Although shemu is a powerful demon clan, it is still scalded and screamed in surprise.

The hand that pinches Mu Qing to also loosen accordingly.

Mu Qing fell to the ground with his hands covering his neck and breathing fresh air.

Snake wood turned around and roared with a murderous face: "you bitch, I want to tear you up a little bit!"

Then he rushed over.

The girl who threw the hot pot was pale, shivering all over, but she did not retreat from her teeth.

Just then, the windows of the hall burst into pieces. With the sound of breaking the sky, several black lights ran straight to the snake wood in the air.

Snake wood in the heart of a startle, hard in the air a roll, avoid these several black light.

After a few muffled sounds, these black lights were inserted in the back wall, and the feathers of the arrow tail trembled slightly. It was amazing that they were all black crossbows.

"Who is it?" After the snake wood fell to the ground, he roared.

"Damn it, the demon clan is great? How dare you beat the girl in my entertainment shop if you don't tell me what I eat and drink? Today, I will fight with you With an angry male voice.

All the girls in the room were stunned.

The sound.

It's the owner of the fun shop!

"Girls, all squat down!"

With the man's voice, the girls immediately squatted down.

Then listen to the sound of the intensive bowstring, countless black light like the tide through the doors and windows of the wall, straight to these demons.

These arrows are attached with seal script, which has additional damage to the demon clan.

Outside the door, the big owner of the fun shop looked at all this with some pain and muttered, "Damn it, I lost a lot today!"

But in the face of these arrows, the snake, who had been sitting on the chair for a long time, snorted coldly and vomited a mass of black fog, which covered all the arrows.

The black fog was obviously very corrosive, and the arrows stopped in mid air and quickly began to dissolve and disappear.

Then he stood up slowly, "do you want to hurt us with such a trick?"

Said, he went to the girl near, regardless of her crying struggle, directly caught it.

"Haha, I wanted to keep you guys alive, but since you don't cherish it, I have to eat you a little bit!" With that, shetian spits out a long and thin snake letter and walks upstream of the girl's neck and cheek.

The girl screamed with horror.

Originally sitting on the ground and panting for breath, mu Qingba suddenly grabbed the dagger on the ground and then stabbed at the snake heaven.

But as soon as she jumped up, a slender snake letter would wind it up and swing it violently.


MuQing fell on the wall, opened his mouth and spat out a big mouthful of blood, and then slowly slipped down, unable to get up for a moment.

"Oh, I forget you! Don't worry, none of you can run tonight! I will play with you slowly and make you regret that you are personal! " Snake sky cruel smile way.

"Oh? Is it? But I don't know how many of you demons can deal with tonight? "

With an icy female voice, countless figures began to emerge from the darkness, and even the walls of the courtyard could not resist these people's steps and collapsed one after another.

And hear this female voice, Mu Qing is like be struck by lightning, try to turn head to see with all one's strength.

Sure enough.

It was Bao who was at the front of the crowd.

When Bao saw mu Qingbao's present situation, he couldn't help burning his anger in his eyes.

"You bastards! How dare you do this to my sister Qinghuan

With Po's scolding, the crowd all started to curse.

"Shameless monster! Today I'll fight with you! "

"If you dare to hurt sister mu, you can't even be the king of heaven!"

Under the indignation of the crowd.

These demons can't help turning pale.

Mu Qing looks at all these things with tears on his face.

Because among these people, she saw people from coolie lane, people from various small gangs, and even those who were not at peace with themselves.

"You You. " Mu Qing asked.

"Sister mu, we are OK to fight each other, but you are bullied by these demons. If we don't fight, are you still a great man?" A man who had a fight with mu Qingbao said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Let's watch you being bullied. We can't do it! " A lot of people agreed.

A Bao is a very clever girl. During the day, she can see that mu Qingbao is absent-minded.

But Bao didn't make a move at that time. He waited until he went out to discuss with the people.

In the end, we decided to do it anyway tonight.

Because people all know that there is no condition to talk to these demons, only if you die or I live.But in the evening, a Bao is preparing to go to Mu Qingbao for discussion, but he finds that her person has disappeared.

Bao knew at that time that things were not good, and immediately the convener came.

At the beginning, Bao just wanted to gather the people from coolie lane, but he didn't expect that as soon as the news spread, the whole moon city was a sensation.

No matter big or small forces or various sects, they all went out and vowed to play with these demons.

At this time, a Bao stepped forward, and his young face was full of murderous spirit. "Now hand in elder sister Qingbao, and then you can get out of the Moonlight City, and you can spare your life, otherwise There is no mercy for killing

But at this time, shetian and shemu looked at each other and laughed.

"Interesting, interesting! Do you really think you can do anything to us with this mob? Today, let you see the power of the snake demon clan! "

Say, two demon body light flicker, and then a big drink.


A black and blue snake with two heads appeared in front of everyone.

"Jie Jie, since let us show the noumenon, then none of you want to go today!"

"Kill!" Bao, without fear, led the crowd to rush up.

Two snake heads open their mouths, and black fog spurts out. As long as people touch a little, they turn into pus.

But even so, no one flinched.

Those demons also rushed up.

A cruel battle begins.

Because each other is not a race, the attack is naturally merciless.

These demons are superior in their physical strength and cultivation, while the Terrans are superior to the large number of people. They are all prepared and carry the seal script that can restrain the demons.

But even so, the casualties are still extremely heavy.

Among them, the one who killed the most people was the double headed snake.

Every iron weapon blade has no effect on it at all, but if it spurs out a black fog, it can turn several people into pygmy blood.

Bao had already rushed to Mu Qing and pulled him up from the ground.

"Sister Qingbei! Are you all right? "

Mu Qing shook his head, and then looked at the arrogant two headed snake.

"If we can't kill this double headed snake, we can't win the demons!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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