People follow Xue an's point, Qi Qi looks at the huge black tower, and then their faces all appear at a loss.

Among them, Cang Yayun is a face muddled expression.

Because in her impression, this huge black tower has been standing there for a long time.

The leaders of all ages have tried to figure out what the giant tower is for, but they all failed.

It was the same when she first became the leader. She had made great efforts and studied for a long time. She also searched the classics left by Xianzong to find out the origin and builder of the giant tower. Finally, she failed.

Later, she put the matter behind her mind and ignored it.

I didn't expect that today's Chinese man actually said these words, which naturally shocked Cang Yayun.

Xue an points to the mechanical puppet.

"Follow me!"

The mechanical puppet followed him up and came to the black tower.

Xue an looked up at the towering spire with a faint smile.

"Take the biggest shape."

According to Xue an's command, the whole figure of the puppet began to soar. In a blink of an eye, it became a hundred feet in size, almost level with the tower.

Xue an ran up the shoulder of the mechanical puppet and said in a deep voice, "hold the spire with both hands and pull it up with all your strength."

On the top of the tower, the puppet starts to pull out the black machine.


With a crisp mechanical sound, a buzz came from the bottom of the huge black tower.

Everyone was surprised.

At this time, someone exclaimed, "look at the bottom of this giant tower!"

People watched.

From the bottom of the huge black tower, a series of brilliant brilliance began to emerge, just like tangled vines and dizzy patterns, and began to spread rapidly.

In an instant, these patterns are all over the whole black tower, which makes people feel dizzy at a glance.

Cang Yayun exclaimed, "it's Alchemy array!"

That's right.

This is the alchemy array that puppet Xianzong has been studying.

Can Cang Yayun at the moment simply look silly.

Because the alchemy array on the huge black tower was countless times more complex than the one she had studied. Even after a while, Cang Yayun felt a sharp pain in her head, and her mind quickly became depressed.

Cang Yayun didn't dare to take a closer look at it at that time, because she knew that it was the power of counterattack when she was forced to study the extremely high-level alchemy array.

But I just saw it for a moment and then I had such a powerful power to eat back. How terrible should the alchemy array on the black tower be?

As for others, it's even worse at the moment.

A puppet disciple of Xianzong just glanced at it, and was shocked by the power of counterattack to vomit blood.

After a look, Liu Keke also felt impetuous. He closed his eyes quickly, and then cried in a deep voice: "don't look at it again! Otherwise, they will all die

Hearing her words, the crowd lowered their heads and closed their eyes, and did not dare to look again.

Xue an stood quietly on the shoulder of the mechanical puppet, looking at the alchemy array that flickered like a living creature breathing, and faintly laughed.

"It's interesting!"

After that, Xue an slowly closed his eyes, and his mind like the sea spread from his eyebrows.


As soon as shennian came into contact with the huge black tower, the brightness of the alchemy array suddenly increased, and then a huge curtain of light slowly unfolded.

On the screen of light, there are countless complicated lines, and high and low crisscross, like a mess, which makes people feel dizzy.

And one by one, the light spots flicker above the nodes of the line, like pieces of chess pieces, waiting for people's deduction.

"This This is the legendary Zhou Tian Jiezhen technique! " Cang Yayun shivered all over, and his teeth even gurgled.

Because in the classics handed down by zongmen, this method of dispelling array was the top-level skill used by ancient alchemists, and it has been lost for a long time.

I didn't expect that it reappeared in this Chinese man today.

At this time, Xue an controlled the chess pieces with his mind and began to deduce them step by step.

At the beginning, people can still see clearly, but later it gets faster and faster. In the end, they can only see the light spots flying rapidly in this tangled array.

This marvelous method of solving the array shocked everyone.

Because it requires not only a strong mind, but also an almost impossible brain power. Otherwise, it is impossible to control so many light spots in the array at the same time.

Moreover, if you take a wrong step, the whole array may immediately self destruct. This kind of strong psychological pressure is not acceptable to ordinary people.

A moment later.

The light spots of the array are almost to the extreme, and people can only see the flickering lights.Suddenly.

All of a sudden the light stopped.

What's going on?

Failed to solve the array?

Cang Yayun just had this idea in mind.

The alchemy array covering the whole black pagoda began to disintegrate, and the black color of the tower disappeared with it, and the cold metal light gradually appeared.

At the same time, concise and clear alchemy arrays began to emerge.

As if something was being pulled away, the whole mountain began to tremble.

The light began to appear at the bottom of the great black tower and converged to the top through the alchemy array.

Alchemy gathering energy!

Cang Yayun stupidly looked at, this one by one magical alchemy array let her shocked some numbness.

Soon, the top of the tower has accumulated the terror energy condensed to the extreme.

At this time, Xue an opened his eyes, took a look at the huge tower which had become metallic color, and gave a smile.

"Let's go!"

At his command.

All the light whacked for a while, and then a layer of fine array patterns appeared on the slender spire, which flowed up the array pattern and then spewed out from the spire.

This is an indescribable bright column of light, like a huge silver needle, straight to the sky.

Originally, the night sky was as bright as day in an instant, and the light was scattered like a fountain after reaching the top. Then a light curtain was formed and poured down to cover the whole puppet immortal sect.

The original peaceful aura became fierce, and the vegetation all over the mountain grew rapidly and mutated. Together with the rare birds and animals, they all gradually became like mechanical creations.

For example, the bodies of birds and animals have gradually changed into the shape of gold and iron, and even the rabbits running on the ground have grown metal wheels.

And the whole mountain also gradually exudes a cold metallic luster.

However, after a few breaths, the whole puppet Xianzong was transformed from an immortal cave into a place of alchemy with cold metallic luster.

With the blessing of this light curtain, the figure of the originally tall mechanical puppet began to soar, and soon became more than 150 feet tall.

Everyone looked at the scene with astonishment.

Then a disciple of the puppet sect exclaimed in surprise: "my accomplishments have become more powerful."

More people are staring at it with only one thought in their mind.

This It's not a dream! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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