After a long time, Tang Xuaner came out of the bathroom shyly.

She also had water marks on her hair, apparently having just taken a bath in it.

Originally, Tang xuan'er was beautiful enough, but after the baptism of this enhanced Peiyuan pill, her beauty can only be described by these four words.

Xue wants to cackle with Xue Nian. Tang xuan'er is embarrassed and asks, "what are you two little girls laughing at?"

"Aunt xuan'er, now you smell as good as Baba!" Xue Nian said with a smile.

In fact, she means that Tang xuan'er has a baby like fragrance on her body, which is the performance of her body after her body is clear and clean to a certain extent.

Xue an also has this faint fragrance, which is why the two girls like to cuddle up to their father.

But Tang xuan'er blushed and lowered her head.

Xue an just smiles and says, "sit down and eat. It's not delicious if it's cold for a while."

"Well!" Tang xuan'er gave a low answer and then sat down.

That kind of obedience Just like a little daughter-in-law who just passed the door!

The atmosphere became a little more subtle.

Tang xuan'er's low face became more and more ruddy.

Just then, a clear bell broke the silence.

Relieved, Tang xuan'er quickly got up to open the door.

Qin Yu came in with all kinds of toys and snacks in his hand. When he saw Xue Xiang and Xue Nian, he said with a smile.

"Two little princesses, what do you think I brought?"

After all, the child is a child. When he sees so many new toys, he jumps up happily.

"Thank you, aunt Qin Yu!"

After the two girls took the toys, they ran to one side to play.

At this time, Qin Yu saw that there was still food on the table in the living room. He couldn't help laughing and said, "what a coincidence? What is this? Why is it so fragrant? "

Xue an smile, "I made a few crabs, try."

Qin Yu wanted to refuse, but as soon as she entered the door, she smelled a strange smell.

Qin Yu is also a person who has seen big scenes, but he has never heard such a strange aroma. People can't help but stir their fingers when they smell it.

"Then I'll have a taste!" Qin Yu picked up a crab leg, tasted it, and it was bright in front of him.

"How about it?" Xue an asked lightly.

Qin Yu didn't have time to speak. He almost wolfed down the crab. He ate the whole leg of the crab. Then he took a breath. He was embarrassed and said, "really It's delicious

Tang xuan'er was also amused by Qin Yu's greedy appearance. She put the remaining crabs in a bowl and whispered, "Miss Qin, there are still others here. You can eat all of them."

Qin Yu's face turned red, and he felt as if he had come to rub rice. But the smell of the crab just now was so delicious.

There are several big hotels under Longtai group. The chefs there are all famous chefs in China and even in the world. Compared with this dish of crabs, those chefs are rubbish.

At the moment, Xue an became more and more mysterious in Qin Yu's mind.

This man not only has profound Kung Fu, but also has such amazing cooking skills.

Qin Yu doubted that there would be no Xue an in the world.

However, Qin Yu didn't forget the purpose of coming here. While eating, he said, "Mr. Xue, my grandfather has prepared a villa for you because your residence is too cramped. It's a great thanks to you for helping us Qin family so much."


"Yes, it's by Yunmeng lake! If you have time later, I'll show you around! "

"Yunmeng Lake Is it Yunmeng Tang xuan'er asked in surprise.

"Yes! That's it! Have you ever heard of Yunmeng's other courtyard? " Qin Yu said with a smile.

Tang xuan'er wryly said, "now in Beijiang, who doesn't know Yunmeng's other courtyard?"

"What's the matter?" Xue an Dao.

"It's OK. It's just that Yunmeng's other courtyard is very popular in Beijiang, which is known as the highest end residential area in Beijiang." Tang Xuaner's colleagues have heard about the hospital several times.

It's just that Yunmeng is not something you can buy with money.

Those who can live there are those who are rich or expensive.

However, I didn't expect that the Yunmeng other courtyard belonged to Qin Yu's family, and in order to please Xue an, the Qin family would send a set directly.

Tang xuan'er was shocked by such a large amount of writing.

Xue an doesn't care, but Qin Yu reminds him.

Now that she is back, Tang Xuaner is not able to live here, but she has no other place to live, so she can only live in the hospital dormitory, which has all kinds of inconveniences.

And their two daughters are getting older and older, so it's a bit awkward to live here.

So Xue an nodded, "OK! Then go and have a look! "

If not for so many people watching, Qin Yu would like to lick the bottom of the last plate clean.Because it's so delicious!

But at least she was also the gold medal of a powerful family, and the last trace of dignity prevented her from doing so.

When he got down the stairs, Qin Yu took Xue an, Tang xuan'er and two little girls to Yunmeng other courtyard on the outskirts of the city.

It's not too far from the downtown area of Beijiang. It takes about 10 minutes to drive here. There are strict security measures in front of the door.

When Qin Yu's car arrived here, the guards all saluted.

The car slowly into the villa area, although it is winter, there are still many carefully cultivated flowers in this villa area.

The environment is elegant and built according to the lake. The surrounding environment alone can be called the highest end residential area in Beijiang.

However, Tianzi No.1 villa was specially developed by Qinyuan, which is different from these ordinary villas.

On the edge of Yunmeng lake, there is a hill.

The hill is not high, but compared with the surrounding plain, it is still very towering.

A winding mountain road was built along the hill, and villa Tianzi No.1 is located on the top of the mountain.

The car drove directly to the top of the mountain. After getting off the bus, Tang xuan'er was a little silly.

Standing here, you can directly see the Yunmeng lake not far away.

The vast expanse of smoke and waves is like before our eyes.

And this villa is from the master's handwriting, and the surrounding environment is perfect integration.

"Baba, this house is so big and beautiful!" Xue Xiang and Xue Nianqi sighed.

Qin Yu looked at Xue an with pride. He wanted to see some surprise in Mr. Xue's face.

Unfortunately, she was disappointed.

It seems that this villa is just as peaceful as Tiangong.

In fact, that's what Xue an thinks.

In his opinion, the layout here is barely reasonable, and the surrounding geomancy is also good. The aura of Yunmeng Lake in the distance can moisten the plants and plants here.

But How crude!

As a celestial being who has seen such big scenes as setting out stars and taking galaxies as home, the arrangement here is not even qualified.

It's just that you can live! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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