On the way back, Tan Xiaoyu looks low.

What kind of character Tan Dong was, after a brief thought, he understood what was going on. He sighed: "Xiaoyu, are you convinced now?"

Tan Xiaoyu bowed his head and did not speak. After a long time, he said, "he Why is it so powerful? "

Tan Dong shook his head and looked at the scenery outside the car. He said faintly, "there is a genius in this world! Xiaoyao in his twenties is terrible enough, but now I suspect that he may not be carefree at all, but Heaven and man

"Heaven and man..." Tan Xiaoyu murmured to himself.

"Don't you say that heaven and man may not exist at all?"

Tan Dong said with a wry smile, "I did think that after being carefree, it would be hopeless! But now I understand that the heaven and man and even the higher realm are not without, but that I do not even have the qualification to know their existence! "

Tan Xiaoyu is silent.

Tan Dong is right.

For the existence of that level, people like myself have no qualification to know.

"Dad, I've been like this in my life, but you're still young. Although you're a girl, I hope you can go further!"

"Mm-hmm!" Tan Xiaoyu nodded.

"In another month, it will be the martial arts meeting once every four years! Then I'll take you to participate, so as to open our eyes and see the heroes of the world Tan Dong said.

Xue an didn't go back to the martial arts school, but went home directly.

After seeing him back in person, Qin Yu immediately returned to the Qin family and met Qin yuan.

Now Qinyuan, every day energetic to deal with the affairs of the group.

But as soon as his granddaughter came back, he immediately gave up all the work in hand.

"How about it?"

Qin Yu took a deep breath, "Mr. Xue won!"

Qin yuan seemed to have expected the same, nodded, "how long has it been playing?"

Qin Yu laughed bitterly, "one blow defeats the enemy, one punch kills!"

Qin yuan a Leng, "you mean..."

Qin Yu nodded and said, "I hit two fists! Yu Qing, who swept through the world of martial arts in Beijiang, died! "

Qin yuan was also surprised. He also predicted that Xue an could win.

I didn't expect to win so easily!

It seems that the estimated strength of Xue an is not high enough!

Qin Yu went on to say, "I asked master Tan, and his evaluation of Xue an was only two words!"

"Which two words?"

"Heaven and man!"

As soon as the word came out, Qin yuan stood up and paced back and forth in the room. After a long time, he suddenly patted the table.

"Yu'er, this Mr. Xue, we must win over anyway! And more respectful than ever! "


"I heard that Mr. Xue is still living in a dilapidated community. It happens that the villa area developed by Yunmeng lake has been completed. We will give Mr. Xue a villa named Tianzi No.1!"

If other people were present, they would be surprised at Qin yuan's wealth.

Yunmeng lake is a lake with the best scenery in Beijiang River, and it is not too far away from the urban area. The real estate developed by Longtai group there is known as the highest end villa area in Beijiang.

The location of Tianzi No.1 villa is more advantaged by nature. There were once rich merchants who sold 100 million yuan, but Qin yuan didn't sell it.

Now it's a gift to xue'an.

Qin Yu nodded without hesitation

"Mr. Xue has two daughters. Remember to collect snacks and toys that children like to eat, and make sure Mr. Xue is satisfied." Qin yuan finally added.

Qin Yu took orders and left.

Qin yuan stood in the office, muttering to himself.

"Heaven and man In this world Is there really a man in heaven? "

Today, Tang xuan'er had a rest. Because of her two little girls, she bought some dishes and rushed back home.

When she opened the door, she found that Xue an was busy in the kitchen.

Tang xuan'er was a little stunned, and the two little girls surrounded her as soon as they saw her.

In terms of feelings, Xue Xiang and Xue Nian have the deepest feelings for Tang xuan'er.

"Aunt xuan'er, do you think our new clothes are beautiful?" Xue Xiang asked in disgust.

Tang xuan'er rubbed the heads of the two girls with a smile.

"How beautiful! Just like two fairies

"I'm not a fairy, I'm chanting!" Xue Nian didn't understand what little fairy meant, so she said.

Compared with her sister xuenian's love of beauty, her sister Xue Nian has not formed the concept of beauty and ugliness in addition to eating!

At this time, Xue an went out of the kitchen wearing an apron and said with a smile, "xuan'er, I bought some big crabs on my way back today. I'll try my craft later!"

Tang Xuaner was in a better mood. She couldn't help smiling and said, "I remember when I was at school, you once said that you hate cooking and cooking!"Xue an laughed, "that's because there is no one worth my cooking!"

At least Tang xuan'er blushed.

But Xue an didn't notice. He actually meant the two little girls.

After 3000 years of cultivation, Xue an, by chance, once got to know an expert in cooking and learned a lot from him.

Now Xue an, dare not say the immortal kitchen road master, but the second kill ordinary is no problem.

So when the crab is ready to serve, Tang xuan'er can't help but stir her fingers.

As for Xue Nian, his mouth was watering.

"Eat it! See how it tastes

Tang Xuaner made the crabs for the two children first, and then tasted them.

Then Tang xuan'er was stunned.

This smell.

It's beyond description!

Tang xuan'er was dizzy as if countless kinds of delicacies were fried on the taste buds.

Tang xuan'er never thought that there could be such delicious food in the world.

"Is it delicious?" Asked Xue an.

Tang xuan'er nodded, "in fact, if you have nothing to do, you can be a cook and have a good meal."

Xue an looks at the girl who has been a classmate from high school and smiles.

To Tang xuan'er, he has infinite gratitude in his heart.

After Anyan was forced to leave Beijiang, the two girls were raised by Tang xuan'er!

Xue an has always kept this kindness in mind.

This is why he is willing to cook for Tang xuan'er.


I remember that at the beginning, there was a great man who was the king of nine immortals. He tried every means to let Xue an cook a meal for him.

Xue an didn't care.

A few crabs were soon eaten up.

Tang xuan'er licked her finger.

It's really delicious, so I don't care about the girl's reserve.

Xue an took out a pill and handed it to Tang xuan'er.

"What is this?" Tang xuan'er was puzzled.

"It's made of Baba. It tastes good! Aunt xuan'er, have a taste of it Xue wanted to say.

Tang xuan'er took it, but didn't care, so she ate it.

In an instant, as if swallowing a bomb, the pill dispersed after entering the stomach, and the drug began to remove toxins from the cell level.

Tang xuan'er screamed and rushed into the toilet.

Xue an smiles.

This pill is added to the root of Xuanyin lotus. The root of this rare medicinal material is the most powerful one.

Only ordinary people can't use it, they turn to use Xuanyin lotus seeds with mild medicine.

However, Xue an can be said to be an ancestor in alchemy, so he simply refined the power of Xuanyin lotus root.

This also makes this pill more than ten times more powerful.

If you eat it directly, Tang xuan'er can't stand it.

, but this crab is not an ordinary crab. When Xue An cooked, he added many refined herbs.

Ordinary people take a bite at will, it is estimated that they can cure all kinds of diseases!

No way, Xue anchong's children have reached the point of sparing no cost and cost.

As long as you can make the two girls happy, the moon in the sky can also be picked.

With this foundation, Xue an dare to let Tang xuan'er eat this advanced version of Peiyuan Dan!

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