Mu Qing changed his complexion and got up and went out.

At the same time, the whole coolie lane was shaken, and everyone walked onto the street, then stood in the distance, gazing coldly at the two brothers of shetian and shemu.

When Mu Qing's body appeared in the street, the crowd quietly dodged a road.

After Mu Qing took a walk, everyone followed him speechless and walked forward step by step.

The whole process was silent, but it was this silent silence that formed a powerful deterrent, and even made the monsters such as snake, sky, snake and wood at the entrance of the alley subconsciously stepped back.

Snake sky, snake and wood two demons looked at each other and saw the cold in each other's eyes.

At this time, mu Qingbao came near and said in a deep voice, "I am mu Qingbao. Who are you? What can I do for you? "

After seeing clearly the appearance of Mu Qingbei, the demons were stunned, and then all showed the look of salivation.

In particular, the two brothers of shetian and shemu, who were greedy, couldn't wait to swallow MuQing.

"Jie Jie, I didn't expect that there would be such a beautiful woman in this remote place!" Snake wood silver laughs and hisses the snake's letter.

Mu Qing pulls slightly a frown, "what do you want to do in the end?"

"What are you doing?" Snake day sneered, "Mu Qing Bei, you openly killed the commander's right-hand men, but also asked us what to do?"

Mu Qing turned pale and knew that what he had been worried about finally happened.

At the same time, all the people who were behind Mu Qing's arm came forward one after another.

"What are you doing? Do you want to rebel openly? " The snake asked in a cold voice.

Mu Qing waved his hand and motioned to everyone not to act rashly. He said in a deep voice: "two generals, I didn't mean to do this for the Hutou gang. It was just because the boy leopard was so aggressive that I killed him out of helplessness! I hope the two generals will learn from each other. "

"Ha ha!" The second snake wood smelled the speech and said with a grim smile, "not only are people beautiful, but even what they say is so wonderful. It's really an exciting creature!"

Mu Qingba's face was getting colder. The snake wood's eyes were just too evil. When he was staring at him, he felt as if he had fallen into a cold swamp, which was very uncomfortable.

At this time, the eldest serpent said faintly: "so it is! So you've got a reason for it

Mu Qing took Wen Yan with a sigh of relief, and thought that things had changed. He arched his hands and said, "the general is really wise as a torch!"

But then she shook her head and sneered, "but I've come all the way here, and I'll just listen to these words and leave?"

"The general meant..."

"It's very simple. We won't embarrass you. As long as you hand over the Moonstone which is ten times as old as compensation, we can leave. Moreover, we can give you some good words in front of the commander, so that you can wait without any worries! How about it? "

There was a commotion in the crowd.

Ten times as old as Moonstone.

This is an impossible task.

You should know that the Moonstone handed in every year is already an extremely heavy burden for the coolies of mining.

If you add ten times more, you can only fill it with the lives of countless people.

After hearing this, Mu Qing held a wry smile on his face, clasped his fist and arched his hands and said, "the general, this condition you want is impossible to complete."

"Oh? Impossible? Well, I'll give you another way The snake was stunned, and the silver evil's eyes had been circling on Mu Qing's arm.

"As long as you stay with our brothers for one night, I can reduce the amount of Moonstone I hand in, which is the condition What do you think? "

If there was a commotion in the crowd just now, it's going to be fried.

Countless people glared.

Because shetian's words desecrated the image of muqingbao in the hearts of those coolies who were deeply favored by him.

Snake wood said with a grim smile: "what? Don't you agree? You know, our brother has never offered such a generous offer to anyone else! If it doesn't, then we'll have to do business. Don't blame us for being rude

With that, snake wood whipped out a whip and blinded a tax official's eyes.

The tax official rolled on the ground in pain.

Snake day grinned grimly and urged the strange beast under his crotch. When the strange beast came forward, he was about to trample on the tax official.

Mu Qing took a deep breath, "slow down!"

"Snake heaven smell speech to take the mount," how? Have you figured it out? Don't worry. Our brothers are excellent at Kung Fu. They will surely make you a little beauty want to die! "

His words made the demons laugh.

Mu Qing turned his face as cold as frost, "two generals, can I think about this matter?"

"Good! Then we'll give you half a day. We'll wait for your news in the fun shop tonight

Shetian said, and turned the horse's head and left, and snake wood greedily looked at mu qingbu's face, "little beauty, remember to clean up!"Then he left with a laugh.

As soon as these demons are gone.

The crowd was going to explode.

"Elder sister Qingwan, these guys are too deceiving. Let's fight with them!"

"Yes, we must not agree to this condition!"

Mu Qing pulled his face and sank like water, "don't say it. You're going to break up first! Remember, no one is allowed to do it without my orders. "

With that, Mu Qing turned around and left.

People looked at each other, and then all face gloomy scattered.

Wait for Mu Qing to pull back to the room, hear the news of a Bao in a hurry.

"Sister Qingbei! You can't agree to the conditions of these demons. Mr. Liu, the teacher, said that these demons never talk about faith. If you do, it will be tantamount to conspiring with a tiger. "

Mu Qing turned pale and smelled a smile, "OK, I'm not so stupid! I can do it myself! "

"What can I do?"

"You don't have to ask! Go to your business and leave me alone

A Bao lowered his head, flashed a strong color in his eyes, and then nodded without moving his face, "OK! Then I'll go first, sister Qingbei! "

After waiting for Mu Qing to pull a person in the room, she sat for a long time, and her face gradually showed a resolute color.

What happened in coolie lane during the day soon spread throughout the whole moon city.

Countless people are angry.

But it is the demon army under the commander's command. This kind of prestige makes many people dare not to speak.

For example, the owners of the pleasure square are now like this.

When this group of demons broke into here and wantonly, he could only face it with a bitter smile.

A dozen tables were filled with innumerable delicacies and wine, and all the girls in the entertainment hall were forced to receive them.

As for the rest of the guests, they were all blown away.

Some of them walked a little slower, and even broke their necks directly by these demons. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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