The banquet hall, which has just been in full swing, has now become a sea of blood.

Fox night standing in the air, eyebrows suddenly appeared a golden shackles.

This is the reverse force of heaven and earth, which has been strong enough to materialize.

Fox night but just a cold hum, "with this heaven also want to tie me? Go away

With his voice, the yoke broke.

But fox night's face is also aging three points.

But fox night doesn't care.

He looked around the vast mountains, "since we have come to this world, then we will eliminate all the demon families who have lost their original heart!"

After saying that, fox night's figure gradually disappeared in the moonlight.

And the news that the wings of the dragon and many high-level demons turned into blood and water quickly spread.

Originally dead demon mountain range, began to become no longer calm.

But this is just the talk of the demons after dinner.

But then, the news from behind began to challenge the bottom line of all demon clans.

The next day.

The demon Shuai was killed by a mysterious man. Before he died, the demon commander knelt down on the ground, even dare not resist.

The fifth day.

The demon emperor and many royal families were destroyed by this man.

The seventh day.

Lord demon.

For half a month.

Fox night almost swipe the screen behavior, the whole demon family mountain stir the wind and cloud color change, ghosts and gods are startled.

Because no one knows how strong this mysterious man's cultivation and blood are.

It is said that the demon Saint transformed by the ancient beast did not even dare to resist when facing the suppression of the mysterious man's lineage, and could only lead his neck to be killed obediently.

And no one knows what he is going to do and why he wants to kill so many high demon clans.

Until what happened in Moonlight City spread.

Many demon clans understood what had happened, and they couldn't help scolding the dead Fan Yi.

Even if you want to die yourself, you have set up such a powerful enemy for the demon clan.

It's a shame to die.

But it's no use saying anything now.

Fox night has conquered all demon clans with his extremely strong cultivation.

Step by step began to unify the whole demon mountain range.


Far west, the land of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

The reason why it is called this name is because people here believe in Buddhism.

Second, it is called the land of Ten Thousand Buddhas because there are so many schools here that they are in conflict with each other, and each school believes in different purposes.

At the moment, in the capital of the kingdom of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

The conference has been held for three months.

All schools from all over the country gathered together to debate with other schools with their own Scripture and cultivation.

In this way, the next year's believers and even the believers will lose.

But the winner will win the cult of countless believers.

Therefore, each school will take this debate conference as the most important thing to do, and the people sent to participate in the war are all the top leaders.

In the end, it often ends in a draw.

However, this year's debate conference has made some differences.

In the debate hall.

The Golden Wheel behind the brain of a fat monk broke, then vomited a mouthful of gold blood and fell down.

A little monk came forward and skillfully carried the fat monk away.

Because they've done so much of it these days, they're familiar.

And all the monks around looked at the thin monk sitting on the lotus platform.

How many times is this?

Even the true word monks of zhenyanzong are not the opponents of those who claim to call themselves kukuchan Zun.

How deep is this person's understanding of Buddhism?

At the moment, kuchan venerable slowly raised his eyes, looked at the following schools of eminent monks, light way: "who else is willing to argue with bitter Zen?"

A word comes out, but no one answers.

These usually high-ranking monks, now all lower their arrogant heads.

In the past three months, countless monks tried to challenge the bitter Zen from the frontier temple, but all failed.

No matter how high your accomplishments and fame are, you'll be in vain.

Kuchan asked again three times.

There was still no response.

Then he showed a faint smile, and his mind gradually became golden.

"If so, will you believe me?"

Under the golden light, almost all the monks' faces showed a confused color, and then their eyes gradually became empty.

"Reverend, I'll wait for you!"

For thousands of years, the kingdom of Ten Thousand Buddhas has never had a leader who can subdue all schools.It was not until the appearance of kuchan and the march of debating scriptures that kuchan became invincible.

After that, the whole country of Ten Thousand Buddhas had numerous crazy followers of kuchan worshippers, and their momentum became more and more grand.


In the North northwest, there is a Tiewei mountain. I don't know how high it is.

On the mountain, there is no grass, no birds or animals.

Within a thousand miles, no monster dares to pass by.

Because at the foot of the Tiewei mountain is the place of the demons.

This is a huge square between jiuchongquan underground.


There are countless demon soldiers standing on the square.

These demon soldiers wear armor, inside is really a dark, can only see their eyes emitting cold flame.

These eyes come together like a cold sea.

When the demon zunshao Leng Jun Xie's body appears on the Dianjiang stage.

All the demon soldiers look up and howl.

This is respect for Leng Jun Xie.

Leng junxie looked at the soldiers below, a trace of smile appeared on the face of incomparable Yin evil, and then Lang Sheng Dao.

"You have been underground for thousands of years. Even you are used to this kind of life without seeing the sun. You think that the demon clan should be like this."

"But I will tell you today that you are wrong! As noble demons, we should enjoy all the beautiful things in the world more than all the people in heaven. We are born to be superior

"But ten thousand years ago, you were driven into the underground like pigs and dogs. From then on, you became the humble demons in his population!"

"But now I just want to ask you, are you satisfied?"

The demon soldiers sent out a thunderous roar, which was full of monstrous resentment.

Leng junxie said with a satisfied smile, "very good, today, I will lead you back to the ground, kill all those ghosts and monsters, and cast our reputation of demons with blood!"

It's Japan.

Tieweishan capsized, the demons came into the world, and there was no light in the world.

Similar scenes are happening everywhere.

The non heaven of the Shura nationality led the overseas shuras to land on the coast, where they passed, they set off bursts of blood.

All ethnic groups are making final preparations for the Millennium Assembly.

And in Zhongzhou.

The sky above the city of mountains and seas.

There is a city of sky high above the clouds.

Every time the sun passes through this place, the sky city will take on the shape, and be shining.

That is where the Haizhai of Xianmen mountain in Zhongzhou is located.

At the moment, in the shanhaizhai.

Lian Yunzhi kneels on the ground and tells the story of his pale face.

Sitting opposite her was a woman in Palace Dress with a beautiful face.

After hearing this, the woman frowned slightly.

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