With the voice of wuqisha, the statue of hell evil God opened his eyes slowly.

In this pair of dark eyes which are deeper than the night, there are endless tyranny and evil.

The whole space even became cloudy and windy because of the evil god's eyes, as if the hell were in the world.

Even a few practitioners who were closer to each other were infected with a trace of black gas, and the whole practice began to fall. After a scream of panic, they died of blood and pus.

This strange and terrifying scene made the practitioners take a breath of air and retreat back in a hurry.

Even the strong people with the same length of cloud also hid away.

Only Xue an stood in the same place and looked at the evil god quietly. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"Lord evil, this man has destroyed my family, please destroy it!" Wu Qisha said respectfully. He opened his mouth and spat out three mouthfuls of blood. The whole person's momentum became more and more dispirited.

But the evil god became more and more powerful, and the ancient and evil face gradually showed a vivid color.

Wu Qi Sha was overjoyed at the sight, and his whole body was trembling slightly. "Welcome the evil god to come here!"

This evil god is the original one worshipped by the evil spirit sect. In the past, wuqisha has been summoned, but the coming one is just a projection.

I didn't expect that this time the evil god came.

Wu Qisha naturally was extremely excited and excited, and he glanced at Xue an with arrogant and proud eyes.

In his eyes, Xue an is a dead man now.

At this time, the whole face of the evil god gradually came alive, but the momentum was more evil and powerful, and then slowly began to speak.

"Who dares to destroy my followers?"

With this voice, a strong black air burst into the sky, and condensed into a huge tornado, slowly turning, stirring the wind and cloud color, seems to shake the world in general.

This kind of authority has gone beyond the scope of human understanding, to the realm of God.

But even in front of such a powerful divine power, Xue an was still calm as usual, and even the cold smile on the corner of his mouth had not changed.

This attitude obviously infuriated the evil god, but when we looked at it carefully, the evil god said with great surprise.

"Mortals are mortals with strong blood? Ha ha ha, good! You will become my best blood food, even help to condense my body, let me really come here

After that, the tornado composed of black gas directly rushed over and completely swallowed xue'an in an instant.

The black air, which is darker than night, whirled wildly, and the stones on the ground turned into dust as soon as they came into contact.

Almost no one is immune to this power.

Death Are you dead?

A lot of people looked at the tornado in disbelief.

After all, this Chinese man has just created too many miracles.

No one can guarantee that there will be a miracle this time.

But Wu Qisha obviously didn't think so. He had absolute confidence in the gods he believed in.

No one can survive in the wrath of the evil Lord.

But just as his face began to show the pride of revenge.

In the black tornado, there was a faint fire.

"Why, what is that?" Because of Xue an's disappearance, Liu Keke, who was the first to find this abnormality, exclaimed.

Wu Qisha looked down.

It was at this time.

This weak fire suddenly became strong, and ignited the whole tornado in an instant.

Under this white flame, the endless black gas has no power to resist, and it becomes a void directly.

Wu Qisha, who had already felt that he had won, screamed with fright.

The evil god was even worse. The four faces turned into one in an instant, and then showed a look of great fear.

"Why How is that possible? How can this flame appear here? "

Just then, I saw a figure coming slowly in the sea of fire.

After passing through the sea of fire, all the flames converged in an instant, turned into a white lotus, floating in the man's eyebrows, and then disappeared.

It's Xue an!

Xue an slowly raised his head and looked at the evil god who was full of horror. He said faintly, "is this the ability?"

The evil god's face was startled and uncertain, and deep fear appeared in his eyes.

But his arrogance as a God made him sneer, "although I'm curious, as a mortal, how can you have such a powerful flame? But it doesn't matter. Now I'm going to kill you and take your soul out as my best prize. "

Xue an light way: "finished?"


Xue'an showed his white teeth and laughed, "if you finish, it's my turn."Having said that, Xue an took a step and rushed directly to the evil god. In his eyes, the God was shining brightly. Then he raised his fist and blew it out.

"Move! God! The earth

With Xue an's light drink, the blow directly hit the head of the evil god with a stunned look on his face.


After a crisp sound.

It was seen that the evil god was directly blasted hundreds of feet away by Xue an's fist, and there was a long and narrow crack on the statue.

Then, without waiting for the evil god to react, Xue an's foot suddenly stepped on the ground, and the whole person rushed out like a cannon ball and directly came to the top of the evil god.

"Divide Yin and Yang!"


This blow directly blew the evil god into the ground from mid air.

After two punches.

If you look at this evil god, there are many cracks on his body.

But that's not the main thing.

The evil god looked at xue'an in a daze, and seemed to think of something. His face gradually showed great fear.

This fear made him dare not even resist. He could only tremble and say, "you You are... "

Xue an nodded. "Yes, I am!"

After being confirmed, the evil god cried out in horror, "Rao Spare your life

The voice stopped abruptly, for a flame rose from the evil god's eyebrows and swallowed it up in a flash.

This time, the evil god finally tasted the fear of death.

Because as an evil god, even if he is smashed into powder, he can be reborn in hell.

But if it is burned by this flame, it is complete destruction.

"My Lord, forgive me I really didn't know it was you... "

The evil god tried his best to beg for mercy, but Xue an just watched quietly and was not moved by it.

The evil god was completely desperate, but even so, he did not dare to offend xue'an in the least.

So he aimed his anger at Wu Qi Sha, who called himself.

"You killed me! If I die, you will accompany me to die together With that, the evil god dragged the whole body flame and rushed directly to the Wuqi Sha who had been scared and silly, and then held it tightly.

"No, I don't dare..."

Wuqisha screamed with fright, but the evil god didn't intend to let him go.

"If you dare to offend adults, you should go with me to death." The evil spirit roared ferociously.

A moment later.

The evil god and the seven evil spirits were burned to nothingness by the fire.

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