With Liu Keke's voice, the dying mechanical puppet's body was shining, and the wounds all over his body began to repair quickly.

And the broken arm is more dazzling, all kinds of parts quickly formed and assembled, blink of an eye, the broken arm will be restored to the original.

Seeing this scene, Cang Yayun, who was originally indifferent, stood up and exclaimed in disbelief: "how can this be possible?"

The voices trembled with surprise.

As for Wei Chi Xing, his whole person has been silly, stupidly looking at all this below.

Because only they can understand.

What does a self-healing puppet mean.

That's a god level puppet that only existed in ancient times.

At this time, Lu Cailan, who was full of arrogance, looked suspicious.

But the domineering nature and the envy of Liu coco made her laugh again.

"Well, it's quite bluffing. Do you really think you can solve any problem by shouting two voices at will? I'll tell you today, it's pure wishful thinking! Kill them at once Lu Cailan said in a deep voice.

She has now lost interest in playing with Liu coco, just want to kill her as soon as possible.

The high-level puppet hears the speech and rushes to Liu Keke directly. Because what Lu Cailan wants is to let him die immediately, so he uses all his strength.

The speed is so fast that they even drag out the virtual shadow behind them.

Liu Keke stood quietly, not sad or happy, as if he regarded this high-level puppet in nothing.

Until it's time to get close and punch.

Liu Keke just raised his head and looked at the high-level puppet coldly and said faintly, "kill it!"

At an order.

This high-level puppet has not yet responded, but the mechanical puppet from the oblique stab has already punched out.


The power of this blow was so powerful that it directly blew the high-level puppet out and went straight to the hall.

This huge puppet flew across the sky with great momentum, which made many practitioners turn pale.

But before they could react, the high-level puppet suddenly stopped.

It wasn't that it stopped on its own, it was something that grabbed its ankle.

People watched.

Sure enough.

The mechanical puppet did not know when it had caught up and seized the high-level puppet's ankle.

"He What is he going to do? " Someone asked in horror.

As soon as the voice fell, the mechanical puppet swung the huge high-level puppet, just like a hammer, hitting the ground like a wild smash.

Boom, boom.

In a loud noise.

Originally neat square was smashed out one after another deep pit.

But this high-level puppet still wanted to resist at first, but before he could smash it a few times, he completely lost his resistance.


In the last hit of the mechanical puppet, the high-level puppet moaned, and his body began to shrink sharply. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a bead full of cracks, which was obviously completely abandoned.

Now everyone is stupid.

Because this amazing reversal is just too fast and incredible.

Just now Liu Keke was still kneeling for mercy, but in the blink of an eye he succeeded.

It has to be a miracle.

But Cang Ya Yun, Wan Chengyi and other people with a heart all look to Xue an.

They are not fools.

Liu Keke suddenly burst out, obviously related to Xue an's words.

But who is this Chinese man who has no accomplishments?

With the same feeling of surprise, there is shanruoling.

She opened her mouth slightly, looked at Liu Keke in the audience, and then looked back at Xue an.

Finally understand, why their friends will respectfully address this person as the elder.

But some are happy, others are sad.

Lu Cailan couldn't believe her eyes at this time. She first looked at the remains of the high-level puppet on the ground, and then looked at the recovered mechanical puppet, and then shivered.

"It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible! You're using magic, right? Liu Keke, you must have used magic

Liu Keke looks at coldly, there is no sadness or anger in his eyes, just slowly raises his hand to point to her.

"Crush her!"

The mechanical puppet instantly rushed past. Lu Cailan was caught in the palm of his hand before he could react.

Until then, the deer Cailan really felt afraid.

"No, you can't kill me! Liu Keke, I lost! I give up, please let me go! I'm wrong. I'll never be against you again Lu Cailan exclaimed in horror.

Many of the puppet sect's disciples were nervous.

Because in the past, this elder sister Liu was a very kind and gentle person. She seldom got angry and was easily moved by words.This Lu Cailan is to use this characteristic of Liu Keke's character, just dare to be aggressive.

This time Will elder martial sister Liu let go of Lu Cailan?

In everyone's attention, Liu Keke didn't have any expression, just opened her lips and said in a cold voice: "do it!"

Hearing the speech, the mechanical puppet closed his hands.

After hearing the sound of bone breaking, Lu Cailan's scream stopped suddenly, and a large group of dirty blood oozed from the mechanical puppet's hand.

Lu Cailan, who was madly clamoring and provoking, was finally crushed to death!

There was silence.

Even Shan Ruoling didn't expect that his gentle friend would be so decisive.

But just then, I heard a roar.

"Liu Keke, you collude with outsiders to kill our children. It's really a shame!"

Said, Wei Chi Xing then directly rushed to the field, also does not waste words, directly to Liu cocoa then under the poison hand.

Wei Chi Xing did not come because of the dead deer Cailan.

He has his own plan.

First of all, Liu Keke's strength now startles him, especially the way she resolutely killed Lu Cailan, which convinced Wei chixing.

If you don't eradicate her now, you will never have good fruit to eat in the future.

Because what I did to Liu Keke was enough to die three times.

The second is greed for this self-healing mechanical puppet.

If you can get such a god level puppet, let alone the two elders, even the leader can get it easily.

This dual motivation, let Wei Chi Xing put aside all scruples, directly under the killer.

Although Liu Keke's strength is good, and understands the puppet's mechanical heart.

However, Wei chixing, who has been famous for a hundred years, is still out of his power, and reluctantly evades several moves.

Wei Chi Xing grinned grimly and stretched out his hand. He was about to pinch Liu Keke's neck.

As long as you pinch it, you can cut your neck at that time.

But Shan Ruoling and WAN Chengyi are too late to catch up.

This is when Wei chixing thinks that the victory is in hand.

Xue an, who was standing on the high platform, suddenly stamped his foot, and the whole hall shook violently. Then the whole person rushed behind Wei Chi Xing like a shell.

When Wei Chi Xing hasn't responded, Xue an claps it.


As if the eggshell was cracked, Wei chixing's head was smashed directly.

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