Liu Keke is chatting with lianyunting and lianyunluo.

Lianyunluo is obviously interested in Liu Keke's puppet.

"Sister coco, can the puppet speak?"


"How does he understand what you want to do?"

"I don't know. He will do whatever I ask him to do."

"Oh, can you make him dance?"


"Yes! Just like me Lianyunluo is bouncing around.

Liu Keke's eyes widened. "What kind of dance is this?"

"I call this dance a mushroom picking girl! Can't sister coco see that? "

"Er To tell you the truth, no! "

"Sister coco is so stupid. You see, I started by clearing the grass and looking around for mushrooms."

Liu Keke really thinks there is some truth in Lian Yunluo's explanation.

"And then?"

"And then I found mushrooms."

"But what do you mean by wriggling back and forth?"

"That's because I always have to taste mushrooms after I find them. As a result, mushrooms are poisonous and I'm poisoned."


"What do you mean by squatting on the ground at last?"

"Oh, my poison can turn me into a mushroom, so I become a lovely little mushroom!"

Liu Keke nodded. "You are a genius!"

Lian Yunluo's eyes lit up. "Many people say that about me. Hee hee, sister coco, can you let this big guy dance with me?"

Before Liu Keke said anything, the mechanical puppet shook his head cleanly.

"You see, he doesn't agree with him."

Just as he was saying this, he saw the light shining and Xue an walked out of the fumen.

As soon as he stepped out, the door behind him trembled and disappeared.

Liu Keke quickly stood up: "master!"

Xue an nods and looks at lianyunting and lianyunluo with a smile.


"To where?" Lian Yunluo asked.

"Thousand birds city!"

When Xue an led them back to the thousand birds city.

What happened on Bafang mountain spread like a hurricane.

The man of the Chinese nationality fought against several great masters, killed two immortals and destroyed one evil god. It also broke the heart of the sword of Bu Kong Chan, the first true legend of Wu Wang Zong in the past 100 years.

The key is that the Chinese man has not yet cultivated.

As soon as such an almost unimaginable thing was spread, it shocked the eyes of countless people.

Although rumors say these things are certain.

But there are still a lot of people who don't believe it.

After all, it sounds like a fable.

It's impossible to think about it.

For example, Jiang Yaosi, the general who is besieging the thousand bird City, thinks so.

He even beat the soldiers who reported the news to him, and then tore the letter to pieces in public.

"Listen, there is a rumor outside that the king and the master were killed by a Chinese man who had no accomplishments. This is definitely a deliberate rumor! Don't think about it with your head, it's impossible to think about it with your toes! "

"From now on, let me hear people talk about it again, and I will not let it go!"

"Yes All the soldiers and officers should act together.

With a smile, Jiang Yaosi looked at the qianniao city in the distance and said in a loud voice: "the thousand bird city is now under the control of the Chinese people. When the city is broken, I will allow you to indulge for three days. As long as you don't affect other people, you can play as you like! How about it? "

These words caused a slight commotion.

All the officers were greedy, "general Xie!"

"Well, go down, and step up the Siege! A small thousand bird City, a land of mud balls, can't be put in for three days. It's a group of rubbish! "

Jiang Yaosi reprimanded again and went back to the big tent with satisfaction.

He is the commander-in-chief. Naturally, he does not have to go to the front line. Even his commanding staff are doing things.

All he could do was to have fun in the big accounts and wait for the good news to come back.

In fact, in many people's eyes, this expedition is to take credit.

After all, it is a city guarded by a group of weak Chinese. What is the difficulty?

If Jiang Yaosi was not the nephew of qianniao Haoyan, such a good job would not have happened to him.

While he was drinking and enjoying himself in the tent, there was another fierce battle ahead.

Xiaoshui stood on the top of the city, looking at it with dignity.

These Mo Jia soldiers who attacked the city were much stronger than those who had been stationed in the thousand bird city.

This can be seen from the armour of these soldiers.Not only the workmanship is very fine, but also has a faint white light.

This shows that the hard armor mantras carved on them are all written by skilled Fuwen craftsmen.

"Master Xiaoshui, go down and have a rest. You haven't closed your eyes for three days and three nights." Someone advised.

Xiaoshui shook his head with his red eyes. "No, these guys are more and more aggressive. I can't sleep!"

"But they haven't broken the garrison array left by the immortal master yet?"

These people have now called Xue an immortal master.

Xiaoshui took a look at the speaker, then shook his head, "if it's all based on the array of brother ANN, what's the use of you and me? What's more, Angkor won't follow us all the time. We have to form a fighting force as soon as possible, so as not to be looked down upon by others

Just as he said, a fierce soldier appeared behind them, holding a huge smashing hammer. He rushed over and smashed it as hard as he could.


A flash of gold.

After three days and three nights, the defensive array arranged by Xue an was finally broken.

These ink soldiers are very happy.

These three days have been extremely oppressive.

Because they were blocked by this formation, they could not save at all. For this reason, they have been punished several times.

They were overjoyed when the array was finally ground down.

As if to see wealth and beauty are waving to them.

At this time, the small water color dignified command way: "order down, start!"


For a few days, the Chinese people are just like the Chinese people who have lost their sleep.

If you are tired, you will lie down and rest. If you are hungry, you will be sent food by a specially assigned person. If you are injured, there will be secret medicine left by thousands of birds.

The reason why they are so desperate is that these Chinese people have seen the most cruel bottom world.

In that world, the Chinese people always bow to their knees and live humbly.

Now they have the chance to be crazy again.

When Xiaoshui's order came, these Chinese who had transformed into qualified soldiers in a few days rushed over without hesitation.

Xiaoshui looked around at everyone and said in a cold voice: "the city guarding array has been broken. The temporary city wall can't resist these black armored soldiers. Now I ask you, are you afraid of death?"

All the Chinese people hold their heads high and hold their chests up

"Good! Now let's form a battle line and go out of the city to fight against these guys! "

"Here it is

All the Chinese soldiers were excited.

These black armour soldiers usually oppressed the Chinese people and became the fuse.

These Chinese men are eager to be able to attack their enemies.

Therefore, everyone's eyes twinkled with the desire for blood, skillfully formed the battle array handed down by Xue an.

Xiaoshui stood at the front and said in a cold voice, "open the city gate!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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