The city gate opened slowly.

Xiaoshui took the lead and led the Chinese soldiers to rush out directly.

The Mo Jia soldiers outside were trying to figure out how to break the city gate. Unexpectedly, the gate opened and a group of Chinese people rushed out.

This group of Mo Jia soldiers can't help but be overjoyed.

"Haha, these stupid Chinese people have come to the door voluntarily!"

"Brothers, it's up to us to destroy these Chinese people and capture the city!"

These black armour soldiers shout out loud, and then rush up with a grim smile.

In their understanding, although these Chinese people are tough in bone, they are weak in body because they can't practice, and they are not the opponents of the armed soldiers.

But this time they were wrong.

Xiaoshui looked at the black armored soldiers who rushed like tigers, and said in a deep voice: "formation!"

With his command, these Chinese soldiers quickly changed their formation, from the initial marching formation to the defensive formation, facing the flood of the Mexican armored corps.

If you look down from the air, you can see such a spectacular scene.

The Chinese side is yellow, and the black armored soldiers are like a black tide.

As soon as the two sides contacted, it was as if a huge yellow earth stone met the surging tide.

Although the tide is fierce, but the earth yellow stone is as rooting as standing.

They were even more surprised.

In their impression, there is no Chinese who can survive the charge of these people!

This time, however, they could not shake these cold faced Chinese soldiers.

The martial arts of these soldiers are amazing.

Small water high voice way: "all listen to orders, attack!"

At the command, the eyes of these Chinese soldiers were bloodthirsty, and the formation changed from the initial defense to attack.

A huge spear formed abruptly, and then went straight into the regiments.

A Chinese soldier slashed a sword and pushed a black armored soldier back half a step. But before the ink soldier could react, the Chinese soldier's next man cut a knife from another angle.

With a pop, the head of the black armored soldier was cut off.

Until the man's head fell to the ground, his eyes were still frozen with perplexity and fear before death.

I don't seem to understand why these Chinese suddenly become so powerful.

The Chinese soldiers marched forward at a very uniform pace, with blood everywhere and heads rolling.

No one can stop them.

A moment later, the Mexican armored corps, which played the vanguard, collapsed.

At last, these majestic Mo Jia soldiers finally tasted the taste of fear, and also from the Chinese people they despised most.

All the Chinese soldiers and the Chinese people watching the war behind them all burst into tears.

Thousands of years of bullying, this time, they can finally stand up.

Although excited, these Chinese soldiers are still moving forward in strict accordance with the requirements of the battle.

At this time, these defeated Mo Jia soldiers had already rushed to the front of the rear position.

"Asshole, who made you run back?" The soldiers in charge of the war cut down several of the Mo Jia soldiers, and then gave up.

Because these Mo Jia soldiers seem to have encountered something extremely terrible, even if they are killed, they dare not return to fight.

"A bunch of rubbish! Even the Chinese can't clean up such a little bit! At the command of the black dragon army, they rush to destroy these Chinese people Jiang Yaosi's right-hand assistant was in charge of the Mo Jia soldiers in the rear.

With his command, the black dragon corps of the rear array slowly walked out.

These men were different from the Mexican soldiers who attacked the city.

Because they were all dressed in heavy black armor, and their faces were indifferent.

When they stand together, it's like an army coming out of hell.

This is the real elite of thousand birds country, the black dragon Corps.

Although he felt that it was useless to use black dragon soldiers to wipe out these Chinese people, the commander in charge still gave a grim smile.

"Little ones, rush up and let these humble Chinese know what the real elite is!"

Hearing the speech, the black dragon Corps marched forward in unison, and the pace was neat as if it were a person.

This kind of prestige makes many Chinese people who watch the war in the rear all pale.

But Xiaoshui was not afraid, and said in a loud voice: "brothers and brothers, there are the real elite of qianniao country. Only by defeating them can we wash away the humiliation of the Chinese nation for thousands of years! No longer be looked down upon! No more! For the glory of the Chinese people, charge

Xiaoshui's words made all the Chinese soldiers look solemn, and their eyes gradually rise with crazy fighting spirit.

I don't know who started it. Someone began to sing softly.

"I don't know if I have no clothes. Wang Yu Xingshi, repair my spear. With the sonAt first, the singing voice was very low, but soon all the Chinese soldiers began to sing in unison.

"Do you say that you have no clothes and share the same fate with your son. Work with your son!

Do you say that you have no clothes and wear the same clothes with your son. Go with your son

To the back, the sound was loud.

All the Chinese people were filled with tears.

Because this is a war song handed down from ancient times of the Chinese people.

Once sung, it means that the Chinese soldiers are going to die.

At this time, the Chinese soldiers and this group of black dragon soldiers finally collided together.

No screams, no shouts.

There was only the sound of the sword breaking through the air, the bareness of the armor and skin being cut, the splash of blood, and the plopping sound of the body falling to the ground.

All these constitute a cruel movement of death.

Almost in the blink of an eye, one third of the Chinese soldiers and the black dragon soldiers were killed.

This scene makes many Mo Jiabing officers who watch the war behind be appalled.

"No way! How could these Chinese people suddenly be so powerful? " The commander of the black dragon Corps screamed.

At this time, the Chinese soldiers are still marching forward with their compatriots' bodies and blood.

However, these black dragon soldiers are indeed the elite among the elite. Even though they suffered so many casualties, they still did not retreat, and they were entangled with these Chinese soldiers.

Xiaoshui chopped down a black dragon soldier with a sword, and by this time he was already in a tight encirclement.

But at this time, all the Chinese soldiers, as if they had agreed, came forward and started the cruel killing of life for life.

Xiaoshui watched a 17-year-old boy rush to a black dragon soldier. When the spear in his hand stabbed the black dragon soldier, the swords of the two dragon soldiers beside him had been inserted into his chest.

But there was no fear on the young man's face. Even the corners of his mouth were raised and a smile of relief was revealed. Then he seized the two swords with both hands and cried out with the last trace of strength.

"Chinese, charge!"

Such a cruel scene shocked all the Mo Jiabing officers. Even these black dragon soldiers who never knew their fear, their eyes also showed the color of fear.

And all the Chinese people are in tears.

There was a drizzle in the sky. It seemed that even the sky couldn't see it anymore.

Little water wiped his tears. Hold the sword and yell.

"Chinese people's snow shame, from today on, from the beginning of this war! Charge! Never die , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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