Bao naturally understood this truth, but the key is that this double headed snake is so powerful that ordinary people can't get close to it.

"Sister Qinghuan, let's get out of here first, or the longer we wait, the more deaths and injuries will be!" Bao said in a deep voice and went out with Mu Qing's arm.

At this time, one of the heads of the two headed snakes turned around and laughed bitterly at them.

"Want to go? It's not so easy. You two girls have to stay with me today

Then he opened his mouth and spit out the long and thin snake letter, and rushed to Mu Qingba and a Bao.

Mu Qingbao had lost her fighting power now, but she was just able to stand. Bao was in front of her, and her young face was full of perseverance.

When the snake letter rushes forward, Bao suddenly raises his sword with the blade facing forward.

The snake couldn't dodge and was cut open by the blade.

The stench of filth was streaming all over the floor.

The double headed snake roared with pain, "damn asshole, I'm going to crush your bones a little bit."

With that, the snake letter, which was cut into two pieces, was like two ropes. It closed from both sides, trying to trap the two people.

Bao's swordsmanship is learning from self grazing and clearing. Although it's pretty good, it doesn't look so good when facing this powerful double headed snake.

The sword just now was due to the carelessness of the double headed snake. Otherwise, it would not work.

Now surrounded by two snake letters, although a Bao left branch right clumsy, but still unable to catch.

In addition, it is even more dangerous to protect the elephant.

Mu Qing stood with a rickety arm and said weakly, "a Bao, you don't care about me. Let's go!"

Bao cut off a snake letter that had already rushed to the front with a sword, and said in a very firm voice: "I will not go!"

"But if you stay here, we can only die together!" Mu Qing tried his best to make Bao go.

Bao shook his head. "Die or die. What are you afraid of! A Bao said at the beginning that he would never leave Qingyuan in this life

A Bao's words let Mu Qing pull stunned, and then look at a Bao's thin back fighting hard.

Ten years ago, when mu Qingba saw a Bao for the first time, she was standing quietly in the corner of Renshi, with a straw sign on her head and a piece of clothes that had been rotten into strips.

The other kids are eating with the traffickers.

She looked so quietly, not crying, a pair of thin and appear too big eyes, there is no waves.

Like a dying old man, calm and terrible.

The point is, at that time, she was only five or six years old, just because she was small, just like a child of two or three years old.

Because she never cried or laughed, she was regarded as a fool by the traffickers. She simply refused to let her eat and let her live and die on her own.

I don't know what it is, maybe it was touched by Bao's eyes.

Mu Qingbao bought her without hesitation.

And the money dealer also said with a smile that he was not responsible for the death of such a child.

In the tone, it's like talking about a piece of goods.

Mu Qingbao didn't say a word, but took Bao away.

It's strange that no one was alive when the fire broke out in the city.

From then on, Bao followed mu Qingbao.

At the beginning of the year, a Bao still didn't speak, but quietly followed Mu Qing's arm. No matter what she did, Bao followed.

At that time, some people thought that she was either a dumb or a fool, and once advised mu Qingbao to throw her away.

Mu Qingwan did not agree.

With the passage of time, the little girl grew up gradually under the care of Mu qingbu, and eventually grew into a graceful little girl, and her personality became cheerful and lively.

But only mu Qingbei knew how many times she woke up crying when she was sleeping.

And a Bao did say to Mu Qingbao that she would never leave her life. Even if Mu Qingbao didn't want her one day, she would still cling to it.

When he said this, a Bao was very happy, but mu Qingbei saw the tears in her eyes.

It is such a pitiful little girl who is carrying out her promise today.

A Bao's sword has been missing several huge holes, and her body has also had several ferocious and terrible scars.

Even so, Bao was still panting, holding the sword in both hands. His hands were shaking slightly, but he was still staring at the double headed snake without fear.

"Jie Jie, you are really a stubborn little girl. Well, I won't play with you any more! Get down on your knees now

The double headed snake who has been playing with Bao is a little impatient at the moment. The snake letter, which was originally cut in two, instantly becomes one, and then comes with the wind.

If this hit, Bao will at least break his bones and tendons.As for the rest of the people, at the moment are haunted by demons, can not catch up.

Po raised his sword trembling.

But at this time, a sword light like the first clear after snow flew from the outside.

The demons along the road did not even have time to react, so they were cut in half by the sword light.

But the double headed snake was just about to dodge, and the sword light had arrived.

In front of the sword light, the body of the double headed snake is as strong as a lamb to be slaughtered.


One head was cut off.

After the sword light landed, he was an indifferent fox man.

It's Fox snow!

Mu Qing took joy in his heart.

Then I heard a lazy voice coming from outside.

"Damn it, fox, I just left for a few days? Do you demons dare to ask for trouble? "

Say, fox night slowly walked in, Chong a Bao and Mu Qing pull hey hey a smile.

"Fortunately, I didn't come late!"

Then the two headed snake with only one head said angrily, "who are you?"

Fox night smile, "my surname is father, call father!"

"Dad? Dad The double headed snake was stunned. Then he realized that Fox night was taking advantage of himself. He could not help but roar: "I will kill you!"

Then he rushed up.

Fox night back half step, light way: "kill it!"

Fox snow kill smell speech step forward, a sword stab out.


The head of the two headed snake was pierced directly by the sharp sword light.

When the two headed snake died, the crowd just breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this time, the head of the snake that was cut off suddenly burst up and bit on Bao's calf which was nearest to him.

The scene stunned all the people in the room.

But Bao's face was blank, and he didn't seem to know what had happened.

Fox night the first reaction came over, roared, "snow kill!"

The sword light of fox snow killed immediately flew to the snake head and blew it into powder.

Then fox night rushed up and hugged Bao who fell back slowly.

Bao's face appeared green at the speed visible to the naked eye. After falling into the arms of fox night, he murmured: "how come it's all black?"

Fox night holding her, hands can not stop shaking, "nothing! don't worry! It's just that the candles in the room are out

"You Are you holding me? " Bao whispered, his breath was getting weaker and weaker.

Fox night whole body trembles, red fox snow kill roar way: "quick, take antidote pill!"

Fox snow kill busy from the arms of small bottles handed to Fox night.

Fox night was about to give medicine, but Bao said.

"Hold me tight, I'm cold!"

As he said this, the look in Bao's eyes was rapidly disappearing.

Hu hugged the bottle for a night.

"How nice! No one has ever held me like this Bao said softly. The body began to cool.

After a hundred thousand years of time, fox night thought that he would not cry, but at this time he could not stop his nose acid, and then forced to inhale.

"It's OK. If you want to, I'll hold you like this every day!"

A Bao raised his mouth and wanted to smile, but he had no strength. He could only say faintly, "sister Qinghuan, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you any more."

Mu Qingbao had already sobbed.

Then Bao put out his hand as hard as he could, trying to touch fox night. Fox night grabbed her hand and put it on his face.

"Fool, I..."

The last flame in a Bao's eyes was extinguished before the words fell.

To death, she could not say that I like you!

Fox night quietly holding a Bao, no expression.

The room suddenly became quiet.

Many demons began to shiver, because they felt a strong breath that had never been seen before.


With a light sound, a demon directly exploded into a blood mist.

Then, these demons like fireworks general, began to explode one by one.

A strong enough to make the world change color from Fox night.

Fox snow kills whole body shiver, immediately kneels on the ground, respectfully way: "welcome the adult to return!"

Fox night holding a Bao slowly stood up, his face is not sad or happy, but a light way: "these demon clan, there is no need to exist!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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