Dare to say, or no one should speak.

Everyone was staring.

From the beginning to the present.

Xue an has killed three people, killed an evil god, and broke the heart of the Wuwang sect's Buchang cicada.

Such an impressive record is enough to shut up any doubts.

And in all people, Lianyun is absolutely the most frightened one.

When she watched the Chinese man, who had been ridiculed by herself as having no accomplishments, killed all directions.

She understood why Xue an said he was a frog in the well.

It turns out that In this man's eyes, the cultivation he relied on and the identity of shanhaizhai's inner room were not even a joke.

Thinking of this, Lianyun's heart is full of endless regret and shame.

In particular, I remember that my second sister has already been a member of this man's family, and her future achievements may be far better than mine.

This makes lianyunzhi, who has always been a pretty girl of heaven, collapse.

But Liu Keke on one side has been looking at Xue an vaguely.

The strength of this man is beyond all people's expectation, and even Liu Keke, who is used to seeing the amazing talents in Zhongzhou, is shocked.

More importantly The man had not yet cultivated, but killed two immortals and destroyed an evil god.

If this matter spread out, it is estimated that there will be a great disturbance.

And he seems to know the secret of his mechanical puppet.

Who is he?

Liu Keke became more and more curious about xue'an.

At this time, the pale Bu Kong Chan threw a fist at Xue an and said, "master, the cultivation of Kendo is extremely high, empty cicada worship you! If my younger martial brother is killed, wuwangzong will not investigate it again! "

This sentence surprised everyone.

No one thought that this gifted girl of wuwangzong would admit defeat and admit guilt.

You know, she did kendo.

Once you admit defeat, you may not be able to save it for life.

Xue an's expression is indifferent, "this is not the matter that you have no wrong to investigate or not investigate, but to see whether I investigate or not."

Hearing this, bu Kong cicada's face turned gray and hissed: "master, do you really want to fight against me in the end?"

Xue an smile, did not answer this sentence, but a light way: "do you know why your heart is broken?"

Step empty cicada smell speech all over a shudder, originally dim eyes in the birth of a few hopeful color.


Xue an said lightly: "because you are too proud!"

Step empty cicada was shocked by this sentence, almost fell to the ground from mid air.

"It's true that you can be proud of yourself if you've been cultivating for a long time in a hundred years. It's a pity that you've made it so smooth that you think you have a clear heart. In fact, it's just a delicate flower in the greenhouse. Once you encounter a real setback, you'll be vulnerable to a single blow! I said Are you convinced? "

Xue an's words made the cicada sweat like a pulp, his clothes were soaked with cold sweat, and his face was full of despair.

Because she knew that Xue an was right.

Just after seeing Xue an's startling sword, bu Kong Chan's heart was filled with endless despair.

Because she knew that she could not catch up with this sword in her whole life.

Together with this idea, the heart of the sword, which was not strong enough, broke in an instant and ended up in this situation.

"What the elder said is true, but the disciple is convinced by empty Cicada!"

Bu Kong Chan has already regarded himself as the character of his disciples. His words are very respectful, and then he says with a gloomy look.

"The empty cicada then returned to the Wuwei sect and told the master that he could not invade the Chinese people at all. Then he went into the cave and never came out again."

After that, the cicada turned to walk.

Xue an light way: "this then gave up?"

Step empty cicada whole body a shock, Huoran turns around, "elder..."

"There are many difficulties and obstacles along the way of kendo, but nothing is more than keeping a pure heart of sword, and having the belief that tens of millions of people will go."

"Now your heart is broken, but you will never break it! If you can practice the heart of the sword again, your future will be far beyond this! "

After listening to Xue an's words, the cicada lost his mind and muttered to himself.

"Although I have gone to China for thousands of years So it is, so it is So it is

With these three sounds, the cicada was shocked.

Originally, there is a trace of sword meaning rising from the extremely decadent momentum.

Although it is weak, it is tough and clear. It is quite different from the previous flashy sword meaning.

Xue an also can't help nodding slightly, and a touch of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

This step of empty cicada's talent in kendo is really amazing enough. It can only use a few words to solidify the heart of the sword.

Although now very weak, but in time, will definitely surpass before her.At this time, the step empty cicada has been awake, immediately fell on the ground, and then respectfully knelt on the ground.

"Disciple Bu Kong Chan, thank you for your kindness

Xue an shook his head. "I help you just because you have pure breath and have not done anything to insult the Chinese people. But I hope you can do well in the future! Do you understand? "

Step empty cicada's face showed a look of awe. "Master, don't worry. If anyone dares to bully and humiliate the Chinese people in the future, the empty cicada will be the first to kill it!"

Xue an nodded. "OK, go!"

Step empty cicada and respectfully kowtow a head, this just stood up, turned and walked away.

Different from the magnificent scene of stepping on the sword when coming, the walking cicada leaves with a down-to-earth atmosphere, and there is no pride in one eye.

Yes, just a pure heart.

This almost rebirth like transformation will have infinite benefits for her in the future.

She also kept her promise to xue'an from beginning to end. Even after she became the leader of Wuwang sect, she still guarded the Chinese people.

As the cicada walked away, the rest of the practitioners looked at each other and were ready to slip away.

Now no one dares to be greedy for this real immortal legacy.

But just at this time, I saw a motorcade galloping on the road in the distance.

It was Lian Yuanhua who led the way.

Behind him are the elders of feiyanbao.

Second Miss Lian Yunting and third Miss Lian Yunluo are also in the line.

In a twinkling of an eye, these people rushed to the front.

Lianyuanhua area under the seat of the tiger and leopard, the team slowly stopped.

Then he looked up and looked at his eldest daughter, who was always proud of himself.

"Yunzhi, I just saw the walking cicada of Wuwang sect for my father. Why did this girl walk away? And she said nothing but a smile? "

Just when they came, they met the walking cicada on the way.

Lian Yuanhua knew her and knew that she was a gifted girl of wuwangzong. She stopped riding and came down to say hello.

Can step empty cicada a straight face with a smile, no matter what to ask, then float away.

This naturally makes Lian Yuanhua puzzled.

But Lianyun's face is very white at the moment, gently shakes his head, "father Mo said, let's go!"

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