"A crab has eight legs, two sharp ends, such a big one, eyes stare, neck shrinks, crawls and crawls across the Shahe River!" Fox night step on the stool, bold face line strike wine order, and then point to the opposite two demon girls.

"You lose, take off!"

At the moment, the two demon girls have already taken off very cool. Hearing this, they can't help but say pitifully: "Lord fox night, if you take off again, it will be true. Please hold your hand high and let our sisters go!"

Fox night to laugh bloom, "willing to gamble and admit defeat, this can not play Lai!"

"Oh, Lord fox night, please let our sisters go once! Next time you come, we'll make you satisfied, OK? " One of the demon women pleaded in soft language.

"Next time? No more next time! Fox, I'm going to leave soon! Don't talk nonsense and get rid of it quickly

Fox night now almost I am a hooligan four words engraved on the forehead.

The two demon girls were puzzled.

"Is fox night going? Where are you going? "

"Yes! Is it that Fox night adults like other girls? Woo Hoo hoo, it really makes us sad! "

Fox night a pie of mouth, "Hey, don't make it as if it is true, I have never touched your fingers! Don't mess with people like this

Hearing this, the two demon girls laughed. One of them came up with a glass of wine and leaned over beside the fox night, and said vaguely: "Lord fox night, our sisters really don't understand you. We come here to drink flower wine all day, but don't even touch us!"

"Yes! Is it possible that Is there anything difficult to say, my lord

Fox night is a Zheng, after understanding what meaning, eyes instantly stare round, "I bah, fox ye, I am in good health! I... "

Just about to go on, I heard the sound of fox snow killing outside the door.

"Miss Po, why are you here?"

As soon as the voice fell, the door was kicked open.

Bao came in with a bluster.

When he saw two other demon women in cool clothes in the room, a Bao couldn't help but blush and spat.

"Bah! I knew you were hiding here drinking flower wine

As soon as the two women saw a Bao, their expressions were all one Su, and they quickly got up to leave.

Now in the Moonlight City, who doesn't recognize the red girl a Bao beside mu Qingwan.

Wait for them to go, fox snow kill also know how to hide outside, did not come in.

Fox night and Bao are left in the room.

Bao looked at Fox night, eyes gradually red up, forced to inhale nose, forced calm way.

"I've heard that you're leaving?"

Fox night nodded, "yes! It's time to go! "

"Why?" Bao asked.

"What, why?"

"Why go?" Speaking of this, Bao's voice has been a bit choked.

"Er..." Fox night some do not know how to answer, can only sigh the way: "baby, I forgot to tell you something..."

"I know! You have a wife Said Po.

Fox night a little surprised, "you How do you know? "

"Nonsense, you drink flower wine all day, but But they never touch these women. When they get drunk, they lie in bed and talk nonsense. Those things have been spread out for a long time, and most of the moon city knows it! " Ah po said in a serious way.

In fact, she lied about it.

She is the only one who really knows that Fox night has a wife.

At the celebration banquet of exterminating the Hutou Gang, Hu Ye was so happy that he got drunk. Then Bao ran around and served him most of the night.

It was at that time that the woman who was drunk in the fox night and kept talking about his thoughts was naturally heard by Bao.

When Bao was struck by lightning, he hid his face and cried bitterly.

And for the next few days, fox night was ignored at all.

Make fox night a face inexplicable, still think oneself where to provoke this little girl again.

But a Bao did not expect that, just as she slowly began to accept the reality, today came the news that Fox night was going to leave.

What's more, mu Qingbao said it himself.

At that time, Bao felt a sharp pain in his heart. When his mind was hot, he immediately rushed into the fun shop and wanted to find fox night to find out.

Fox night at this moment wry smile, "I have something to do!"

"What's the matter? Go to find The girl? " Bao asked in a low voice, playing with the corner of his coat.

Fox night shook his head, "of course not, she is not here, but in a very far away place!"

Bao shuddered all over and raised his head. I don't know when his face was full of tears.

"Then can you not go?"

See this scene, have been holding a playful attitude, in the face of all the moon city fox night, feel a little heart tremble.

Fox night deliberated for a long time and then sighed, "Miss Bao..."Bao interrupted him.

She wiped the tears on her cheek, raised her mouth and showed a big smile.

"Well, don't say it! I know you have your own business, I'm just saying it casually! Hee hee, have you been cheated by my tears? "

Fox night mouth slightly open, staring at Po.

"You really think I like you! I'm just teasing you! If you are lazy and playful, a fool will like you! " Bao said in a garrulous voice and turned to go out.

When she reached the door, she stopped, lowered her head, shrugged her shoulders, and sobbed uncontrollably.

"You Will you come back? "

Fox night sighed, "probably..."

"All right! I got it! Have a good journey

After that, Bao pushed the door and ran away.

Fox night standing in the original place, some silly looking.

Fox snow killed to come in, some hesitant asked: "adult, do you want to chase?"

Fox night shook his head, look some gloomy, "no need."

Fox night here, of course, is to attend the Millennium Assembly.

This event has already spread throughout the demon mountain range.

Although Moonlight City is remote, many people still know it.

Fox night is not the same as the others.

Fox night is very clear, this Qiyun chess game is very strange, it is possible that the real power of Qi Yun is hidden in this thousand ethnic assembly.

So he has to go.

As for the moon city.

Fox night felt that he might not really come back.

After all, there is no need to continue to stay in this Qiyun chess game after grabbing Qi Yun.

The world will be closed again, waiting for the next game to open.

With this idea in mind, fox night certainly won't leave any illusions for Bao.

Because it's just hurting her.

Fox night although like beauty, but also only to appreciate it, never promiscuously promise trample on feelings.

After all, if it comes to loyalty to love, the fox clan is more stubborn than the Terran.

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