"Master, this Is all this true? "

Wan Chengyi nodded with a bitter smile, and then sighed, "I didn't expect that all the legends are true!"

For WAN Chengyi, a master who can get access to many secrets.

The legends handed down in ancient times sound like myths now.

One of them is about puppet Xianzong.

It is said that the puppet Xianzong at that time was much more powerful than it is now, and even alchemists with genius in heaven even refined the whole mountain.

However, with the passage of tens of thousands of years, the legend has become irrefutable, while the puppet Xianzong has long been reduced to a second-class school, and has never been prosperous again.

But who would have thought that on this ordinary banquet today, we could actually see the holy land of alchemy reappear.

The impact on other sects can be imagined.

Because everyone knows that the rise of puppet Xianzong is irresistible.

All because of the Chinese man.

But Shan Ruoling looked up at Xue an, who was very tall. He had five tastes in his heart. He didn't know what it was like.

At the beginning, she thought that this was an ordinary Chinese man, just because he was handsome, so Liu Keke took a fancy to it.

But what happened later was like a slap in the face of everyone who despised him.

At least shanruoling felt hot and embarrassed.

At this time, Xue an fell to the ground, and rushed to Cang Ya Yun, who was still in a sluggish state, said faintly, "now, can you accept Qi?"

Cang Yayun shuddered all over his body, and then he took a deep breath and bowed respectfully.

"Master, disciple Take your breath

At the moment, Xue an has already incarnated in Cang Yayun's mind as an immortal elder of his school, and still lives for thousands of years.

Otherwise, how could he know how to crack the tower of darkness?

As for why he is a Chinese, he has not yet cultivated himself.

Maybe the elder is playing in the world of mortals. Cang Yayun thought of this in his heart.

To Cang Yayun's attitude, Xue an didn't agree, but said lightly: "since you are convinced, now you will give the position of leader to Liu Keke!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Cang Yayun's face changed greatly.

"Before Master

Xue an raises eyebrow slightly, "how? Don't agree? "

What else does Cang Yayun want to say.

Xue an waved his hand, "with your talent, it's not enough to be the leader of the puppet clan! It's better to be a second elder! "

Cang Ya Yun's face flashed the color of hesitation and struggle.

And Liu Keke said timidly: "master, my cultivation is the leader..."

Xue an smiles. "With your accomplishments, it's not enough to be the leader of other sects, but it's absolutely enough to be the leader of the puppet Xianzong."

Liu Keke's face showed a confused color, did not understand why Xue an said so.

All the other disciples were puzzled.

"Don't you understand? ha-ha! You can try to control the mountain at your feet Xue an said lightly.

Liu cocoa subconsciously closed his eyes and began to control everything according to Xue an's orders.

All of them are powerful enough to make the whole world move.

"Do you understand now? Only those who understand the mechanical heart are qualified to control this mountain of alchemy. "

Xue an's words dispelled all doubts.

Cang Ya Yun sighed, knowing that the general situation could not be violated, he bowed down to salute and said, "master, I understand what I said!"

After that, he turned to Liu Keke and bowed his head, "yes Master

All the puppet Xianzong's disciples bowed down and said, "see the leader!"

Finally, all the people from all the schools who came to the banquet could not help but bow their hands together, "congratulations to leader Liu!"

Among them, Shan Ruoling's expression is the most complicated.

Just now Liu Keke was still a young master with equal status with her, but in the twinkling of an eye, she became a school leader.

This kind of drop makes shanruoling a little confused.

Wan Chengyi naturally saw this and patted her on the shoulder, "Ruoling, everyone has his talent! You can't ask for it! "

"Yiling's identity changed for a while, but I didn't think it was too much for me to adapt to the change of her identity! I'm really glad coco has come to this point. "

Wan Chengyi knew that his apprentice never lied. He nodded slightly and then looked at Lian Yunting.

The power of the four images of the girl always made him a little hard to give up. Finally, he walked forward and said with a smile.

"Girl, who are you from

Even Yunting saw that he was a middle-aged man with a plain blue shirt. He did not think much about it. He pointed to Xue an in the distance and said in a respectful voice, "that's my master!""Then your accomplishments are..."

"Nature is also given by master!"

Although he had expected it in his heart, Wan Chengyi could not help but lose his mind after confirmation.

Lian Yunting's power of the four images is even more authentic than that of the Kalan religion.

And this is also the work of this Chinese man?

How many secrets are hidden in this man?

All the dust settled.

People from all walks of life left.

Liu Keke can't adapt to her role as the leader for a while, so Cang Yayun accompanies her to see her off.

When seeing off master Wan Chengyi and his disciples off, Shan Ruoling gently hugged Liu Keke and whispered in her ear, "hee hee, you are not an ordinary person. Don't let it go!"

Liu cocoa's face rose red, gently pinched her small waist, "you dead girl, don't talk nonsense here!"

Of course, all this is going on in the dark, and outsiders can't see it at all.

In the end, all the guests left.

What happened on the puppet Xianzong also spread wildly.

The whole of Zhongzhou was shocked.

It coincides with the coming of the thousand nationalities Congress.

However, Xianzong, a puppet of the second class sect, opened the ancient secret array and restored its former glory.

This adds more variables to the already complicated situation.

A lot of sinister eyes looked at the puppet Xianzong, trying to grab some benefits from it.

But soon, the puppet Xianzong hung up the door plate and declined all visitors.

People all know that this is to build strength for the Millennium Assembly.

At the same time.

In the moonlight city deep in the demon mountain range.

Since the Hutou gang was destroyed, the situation in Moonlight City has been in chaos for a while, but in the end, all parties still retreat under the sharp sword of fox snow.

As a result, muqingbao took over all the influence areas of Hutou Gang, and became a well deserved boss.

And at the moment in the fun square, fox night is happily drinking flower wine with several demon girls.

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