"Octopus?" Xue an was slightly stunned.

"Yes! An octopus Laurie Tang xuan'er looked at Zhang Xiaoyu, who was stealing snacks on the table, and added, "and it's the kind you can eat!"

Before the voice fell, Zhang Xiaoyu was caught by Xiaosha.

"How dare you steal my snacks! I'm going to kill you Xiao Sha ran away again.

Tang xuan'er has a strict limit of snacks every night, so she can't afford to watch TV any more.

I didn't expect to be eaten by this hateful octopus.

"Sister long, I just want to have a taste, but who knows I can't stop eating. I'm wrong! Ah Don't slap your face

Zhang Xiaoyu was once again knocked down by the angry sand.

Looking at this scene, several black lines gradually appeared on Tang xuan'er's forehead. Finally, she couldn't help shouting: "enough, I just wiped the floor in the room. I want to beat you out!"

Xiao Sha nodded. "Good idea!"

Then he grabbed Zhang Xiaoyu's leg and dragged her out.

Zhang Xiaoyu yelled in horror, "sister Xuan, help me, sister Xuan..."

After a dragon and a demon came out of the room, a moment later came the scream of Zhang Xiaoyu.

Tang xuan'er said to the phone helplessly: "did you hear me? I think if you come back later, the octopus will probably be stewed with small sand

Xue an was dumbfounded, "gave the phone to Xiao Sha!"

When Tang xuan'er walks out of the room, Xiao Sha kicks Zhang Xiaoyu's body, and drags her arm with one hand, which is stretching to the limit.

Originally, the short arm is like a rubber band, which is pulled out for a long time.

Zhang Xiaoyu cried out in pain, "sister long, it's going to be broken, it's going to be broken! Ah ah! Stop pulling! I promise I won't eat it again! "

"Next time? Do you think you have another time? "

At this time, Tang xuan'er came over and said, "no, your boss's phone call!"

Xiaosha is a Leng, and then quickly took over.


Xue an sighed at the other end of the phone, "OK, don't call! I'll go back tomorrow! Let this Octopus wait for me


Zhang Xiaoyu also heard the voice of Xue an on the phone. After a moment's silence, she couldn't help crying.

"Is it the immortal master? Immortal master, help! I'm going to be killed by this dragon

Tang xuan'er covered her eyes.

This Zhang Xiaoyu is not only greedy but also a playwright.

Xue an smiles, "don't worry, she won't kill you! Wait, I'll be back tomorrow! "

With that, he hung up the phone.

An Yan looks at Xue an with a confused face.

"Husband, what's the matter? How can I listen so lively, what little sand, what Octopus! "

Xue an smile, "nothing, let's go back to Beijiang tomorrow."


And in front of villa Tianzi 1, when Xue an hangs up the phone.

Wailing Zhang Xiaoyu was stunned, and then carefully turned his head to look at the face of the small sand, flattering smile.

"Sister long..."

Small sand Yin pity a smile, "dragon sister? Didn't you tell the boss I was a dragon

Zhang Xiaoyu trembled all over, "a slip of the tongue, it was just a slip of the tongue! How can a powerful and beautiful dragon like you be a dragon! "

"That's it Little sand nodded.

Zhang Xiaoyu gave a long breath, and the heart said that he finally put it off.

But the next second, she felt that the whole person was flying.

Xiao Sha grabs one of her arms, just like a windmill, swinging her to the wind.

"Ah, ah, ah! Sister long, what are you going to do

"What are you doing? Naturally, it's going to take you to a fun place. " Xiao Sha said, suddenly let go.

Zhang Xiaoyu, who was swung round, was launched like a shell and flew to the distance in a parabola track.

"Ah, ah, ah Don't do this. I'm afraid of heights Zhang Xiaoyu shouts in the air.

Then he fell into Yunmeng lake with a plop, and there was no sound again.

Xiaosha stood at the top of the mountain and watched.

Tang xuan'er asked anxiously, "it won't happen."

"Well, she's a water demon anyway. How could something happen?" Xiao Sha sneered.

"But isn't she a monster in the sea? Yunmeng lake is a freshwater lake Tang xuan'er said.

Small sand Leng Leng Leng, and then grabbed the scalp, "seems to be ah!"

Voice just fell, see Zhang Xiaoyu slowly floated to the water, motionless, like a corpse.

Xiao Sha is also a little nervous. She should not really die!

That's over!If the boss comes back tomorrow and finds out about it, he has to follow the bad luck.

"Shall I go and have a look?" Said Xiao Sha.

At this time, lying on the water Zhang Xiaoyu opened his mouth and spewed out a fountain, and then coughed.

"My God, I nearly drowned!"

Xiaosha just let out a breath, "hum, I knew she couldn't die!"

Tang xuan'er looks at Xiao Sha with strange eyes.

"Sister Xuan, what do you always watch me do?"

"You still don't see human form yet?" Tang xuan'er said faintly.

Small sand is also a Leng, looked down at his body, "really ah! Usually, you can become a person when you are drunk. When you wake up, you will recover. What's going on this time? "

"Probably because of her!" Tang xuan'er looks at Zhang Xiaoyu who is swimming in the Yunmeng lake with a dog gouging posture and says softly.

Xue an deals with Zhongdu and is planning to fly back to Beijiang with his family.

Chen Rushi is here.

"Sir Chen Rushi said softly.

Xue an smiles, "Miss Chen, what can I do for you?"

Chen Rushi lowered his head and never dared to look at Xue an.

When she met Xue an, she didn't think that her heart beat was accelerating.

She took a deep breath and said calmly, "Sir, I've come to thank you with my friends."



Said Chen Rushi side open body, saw a woman toddle in.

Xue an was slightly stunned, then nodded with a smile, "it's Miss Wei!"

This tottering girl is the former Wei Rulan who can only travel by wheelchair.

Wei Rulan said with a smile, "Mr. Xue, I heard that you were back in Zhongdu. I hastened to find Rushi to thank you! If you hadn't given me that stone, I might still be in a wheelchair and can't walk now! "

Those who have not experienced it may not be able to imagine a person in a wheelchair eager to walk.

Wei Rulan's leg disease was born, and it failed to work after being treated by famous doctors all over the world.

To the back, she even had despair, but did not expect that in Xue an and an Yan's wedding, Xue an gave her that piece of spirit stone actually had miraculous effect.

Now she can walk slowly without crutches.

So naturally she was very grateful to Xue an, and this time she specially came to thank her.

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