Seeing this puppet, many disciples of the puppet sect all exclaimed.

"It's a high-level puppet! It's a high-level puppet more powerful than the golden puppet before elder martial sister Lu! "

"No wonder you dare to ask for a duel. Elder martial sister Lu clearly wants to kill elder martial sister Liu!"

In these comments, many people looked at Liu Keke with sympathy and regret.

At the moment, Lu Cailan roared with laughter, "Liu Keke, what about your rags? Have you not come out to die? "

After hearing Lu Cailan's clamor, Liu Keke bit his teeth and displayed his mechanical puppet!

As soon as the two huge puppets met each other, the high-level puppets rushed forward. With one blow, the mechanical puppet was pushed back more than ten steps, and then it could stop.

Lu Cailan saw the situation and laughed wildly, "kill him, crush this rag with this woman!"

Such arrogant words make many people frown slightly.

But this is a duel. Once you enter the arena, no one else can intervene, so you can only watch.

Shan Ruoling nervously looks at the situation in the field, hands tightly clenched together.

Coco, you must not have an accident!

Lianyunting and lianyunluo are also nervous at the moment.

"Master..." Lian Yunting whispered.

Xue an is just holding the shoulder light smile, "don't worry, look at first."

After hearing Lu Cailan's orders, the high-level puppet went straight to Liu Keke, just about to blow down.

The mechanical puppet rushed over, and there was no time to defend and counterattack, so he directly used his body as a shield to protect Liu Keke firmly under his body.


After a big bang.

The whole body of the mechanical puppet was smashed down by three parts, and the flame burning in his eyes became much dimmer.

But even so, the mechanical puppet gently held Liu Keke in his hand, and then rolled on the spot to avoid the high-level puppet's second hit.

But the reason why this high-level puppet made so many disciples exclaim was because of its powerful lethality.

So before the mechanical puppet got up from the ground, the high-level puppet had rushed to the front and kicked it on the shoulder of the mechanical puppet.

There was a crack.

One arm of the mechanical puppet was kicked and broken, revealing the sparks and parts flashing inside.

The mechanical puppet roared with pain. Even so, he did not give up Liu Keke in his hand. Instead, he hit the high-level puppet's ankle with a mallet.

However, the high-level puppet retreated after it was successful, and the hammer did not touch it at all.

So far, there are only two faces.

Liu Keke's mechanical puppet lost an arm, while Lu Cailan's high-level puppet was undamaged.

Many people who care about Liu cocoa are all worried about it.

Liu Keke had already broken away from the hand of the mechanical puppet, and his eyes were tearfully touching the broken arm of the mechanical puppet, "big guy, can you still hold on?"

Of course, the mechanical puppet can't speak. He just stands up and stares at the enemy with dim eyes.

Lu Cailan was going crazy with joy at this time, "OK! So slowly torture them! And then crush it a little bit! "

The high-level puppet rushed up again. This time, it was faster. Although it was a giant with a height of dozens of feet, it was impossible to see the moves between the fist and the foot.

The mechanical puppet's response was obviously slow, and he could only cope with the attack in a hurry, and his body was retreating again and again.


In a mechanical puppet can not dodge, a high-level puppet will be inserted into his eyes, and then pull out.

A group of dim light was born to buckle out.

The mechanical puppet trembled with pain and staggered back a few steps. One eye was only black.

Liu Keke burst into tears, "big guy, don't hold on! You're not a match for it. Give up! "

With that, Liu Keke turned to look at Lu Cailan in the distance. His face was white and he said in a trembling voice: "I lost. You can kill me, but please let my puppet go!"

Lu Cailan heard a burst of sneer, "tut Tut, it's really touching friendship! Good, now kneel down and admit defeat, I will let you this puppet! How about it? "

This sentence made the whole room quiet.

Everyone's eyes are focused on Liu Keke.

Shan Ruoling was so angry that he said to his teacher: "master, this deer Cailan is too deceiving. Would you please save coco?"

Wan Chengyi shook his head and sighed, "it's late! Once in the duel field, life and death will all depend on winning or losing! Liu Keke loses, then others just want to help also can't help! And I wonder why this Liu coco suddenly agreed to the duel? "

Shan Ruoling hears the speech with tears in her eyes and stares at Liu Keke's thin back in the field. She would like to rush out of the field to save her now.At this time, Xue an, who had been standing not far from her, said faintly: "do you feel the pain of humiliation? But only in this way can you begin to change

Hearing this, Shan Ruoling turned her head and looked. When she saw that it was the Chinese man, she couldn't help but snort.

She thought that Xue an was making sarcastic remarks, and her heart was full of disdain.

Alas, coco also regards you as an elder, but when it comes to this critical moment of life and death, you not only do not help, but also talk nonsense here.

At this time, I heard a low exclamation from the audience.

Shanruoling quickly turned to look, and Liu Keke slowly bent his knees, and finally knelt down in the dust.

This kneeling made many disciples of puppet sect who had great respect for Liu Keke bowed their heads.

Shan Ruoling could not help but shed tears.

But Lu Cailan was so happy.

"Good! Liu Keke, you are very sensible

Liu Keke's face was dead white and speechless. Her once bright eyes were completely darkened and became empty.

"Kill her!" Lu Cailan excitedly orders a way.

Hearing the speech, the high-level puppet stepped forward and blew his fist.

If the blow goes on, Liu Keke will definitely be smashed into meat.

At this time, the mechanical puppet lost one arm and one object, but he did not know when he had already rushed over, and tried his best to blow a blow against the high-level puppet.

It's just that his strength can't catch up with this high-level puppet.

So after a bang.

The mechanical puppet was sent out by Sheng Sheng Zhen. After falling on the ground, he could not get up. He could only lift his head and look at the master kneeling on the ground in the distance. The flame in his only eyes gradually began to extinguish.

At this time, Xue an, who had been standing on the steps, slowly raised her head to look at the sky, and then said faintly.

"Liu coco, do you feel it?"

It's not loud, but it's all over the place.

Liu Keke was shocked and raised his head slowly.

Xue an looked down at her in the field and said in a cold voice, "I told you that if you want to play the real power of this puppet, you need to feel the heart of the machine! Now I ask you, do you feel it? "

Liu Keke's empty eyes slowly showed a look, and then turned his head to look at the mechanical puppet who, though dying and unable to stand, still refused to lie down.

After a moment, she nodded slowly and whispered, "I feel it!"

"Tell me! What is it? " Xue an asked.

Liu Keke's pale face showed an unprecedented color of determination, and her eyes were even better, as if there were flames burning in general.

Then he slowly stood up from the ground and said, "yes no Service! Lose , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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