Blood splashed and brains were streaming.

Wei Chi Xing's deformed face still remains a deathbed fear. He seems to have no idea why he died.

Then the dead body slowly fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the whole audience was dead.

No one spoke. Or no one dares to speak.

Many people's brains are even in a state of downtime. They can't understand why the two elders of Xianzong, a puppet, can't withstand the palm of this Chinese man who has no accomplishments.

At this time, I heard someone yell: "dare to kill my puppet Xianzong two elders. Who are you?"

With that, a figure appeared on the square in an instant.

It is Cang Yayun, the leader of puppet Xianzong.

At the moment, Cang Yayun, his face is iron blue, and his eyes are full of killing intention.

Although Wei chixing's last act is indeed a bit of a disgrace, he is, after all, the second elder of the puppet Xianzong.

As a result, she was slapped to death in front of so many people, which was equivalent to slapping her face, which naturally made Cang Yayun angry.

With her anger, a strong momentum began to rage on the square, where the ground was plowed out of deep ravines.

Seeing this momentum, Wan Chengyi in the distance was shocked, but his back color gradually became dignified, "this momentum This cangya cloud is clearly already a half step real immortal! "

Half step is really immortal!

This name makes shanruoling all stare at it.

Because this word means that cangyayun will be one of the most powerful practitioners in the whole land of Zhongzhou.

Even Wan Chengyi, the master worshipped by shanruoling and the Dharma protector and venerable of the Kalan sect, is now just the peak of Jinxian.

Although it is only one step away from the half step immortal, this step is like a natural moat, which has blocked many amazing talents for thousands of years.

As for the others, their faces were even more appalled.

However, xue'an, who was facing this strong momentum, looked indifferent, as if he had no feeling. He held his shoulder and looked at it.

"Is this your true immortal power? As the leader of the puppet Xianzong, the rule is the power of wind. Should I praise you for daring to cross the border, or should I scold you for not doing your job? Or... "

"You know you have no hope of promotion, but you have to do it?"

Xue an's words made Cang Yayun tremble and looked at Xue an in disbelief, "you Who are you? How do you know so much? "

Xue an smiles, "coco girl said, I am her friend and elder!"

Cang Yayun certainly doesn't believe Xue an's words. She looks at xue'an suspiciously and tries to see some clues.

But in the end she was disappointed.

Because in any case, Xue an is an ordinary Chinese man with no accomplishments.

But is that possible?

Wei chixing, a Chinese man who has no accomplishments, can smash half step Jinxian with one hand?

Even though Wei chixing did not do his job and was forced to break through into a half step Jinxian by an ancient puppet, no matter how hard he was, it was also a half step Jinxian!

What's more, he can see through the power of his own rules at one glance, and even can extend them. He can easily deduce the truth of the facts.

This is obviously not something that an ordinary person can do.

Cangyayun is thinking about it. Xue an takes a look at Liu Keke and smiles.

"Well done!"

Liu Keke bowed his head respectfully and said, "everything is due to the guidance of the elder!"

Xue an shook his head. "I just pushed you at the critical time. The rest is from your own talent and hard work."

Liu Keke's face was slightly red, and she felt embarrassed to be praised.

Xue an said faintly: "don't be sorry, this is the fact! With your talent, you should have done something for a long time. The reason is that the so-called puppet Xianzong is misleading people and even trampling on the word puppet. "

As soon as you say that.

All the puppet disciples showed their anger.

As for Cang Yayun, his face is as deep as water, "what kind of puppet Xianzong is? It's hard for outsiders to comment on it! As for you, to kill the two elders of our clan, we must have a statement about it today! "

"Say it!" Xue an chuckled, then his eyes grew cold.

"Indulge your subordinates to act recklessly, even know that this person has insulted the disciples, but still ignore them. This is what you want to say?"

Cang Ya Yun's face was white, "you..."

What else did she want to say? Xue an stepped forward and continued to say coldly: "being cronyistic, being kind to the talented and capable disciples who are not hard on you, but very tolerant of the villains who cheat on the upper and lower levels. That's what you want to say?"

Cang Yayun's face became whiter and her lips began to tremble."If you see this person commit murder in public, you want to kill the innocent disciples, but you are the first to jump out after this person is killed. Is that what you want to say?"

This series of questions makes Cang Yayun tremble slightly, his face full of anger, and his eyes are more murderous.

This is in front of many masters of the sect to question themselves!

If you don't refute it, your reputation will be completely destroyed.

But before Xue an finished, he stood with his hands down and shook his head slightly.

"These are nothing at all!"


Shan Ruoling was stunned by Xue Anyi's experience.

What's that called?

He asked for a long time, but it was nothing?

Even Cang Yayun was a little confused. I didn't know what Xue an really meant.

At this time, Xue an looked up at the black tower standing on the top of the mountain in the distance, and said faintly, "do you know what you did wrong?"

Cang Yayun subconsciously asked, "what?"

"Instead of studying the ultimate power of puppets, we should practice in closed doors! This is your biggest mistake

Cang Yayun was struck by lightning and his muscles were stiff.

Xue an then said, "don't you find that you, the so-called puppet Xianzong, used puppets as an auxiliary means in the battle?"

Cang Yayun hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

Because what Xue an said is true.

Nowadays, the more powerful the puppet Xianzong is, the lower the role of puppet is in fighting, and even has been reduced to an auxiliary means.

Cang Yayun is one of the most representative examples.

She could not remember how long it had not been possible to summon the puppets to fight.

"But it's not our intention. The puppet's fighting power is too low! It can't compete with other clans! " Cang Yayun said.

Unconsciously, she has regarded Xue an as an equal person to talk to, and even deliberately neglected to avenge Wei chixing.

Xue an shakes his head and sighs, "do you know what is the secret casting of pearls? You are living examples

After that, Xue an pointed to the huge black tower and said, "today, I'll show you some real puppets and alchemists What should it look like! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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