Lin Danian left with Lin Feng and others.

Xue an picked up Xue Xiang and Xue Nian and said to Qin yuan, "I say you have at most three days to live well. Do you believe it?"

Qin yuan's face was white and his head was silent.

Qin Yu couldn't help it. He sneered: "do cheaters dare to make such a big show these days? You've just had a physical examination from the hospital

Xue an looked at Qin Yu faintly, and Qin Yu felt that his eyes were so deep that he seemed to be able to suck himself in, and the words behind him could not be said.

Qin yuan now wry smile, "Mr. Xue, you really are not ordinary people."

"Grandfather, why do you believe this violent man?" Qin Yu was in a great hurry for fear that his grandfather would be fooled by this man again.

"Yu'er, don't be rude. What Mr. Xue said was also what I was in Zhongdu last year, and doctor Gao told me personally!"

Doctor Gao!

Qin Yu was speechless when he heard the name.

Doctor Gao is one of the top medical experts in China.

When he says you die, you have to die.

Qin Yuan said with a wry smile, "yu'er, do you know why I called you back from abroad? Even if I'm not here, you can't control it in your own hands! "

Qin Yu's eyes were red, choked and said, "grandfather, we'll go to Zhongdu now and find doctor Gao to treat you!"

Qin yuan shook his head. "Silly child, if you can cure it, doctor Gao won't say that last year!"

Qin Yu began to despair, "then we will go abroad. I know many top doctors abroad. They will cure you!"

Qin yuan shook his head and said in a low voice, "it's useless! Just like today's physical examination, I can't find anything wrong with me! "

Xue an suddenly said, "if I say, I can cure you?"

Qin yuan's expression was excited, "can Mr. Xue really cure me?"

Xue an nodded. "Of course, but you have to pay me enough."

Before Qin yuan could speak, Qin Yu sneered and said, "did you really show the fox's tail? Ask for money first

Xue an slightly frowned, "do you know your nonsense is a lot?"

Qin Yu was silenced.

Qin was excited, "OK! When will I be treated, Mr. Xue? "

"It's too late today. Tomorrow."

"Well, if it's convenient for Mr. Xue, you can come to my house. After all, it's more convenient there!"

Xue an thought about it and nodded, "OK! But I'm going to take the baby with me! "

"No problem!"

Qin yuan naturally had a full-time driver.

After a while, a very low-key Audi A8 will drive over.

Qin yuan opened the door for Xue an himself.

Qin Yu really can't look down on her. She always thinks that this man is unreliable, but her grandfather is very convinced of him. Qin Yu can't help it.

However, Qin Yu thought about it for a moment, and then secretly took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

Hum, tomorrow, there will be you!

Qin yuan lived in a big villa on the outskirts of the city.

It is heavily guarded and has a beautiful environment.

After Xue an got off the bus, he felt that the aura here seemed to be stronger than that of the outside world.

Qin yuan noticed Xue an's surprise and said with a smile, "what can Mr. Xue see?"

"Your villa has been instructed by people who know how to do it. No wonder you can live to this day." Said Xue an.

Qin yuan's mind was shocked, and his hope in his eyes was bigger, and his expression was more and more respectful.

"Mr. Xue is really a great man! This villa is built by me with a lot of money from feng shui experts

"It's a pity that I only know a little about it!" Xue an said lightly.

As for Xue Xiang and Xue Nian, their eyes are not enough at the moment. They have been looking around curiously.

"Mr. Xue, you haven't eaten yet. I'll send someone to prepare what you want to eat." Qin Yuan said.

It doesn't matter whether Xue an eats or not, but her two daughters can't be hungry.

"What would you two like to eat?" Xue an asked with a smile.

Qin Yu was watching, and he was secretly disgusted. He was really schizophrenic. He was cold to other people, but he was so gentle to the two little girls.

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian looked at each other, and then said with one voice: "fried rice with eggs!"

"Good! Then fried rice with eggs Xue an was going to be a daughter slave. As long as the two girls said it, they agreed unconditionally.

Qin's principle was a little silly, "we should Fried rice with eggs

Xue an nods.

Egg fried rice comes up very quickly, and from the color and aroma can be seen, absolutely from the chef.The two little girls had their first bite and their eyes widened.

"What? Isn't it delicious? "

"Baba, eat well!" When he finished eating, he wanted to eat.

Xue an just smile.

The two girls ate very fast, a bowl of fried rice with eggs, and soon had a stomach, and the bowl was clean, without any leftovers.

"Are you full?" Xue an Chong asked.

"I'm so full Xue wanted to pat his stomach.

Xue Nian was content to belch.

How lovely it must be.

Qin Yu couldn't help laughing. He thought to himself that the man was very boring, but the two girls were really lovely!

Qin yuan ordered people to arrange the room, Xue an led the two girls back to the room.

There are only Qin yuan and Qin Yu in the living room.

Qin Yu said, "grandfather, why do you believe this man? I always think he is not a good man."


"Because His eyes

Qin Yuan said with a smile, "yu'er, you are still young, and you still don't understand a lot of things. Although you have been studying abroad for many years and have met many people, you don't know what a real master looks like!"

"The so-called master must be different from ordinary people. Although he is dressed in ordinary clothes, his behavior is far from ordinary people, especially his temperament. Even I have never seen such an outstanding person in Zhongdu."

Qin Yu was somewhat disdainful.

Hum, tomorrow, I will let you make a fool of yourself in front of my grandfather. Then I will see how you can stay.

Late at night.

The two little girls fell asleep.

Xue an stood in front of the French window, the moonlight in the winter night, cold as gauze.

Xue an opens the small medicine box.

That's the ginseng we got today.

There are also some herbs bought in the market today.

Xue anto in the hand, eyes suddenly cold, in the moonlight, these herbs gradually began to melt.

Soon, it melted into a small ball, and dripped around in the air.

A smile appeared in Xue an's mouth.

Although the medicinal materials are not very good, it is too simple to refine the Peiyuan pill based on his cultivation and vision. He can still refine the Peiyuan pill to a very high level with his skillful skills.

At the moment, even the moonlight seems to be triggered, and the entire villa calm aura, also began to restless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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