Xue an Wen Yan just a smile, "it's just a spirit stone, don't be polite."

"It may be just an ordinary spirit stone for you, but it's like rebirth to me!" Wei Rulan said sincerely.

As a matter of fact, Wei Rulan consulted many predecessors after he got the stone. These people had only one evaluation of this spirit stone.


There are even many people who are extremely excited to know how the spirit stone came from.

However, Wei Rulan used clever excuse to prevaricate in the past.

At this time, Xue an looked around, "didn't master Wei come?"

Xue an asked Wei Rulan's cousin, the flower master Wei Ruyan.

Wei Rulan said in a hurry: "my cousin was invited by a flower master in r country and went to sea on a cruise ship the day before yesterday, but she is not in Zhongdu now."

Xue an slightly Zheng, and then nodded, "so it is!"

After Wei Rulan said a few words, he got up and left.

Xue an looks at the back of Wei Rulan's leaving, as if thinking.

"Husband, what's the matter?"

"It's OK. It's just that it's a bit too coincidental." Xue an smiles. "Let's go back to Beijiang now."

Villa Tianzi No.1.

Xiao Sha lies lazily on the sofa, watching TV.

Zhang Xiaoyu obediently squats in the corner of the sofa, watching TV with two eyes shining, and peeling melon seeds skillfully at the same time.

After stripping a paper cup in front of her, she handed it over with a smile on her face.

"Sister, eat!"

Xiaosha took the paper cup, poured it into his mouth, chewed it comfortably, and then nodded.

"Well, not bad!"

The octopus was boasted all over his face, and began to peel melon seeds.

Tang xuan'er looks at this scene helplessly.

Since Zhang Xiaoyu was thrown into Yunmeng Lake by small sand, he has become this.

The one who ran before and after told his sister not to say that, but also like a little maid, she was extremely attentive to do chores, and served the little sand very comfortable.

Just at this time, has been lazy scattered small sand suddenly sat up, look solemn said.

"It's the breath of the boss. He's back!"

Then he rushed out.

"Sister, wait for me!" Zhang Xiaoyu followed him out.

When Tang xuan'er walked out of the room, she saw a streamer coming from the sky and stopped in front of the villa in the blink of an eye.

It's the xue'an family.

"Boss!" Xiao Sha called respectfully.

In front of Xue an, she did not dare to make a mistake.

Seeing her cry so, Zhang Xiaoyu shivered all over and quickly bowed his head and said, "immortal master!"

Xue an's eyes swept over Xiaosha and Zhang Xiaoyu, and then smile.

"Xiaosha, you have succeeded! Progress is very fast

Xiao Sha laughs.

At this time, think and read ran over, a face of doubt asked: "you Is it little sand

The two little girls kneaded and rubbed their heads down

"Wow, Xiaosha is so beautiful Think about touching sand's hair in awe.

Niannian is more curious to reach out and pinch Xiaosha's face, "it's really lovely!"

Zhang Xiaoyu, on the side of this scene, is frightened.

After a short day's contact, Xiaosha is no different from the female devil head in Zhang Xiaoyu's mind.

It's just staring at people, reaching out to hit people!

These two little girls are so presumptuous, it is estimated that they are challenging the bottom line of Xiaosha.

But the next scene made Zhang Xiaoyu's eyes gape.

Xiao Sha's face was almost rotten with laughter. "There are no two little princesses who are beautiful."

"Would you still call?" Think about it and ask.

"Yes Xiao Sha said, and then Wang Wang learned a few barking dogs.

Zhang Xiaoyu's eyes gradually widened.

Female devil head Learn to bark?

At this time, Xue an looked at Zhang Xiaoyu and sighed: "is Jiang Meier sending you?"

Zhang Xiaoyu smelled speech and was shocked. He said excitedly, "the immortal master knows?"

"I didn't know at the beginning, but when xuan'er said that an octopus was looking for me, I was suspicious. When I saw your breath, I would be more sure!" Xue an said lightly.

Zhang Xiaoyu bowed his head respectfully and said, "the immortal master is really powerful indeed. It is true that the one who sent me to the world is the noble highness Jiang Meier!"

Jiang Meier.

The sea demon was suppressed by the geomantic master of the Ming family on the island.

After being rescued by Xue an, she told her real name.And can have the true name of the demon, the identity is absolutely extraordinary.

This octopus has the smell of a sea demon.

"Come on, what's going on?"

"Immortal master, please save your highness and the sea demon clan!" Zhang Xiaoyu kneels on the ground with grief on his face.

"We sea demons and other demon clans have lived in a secret place for thousands of years, but since last month, a group of demon clans have suddenly appeared in this secret place and threatened to take this secret place back and let us all get out."

"Of course, many demon clans would not, but I didn't expect that this group of demon clans were very strong, and they all hurt us. They coveted their Royal Highness's ancient blood. They arrested them and said that they would offer up their highness after a demon family came to us!"

"I am a little maid of your highness. She told me that only Mr. Xue in the world could save her before she was arrested! Then he sent me out of the secret place with secret method. But I've been wandering around the world for more than a month, and I finally found you! "

Say say, this chapter small fish already tearful.

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

"A group of fierce demon clan?"

"Yes! These guys are not a race. There are tiger demons, black bear demons, and plants and monsters, but they are very powerful

Xue an nodded. "Got it!"

Zhang Xiaoyu looked at Xue an with all his hopes on his face. "Master immortal, please give me a helping hand. If you don't, your highness and many local demon clans will be destroyed!"

Xue an turned to look at an Yan, "I went to the secret place of demon clan once. You and your daughter are waiting for me here!"

An Yan nodded.

Xiao Sha suddenly said, "boss, I'll go with you."

"Well?" Xue Anluo hesitated.

Xiao Sha quickly said: "I am a local demon clan at least, this kind of thing can't stand idly by! And I have dragon power. I can help you

Xue an nodded. "Good! Go with me, too

Then he turned his head and looked at Zhang Xiaoyu, "where is the secret place of the demon clan?"

"Just under the East China Sea!"

East China Sea?

Xue an slightly frowned, and suddenly remembered the master Wei who was invited to go to sea.

"Well, let's go now."

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