There is no need to say that all facilities in the villa are in accordance with the highest standards.

As soon as the two girls came in, their attention was attracted by the small amusement park in the corner of the villa.

Qin Yu was a little proud that there was no amusement park, but after preparing to give it to Xue an, Qin Yu immediately sent someone to rearrange it, and it worked.

Tang xuan'er looked at it with some formality. She didn't dare to touch many things.

"Mr. Xue, this is the villa that we gave you. This is the certificate of property right, which has been transferred to your name, and this is the key!"

Xue an didn't answer, but she said to Tang xuan'er: "do you like it?"


"After that, if you like it!"

As soon as he said this, Tang xuan'er's face turned red, while Qin Yu was shocked.

Is this a golden house?

But Xue an continued: "you always live in the dormitory is not a matter, after you live here! As for me and I, we will come, but we can't give up the old house. "

The old house is of special significance to Xue an, which is the place where he and an Yan lived together.

Tang xuan'er nodded.

Just then, Xue an's mobile phone rang.

After Xue an was connected, Lao Xie said with a cry at the other end of the phone: "is it Xiao an?"

Xue an was slightly stunned and then said, "Uncle Xie, it's me. What's going on?"

"Jingjing Jingjing was taken away after school, and now the phone can't get through, and people can't find it. Your fat aunt has been crying for a long time. I really can't help but find you! " At the end of the day, Lao Xie was crying.

Xue an raised eyebrows, "Uncle Xie, don't worry, I'll go to find Jingjing now!"

"Jingjing this child, after seeing you back, dyed her hair back, and never went outside to make a fool of herself. Your fat aunt and I were very happy, but it happened!"

Xue an said in a deep voice: "Uncle Xie, you tell fat aunt that tonight, I will let Jingjing go home unharmed!"

After hanging up, Qin Yu asked, "what's the matter? Can I help you? "

Tang Xuan and I shook their heads and said, "you and I will stay here!"


Xue an walked out of the room, closed his eyes, and the divine consciousness spread and began to search.

With so many people in Beijiang, it's not easy to find a Xie Jingjing.

But it's not difficult for Xue an.

Because Xie Jingjing is a rare pure Yin body, which is as eye-catching as a lamp in the night for divine consciousness.


Xue an found the target.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then he disappeared into the evening.

Blue fire KTV is a medium-sized KTV in Beijiang city. Because it is located in the downtown area and the price is not too expensive, the business is very hot.

Xue an stood in front of the door, looked at the luxurious KTV, and then stepped in.

"How do you do, sir? Do you have an appointment? " A waiter came to greet him.

Xue an shook her head. "I'm looking for someone!"

"Who is your friend, sir? I can show you there! "

Xue an glanced at the waiter lightly.

The waiter was frozen in place.

It wasn't until xue'an left that he recovered and broke out in a cold sweat.

The look in the eyes of this man is so terrible!

The waiter was so excited that he ran away.

Xue an followed Xie Jingjing's direction and went up to the third floor directly.

This is the VIP area of blue fire KTV. Xue an comes to the box door at the end of the corridor.

The sound insulation here is excellent. You can't hear any sound inside when you stand outside.

But Xie Jingjing was in xue'an's mind.

He pushed the door and the box door was locked.

Then a security guard came up and asked, "what do you do? It's Wu Shao's private room. If you don't have anything to do, get out of here! "

Xue an's expression is indifferent, ignore this security guard, but retreat half step.

"What do you want? I tell you, this box door is made of steel and wood. It's damaged by kicking. Don't blame us for not reminding you! " The security guard was obviously used to drunkards kicking at the door, so there was a sarcastic reminder.

He thought that Xue an had drunk too much and was going to kick the door with his foot. He thought that he was looking for trouble?

But the voice just fell, Xue an suddenly a boxing out.


A deafening noise.

The security guard was so shocked that his ears were buzzing, and then he saw the most shocking scene of his life.

The box door made of pure steel, under the man's fist, issued a sad cry, and then fell to the ground!Under the smoke and dust, there was a scream in the box.

"What's going on?"

"Who the hell is this?"

In these angry voices, Xue an walked slowly into the box and saw Xie Jingjing sitting in the middle with tears in her eyes. She couldn't help smiling.

"Jingjing, your mother wants you to go home for dinner!"

This sentence let Xie Jingjing tears.

From school to now, these more than three hours, Xie Jingjing is simply degrees seconds like years.

Since xue'an came back, she decided that she should be good and stop fooling around.

So she dyed her hair back, threw away her fancy clothes and put on her school uniform again.

But her changes, however, angered one person.

This person is Xie Jingjing's classmate, and also a person in the school. His name is Wu Zefeng.

He has some money in his family, so he is a little rich second generation.

Therefore, relying on the influence of his family, he did not work in school all day, that is, chasing girls and fighting.

Later he found Xie Jingjing, a beautiful girl who made Wu Zefeng salivate.

But although the original Xie Jingjing very rebellious, but in the girl's purity or very conservative.

He tried his best and failed.

And this time, Xie Jingjing suddenly changed his temper. No matter what he called it, Xie Jingjing refused to come out.

So angry, he will be half coercion will Xie Jingjing brought here.

Xie Jingjing wants to run, but the security guard of this place is very conscientious. Wu Zefeng also keeps a close eye on her. She can't leave at all.

And these so-called friends who accompany drinking all want to intoxicate Xie Jingjing.

Xie Jingjing understood that if she was drunk, everything would be over.

So she tried to make excuses and procrastinated.

But with the passage of time, Xie Jingjing gradually despair.

Is it possible that Are you really going to ruin yourself here tonight?

Brother ANN, where are you?

The most desperate time, Xie Jingjing thought of Xue an.

But her heart is very contradictory. She wants Xue an to come, but she doesn't want him to come.

Because Xie Jingjing knows that Wu Zefeng is quite influential around here, and I heard that he knows the boss of blue fire.

Brother ANN is just an ordinary person. How can you fight these people?

Until a loud noise, the door fell down, Xue an stepped in, Xie Jingjing was surprised and happy to cry.

Which girl did not dream that one day, there will be a hero driving colorful auspicious clouds to save themselves?

At the moment, Xue an is her hero! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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