The reason why fox night went back and forth this time is that the killer organization that fox xuesha once served sent him a message.

There will be changes in Moonlight City.

This killer group is all over the demon mountain range, and it's very well-informed.

Therefore, as soon as he received the news, fox night immediately returned.

That's just enough to catch up.

I didn't expect to end up in such a situation.

Looking at Bao in his arms like a deep sleep, fox night eyes flash a touch of pain and guilt.

The old and strange girl died in her arms.

Even before he died, he didn't finish what he wanted to say.

Every time I read this, fox night felt heartache.

And his momentum is more and more powerful, and even formed a similar field around his body.

In this field, the temperature has dropped to freezing point, and no object can get close to it.

Can be colder than the temperature, but it is fox night's eyes.

At least mu Qingbei has never seen such an expression as fox night.

That kind of deep and dignified, people can not help but have an impulse to kneel down and worship.

Fox snow kill more and more excited.

Only he understood what was going on.

Before the projection came down is only a part of fox night, but look at the current situation, it seems that adults' ontological consciousness has also come down to a part.

Fox night out of the room, looked up at the night sky, light way: "snow kill!"


"Guard this place!"


"I'm going to avenge bao'er!"

Say, fox night whole person soars to the sky and disappear in the twinkling of an eye in the sky.

This shocking speed makes everyone look silly.

Only fox snow kill's eyes flash a faint sadness.

Because he knew that the consciousness of fox night itself was too strong to be tolerated by the rules of the world, especially when using cultivation, it would lead to the reverse of the law of heaven.

The result is likely to be the fox night of this sub body premature collapse.

As Hu xuesha is worried about, fox night has been able to feel the hostility of the surrounding world.

But he didn't care.

He doesn't care about it.

If it's not because this world is the place of Qi Qi chess.

He may even come down with the noumenon when Po died.

At that time, what kind of nonsense heaven way, a finger smash is.

He can even crush the world.

"Don't worry, baby. None of the demons that killed you can escape."

Fox night's eyes burning with killing intention, no longer the usual playful face.

About 5000 kilometers away from the moon city, there stands a towering and atmospheric city.

This is the main city that governs Moonlight City.


A dinner party is being held in the commander's mansion.

In the banquet hall, there was a scene of singing and dancing.

All the nobles in the demons were in human form, dressed in decent and expensive clothes, and chatted together in a low voice.

It's a daily part of their lives.

As the nobles in the demons, they don't have to do anything. They live and dream like this every day.

And above the throne, he was drinking tea with several high-level officials in the city.

As the supreme ruler of tens of thousands of miles of mountains, the commander's wings are now very satisfied.

He came from the shape of a forest bird. He had lived for thousands of years, and his cultivation was extremely profound. Only then was he valued by the demon commander and ordered him to take charge of all this.

"Commander, why didn't you see the two generals of shetian and shemu?" A black bear general asked with a flattering smile.

"Oh! I sent them to Moonlight City to deal with something

"Moonlight City? The town deep in the mountains A demon clan asked in surprise.

"Yes The wings nodded.

"What can I do over there? Have you discovered a new Moonstone vein? "

When it comes to this, the eyes of many demon clans are lit up.

For their high demon clan, Moonstone is an indispensable existence.

If a new vein can be found, it represents a huge amount of interest and wealth.

He Yi shook his head and slowly took a sip of tea. He said faintly: "it's not that I found any new mineral vein. I sent the snake sky brothers to go there. It's entirely because the Terrans there made trouble and killed one of my men."

"Making trouble? Or the Terran? "

These demon clans were all stunned and then roared with laughter.

"These people are so ignorant that they dare to kill the commander's men!""Yes! What a death wish

He Yi was smiling. "That's why I sent the two brothers, shetian and shemu, to go there. I told them that they could do things easily when they got there."

Do what is convenient.

The simple four words are full of blood.

These demon clans were all excited, and then began to talk about the snake sky snake wood two demons will take to suppress the Terran.

"These two demons are very cruel. Now, these people have to learn a lesson."

"Haha, it's just a group of lowly people. They wanted to die by themselves. They even offended the commander."

"Yes! What divine power is the commander? Even the demon commander has great respect for him! These Terrans are purely self inflicted. "

She listened with a smile and enjoyed the feeling of being flattered.

But just before he woke up from this feeling.

A strong breath appeared on the top of all demon clans.

The smile on his face solidified.

"What's the matter? Why is there such a powerful demon power? " The wings of a startled cry, heart read electricity turn.

Is it the demon commander who passed by?

I'm thinking about it.

The roof of the banquet hall disappeared.

The moon shone on the faces of these stunned demon clans.

And fox night stood in the clear light of the full moon, overlooking all the demon clans below, and said faintly: "you Who is the commander of this party? "

The eyes of many demon clans looked at the wings of the dragon.

He felt that there was a cold sweat on his forehead. He quickly stepped forward and arched his hands and said, "I don't know if this demon commander is here. What can I do for you?"

Fox night quietly looked at, and then said: "double headed snake is you sent to the moon city?"

His wings were stunned, and his heart suddenly raised a sense of extreme danger. He was ready to find a reason to prevaricate.

Fox night nodded, "it seems to be!"

Then he looked down at a Bao in his arms and said, "today, you will all be buried with Baoer."

The wings of the spider were terrified and frightened, and felt that the scales of his whole body would explode in an instant, and he was preparing to struggle against it.

Fox night stretched out a finger, "Er wait, all die!"

With that, a powerful demon power that lets the full moon shake spread.

All the demon clan even had no room to struggle, so they exploded under the powerful demon power.

Only the wing of the Dragon persisted for a long time, but his eyes showed great fear.

In the demon clan, the higher demon clan will form a strong deterrent to the lower demon clan, and even can let it explode by its prestige alone.

But what this needs is extremely powerful demon clan blood.

Don't say the demon is handsome, even the demon emperor can't do this.

And what is the origin of this man?

What kind of person have you offended! He sighed in his heart, and then the whole body exploded and became a blood mist, and the spirits were all destroyed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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