is usually wrapped around his waist as a belt by Yu Qing. But when it is pulled out, it turns into a sword like autumn water.

Sword like frost, forced Tan Dong and others involuntarily back several steps.

Hong Ming and Qin Tian were overjoyed.

"Yugao people are incomparable in power."

"Master Yu is really good!"

Yu Qing caressed the sword ridge with pride, "this sword! It's called Qiushui. If you don't scabbard, you'll see blood. There are no less than 20 real people who died under this sword. Even three masters in the happy world died under this sword! "

"Today, I will use this sword to cut off your head!" Yu Qing said word by word.

Xue an tiny pick eyebrows, light said: "nonsense finished?"

Yu Qing angrily drinks, the sword in the hand suddenly turns into a sword light, and runs straight to Xue an.

Come on!

At this moment, it seems that there is only one sword left between heaven and earth.

However, when the sword passed by, all the plants in the courtyard were broken.

Xue an didn't even move, as if he was stupefied by the momentum of the sword.

Yu Qing's mouth appeared a grim smile.

His fame depends on his fist, but few people know that his strongest skill is swordsmanship!

This sword is the most powerful sword that Yu Qing cut out since his debut.

Even vaguely has the taste of Tao.

Yu Qing seems to see a moment later, Xue an died in a different place.

This makes Yu Qing's whole body tremble with excitement.

But the next moment, all these excitement turned into nothing.

Because of his sword Xue an took hold of it!

That's right!

With one hand, Xue an held the seemingly irresistible sword.

Yu Qing was shocked and just wanted to say something.

Xue an said faintly: "you this Is it a sword? "

As he said that, he put a slight effort on his hand.


The sword was crushed by Xue an.

Yu Qing's eyes almost fell out.

Is this a fuckin 'human?

How can you crush a sword with bare hands?

At the same time, Yu Qing also felt a strong sense of crisis.

As a master who has entered the free and unfettered, Yu Qing sees the opportunity very quickly, knows that things can't be done, and turns to want to run.

Xue an faint smile, "do you think, you can go?"

With the fear of Xue an's voice, it began to climb.


He is also a happy place!

Everyone was shocked.

Yu Qing was even more scared to death.

The earth shaking breath last night turned out to be him!

At the moment, Yu Qing is full of regret.

If you know that Xue an is so powerful, Yu Qing dare not so rashly face up to anything.

But it's too late to say anything.Yu Qing is almost crazy to run out.

When I saw the wall in front of me, I left Hong's house.

There was a glimmer of joy in Yu Qing's eyes.

As long as you can escape from here, you must tell the teacher when you go back. If you ask the teacher to go down the mountain in person, you will certainly be able to deal with Xue an.

But his wishful thinking soon failed.

Because Xue an said faintly: "look at my fist Move the world

This fist, he once used in the auction, killed Liu Shou in one fell swoop.

But this time, the power is more than ten times stronger.

Xue an's blow seems to be in the air, but the whole space seems to have been knocked over by this blow.

All the people fell to the ground, and Yu Qing, was directly hit by this blow rolling on the ground.


A mouthful of blood mixed with visceral debris.

This fist, Yu Qing's spine was broken.

Xue an takes back his fist and slowly walks to Yu Qing.

"This What kind of boxing is this? " Yu Qing spat out blood and still insisted.

"This fist is called moving heaven and earth!" Xue an Dao.

"Moving the world Good, good boxing! I Lost Yu Qing finished, the light in his eyes quickly faded down.

Yu Qing is dead!

Die under Xue an's two punches!

Xue an raised his head and looked at the stupefied Hong Ming and Qin Tian.

"It seems that we are really predestined!" Xue an said lightly.

Hong Ming was so scared that he knelt down on the ground and cried: "Xue an, no, no, Mr. Xue, I'm wrong. I shouldn't be against you! Please spare me this time

Qin Tian, however, was pale and looked at Xue an with blank eyes. At last, he said dejectedly, "I'm defeated. I want to kill or cut, whatever you want!"

Xue an looked at the two men and turned away.

He didn't want to kill these guys. I'll leave the rest to Qin Yu!

It is estimated that there will be no Hong family in Beijiang in the future!

Looking at Xue Anyuan's back, Tan Xiaoyu's heart is full of five flavors. I don't know what it's like.

From the beginning of disdain, to the later shock, this man brought too much incredible to tan Xiaoyu.

Now, Tan Xiaoyu has discovered a more cruel fact.

That is, Xue an didn't care about himself at all.

No matter the initial self is disdain or contempt, people do not care.

This discovery, let Tan Xiaoyu suddenly understand that he is nothing!

This makes Tan Xiaoyu extremely depressed.

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