"Lin Shao, is there a mistake?" Du Juan said pale.

Lin Feng jumped up and slapped Du Juan's face.


Du Juan's left face was swollen.

"You bitch, it's all because of you. If it wasn't for you, our family would not be banned!"

Du Juan trembled with fear, and the powder on her face fell down.

Lin Feng turned around, plopped and knelt down on the ground, and then pleaded: "master Qin, Miss Qin, please let us go of the Lin family. I know it's wrong!"

Qin Yu snorted coldly and turned away. He didn't pay any attention to him.

Qin yuan arched his hand to xue'an, "little sir, do you think this is OK?"

Lin Feng saw Xue an, like a drowning man caught the straw, crawling over.

"Xue an, Xue Ge, please say a word. Let us go of the Lin family. I know I'm wrong. All this is made by Du Juan. Please forgive me!"

Xue an looked at the tears of Lin Feng, light said: "the home is broken, but the people have not died."

As soon as this sentence was said, the whole scene was quiet.

Qin Yu frowned, and he didn't like this man even more.

Lin Feng trembled, then raised his head and looked at Xue an with unbelievable eyes.

In his impression, Xue an is not like this.

Xue an at school was a good boy. Even if he was bullied, he would not resist.

So Lin Feng thought that if he knelt down and begged for mercy, Xue an would let him go.

But I didn't expect that he would not only destroy his own family, but also kill himself.

At this time, Du Juan timidly came over, "Xue Xue an, please let Lin Shao go. He knows that he is wrong, so he has to forgive others. "

Xue an did not pay attention to her, but bent down to his two daughters and said with a smile: "think, read, you go there to play, Baba will come to you!"

"Mm-hmm! Hurry up, Baba Xue wants to leave with her sister.

Xue an then stood up and looked at the cuckoo shivering, but still tried to show his charm.

"Do you have to forgive others? Hehe, do you think that if I were the one who begged for mercy, would you let me go? "

Du Juan slightly hesitated, Xue an came to her, staring at her face which was destroyed by various cosmetics.

"Answer me! Is it possible? "

"Yes Du Juan said softly, then looked up, very seriously said: "Xue an, in fact, when I was at school, I have always liked you very much. Over the years, I have not forgotten you, I..."

After the words did not finish, because Xue an's eyes let her even say the courage are not.

"I'm really surprised that some people like you are still popular with women like you."

With these words, Xue an turned and left the pale cuckoo standing there shivering.

Xue an walks to Lin Feng, and Lin Feng recoils in fear.

"You What do you want? I tell you, in broad daylight, if you dare to do anything, you will be in prison... "

Xue an kicked Lin Feng over with one foot, and then without waiting for him to raise his head, his foot stepped on his face.

Lin Feng struggled hard, but could not shake Xue an Fen Fen.

"I know, since school, you've been very unconvinced, haven't you?" Xue an said lightly.

Lin Feng felt that the foot on his face was heavy, and his head seemed to be about to be trampled on.

"Brother Xue, please forgive me! Please, I don't dare to fight against you again Lin Feng cried, a hot crotch, Shengsheng was scared to urinate.

"Save these words for the rest." Xue an looks indifferent to say.

He did have a heart to kill, although in public, the killing was very conspicuous.

But Xue an, who was once an immortal, didn't care much about it.

Human law is used to bind ordinary people, even if their current strength is more than 100 million inch, but immortal respect is immortal respect, no one can blaspheme.

But at this time, an old and urgent voice came, "show mercy at your feet, show mercy at your feet!"

Then a sweaty old man crowded out of the crowd. Lin Feng almost cried when he saw him.

"Dad, help me!"

It was Lin Feng's father, Lin Danian, the director of Lin's group.

He hated that the iron was not made of steel and gave Lin Feng a look, and then cautiously laughed at Qin yuan.

"Don't you remember me, Mr. Qin?"

Qin yuan slightly thought about it, then nodded, "it's chairman Lin!"

Lin Danian said with a bitter smile, "master, I was going to your company, but I heard that you were here, so I rushed here. Our Lin family and your company have been cooperating happily. Why should we block it all of a sudden?"

Qin Yuan pointed to Xue an and said, "this I'm going to ask this little gentleman. "Lin Danian was shocked. He thought he had offended the Qin family.

But I didn't think it was because of this ordinary man.

Looking at Qin yuan's appearance, he seems to have great respect for this man.

What on earth did he come from?

At this time, Lin Feng cried: "Dad, help me, he wants to kill me!"

Lin Danian is a merchant who has been through a lot of trouble. So he said respectfully after a little meditation: "this little brother, do you dare to ask my son what has offended you and made you want to kill him?"

Xue an looks up at Lin Danian.

This makes Lin Danian feel tight scalp.

He had never seen such a terrible look in his eyes.

It was a total indifference to life.

It's like an emperor standing high, overlooking everything.

Lin Danian was shocked.

What is the origin of this man?

Xue an light said: "have no him, look at not pleasing to the eye just."

Lin Danian almost a mouthful of blood spurted out. If he doesn't like it, he will kill people?

It's just

How overbearing!

But Xue an but suddenly light Yi, "what do you have?"

Lin's family is engaged in medicine business. Today, it was blocked by Longtai group. In a hurry, Lin Danian took out a hundred year old ginseng which had been kept in the family for many years, and wanted to give it to Qin yuan in exchange for forgiveness.

But don't want to be seen by Xue an.

Lin Danian quickly took out a small, slender box, opened it and said with pride: "this is the treasure of our Lin family, a hundred year old wild ginseng!"

The strong fragrance of medicine made Qin yuan shine in front of her eyes.

It's really a good thing!

Lin Danian tries to see shock from Xue an's face, but he is disappointed.

Xue an just look indifferent to say: "a can barely call the medicinal materials of small ginseng."

A hundred year old wild ginseng is just a small ginseng that can barely be called medicinal materials in his eyes?

Lin Danian is almost vomiting blood.

"But it's rare. If you give it to me, I'll spare your son this time."

Lin Danian hesitated and finally bit his teeth! Little brother! As long as you let my son go, I'll give you the ginseng! "

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