In order to avoid the sadness of parting, he is also afraid that Bao will do something out of the ordinary.

So fox night simply with Fox snow kill in one morning quietly left the moon city.

What he didn't know was that when they started quietly.

Bao and mu Qingbao are standing in a building in the distance, watching quietly.

Watching the back of fox night away, a Bao's tears kept falling.

Having been waiting for the fox night's back to disappear in the vast mountains, a Bao is still reluctant to take back his eyes.

Mu Qing, seeing the situation, could not help sighing, "well, people have already left! Don't look any more! "

Bao looked dazed and murmured, "sister Qinghuan, do you think he will come back?"

"It should be Yes

A Bao smelt speech but a miserable smile, "I know not, he is such a big villain, left will certainly not come back again!"

With that, Bao couldn't help but cry.

This little girl, who was only 15 or 16 years old at best, had a first taste of love, but was crushed by the reality mercilessly.

The strong gap between the disillusionment of her ideal made her sad.

Mu Qing took her in his arms and said in a soft voice: "if you want to cry, you can have a good cry!"

A Bao lay down in Mu Qingbao's arms and burst into tears. His tears soon wet his clothes. He waited until he was tired of crying before he fell asleep.

Looking at this childish girl who still sleeps with her eyes closed, Mu Qing has some pity and some helplessness.

Then he took her back to his room, put her gently on the bed, covered the quilt, and then quietly walked out.

After the room calmed down, a Bao's eyes exuded big tears, then turned over and sobbed.

For the next few days, Moonlight City was still calm.

As the actual leader of Moonlight City, muqingbao is very busy every day.

She had to deal with all sorts of things.

Today is no exception.

At the same time, when mu Qingbao mediated the dispute between the two hostile small gangs, the two sides were reconciled again, and they sincerely expressed their gratitude to Mu Qingbao.

Outside the moon city, there is a strong team riding a tall and powerful beast.

The leaders were two demon generals with triangular eyes and armor.

"Big brother, is this the Moonlight City?" The speaker spat out the letter, and the triangle's eyes were full of evil light.

The general, who is called big brother, has a strong body and a long scar on his face, which is very ferocious.

"Yes, this is the moonlight city that the commander wants us to clean up!" This big brother is also hissing the letter.

It turns out that the two brothers are snake demons.

The eldest brother is named shetian, and the second is shemu.

The two of them came to the moon city to clean up the "rebellious party" under the orders of the leader of the demon clan and the patron of the tiger head Gang Tong Bao.

"It's just a tiny place. The commander sent us two brothers. It's really a bit of a talent to use!" The second snake wood said lazily.

"Hehe, since the commander has ordered us to do so, let's do it! Take it as a vacation! Anyway, who has the final say, is it not our brother's final? "

Hearing this, snake wood's eyes lit up and hissed out the letter.

"Big brother said..."

"The commander-in-chief is very angry at what happened in the moon city. It doesn't matter if you kill more than one!" The snake sky light way.

"Oh, that's wonderful." Snake wood rubbed his hands. Obviously, he couldn't wait.

Then he turned back and said with a grim smile, "have you heard all of them? This city belongs to our brothers. Play as you please! Don't do it

All of them had a fierce look on their faces, and they all cheered when they heard the words.

Then these demons will drive straight into the city, directly into the city.

In the broad daylight, when they rushed in, they naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

Snake day was too lazy to talk nonsense. He rolled up a pedestrian by the road with a whip and said in a cold voice, "where do you tax collectors live?"

The pedestrian pointed out the direction with trembling.

Snake day grinned grimly, "I should have spared you, but as soon as we entered the city, we would take you to offer sacrifices to the flag!"

After that, the whip twisted.


The man's neck was broken by the whip.

Blood sprayed all over the floor.

All the onlookers exclaimed.

Snake day but did not care to lead the team to come to the tax office.

Each demon clan leader has jurisdiction over a large area of territory, so it is impossible to manage every city in an all-round way. Many marginal towns are finished by sending a tax collector.

Moonlight City is no exception.

And because there are moonstones here, tax collectors are more important.But whether it is Hutou gang or muqingbei, they will pay the full amount that should be paid.

After all, no one wants to offend the commander.

So the work is very leisure.

While several tax collectors were sleeping.

Shetian directly led people to break in, and he could not help saying that it was a whip first.

After beating these tax officials crying for their father and mother, snake Tianyin said with pity, "I am the messenger sent by the commander. You have a man named muqingbao, right?"

Tax officials looked at each other.

Mu Qingbao is usually very good to these people. Now when he sees shetian and other people so domineering, they know that they are not good people, so they all have some hesitation.

Snake wood couldn't help it. He grabbed a tax official, opened his mouth and bit off half his head.

All the remaining tax officials were silent.

"Now tell me, with or without this man?" The cold voice of the snake.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The tax collectors nodded in a hurry.

"Well, lead the way."

A few tax officials gingerly in front of the road, led shetian and others to muqingba.

It's just that these two snake demons didn't notice at all.

When they were walking, the tax officials quietly winked at some men by the road.

The men nodded slightly and then disappeared into the lane.


When Mu Qing has just sent off a few thanks of coolies.

Then a man ran in to deliver the letter.

"Sister Qinghuan, just now a team came in. The leader should be two snake demons. They are so arrogant that they actually kill people in the street. Now they are holding the tax official to our place!"

Mu Qing's arm was slightly stunned.

"Snake demon?"


Mu Qingbao was not a fool. He immediately thought of the backstage of the Hutou gang. The commanding officer who had never indicated his attitude could not help but feel solemn.

"Well, I see!"

"Sister Qinghuan, why don't you try to avoid it first! These guys are not good at coming here

Mu Qing shook his head and said, "avoid well, but I'm gone. What do the rest of us do?"

At this time, someone at the entrance of the alley said with a grim smile: "who is muqingbao? Get out and see me , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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