"Yes Lianyun said respectfully.

"Some time ago, it was said that the puppet Xianzong opened the ancient secret array. The man who started it was also a Chinese man, but this man?" Palace dress woman light way.

"Looking back, it should be Xue an who did it! Because Liu Keke, the true disciple of the puppet Xianzong, also appeared in Bafang mountain and tried to rob Zhenxian's remains, but somehow he stopped and got in touch with Xue an. " Lian Yun's deep voice said.

The lady nodded, "OK, I know! I will report this matter to the master. You go down first

"Yes Lian Yunzhi quickly bowed his head and answered, then stood up and went out.

Just walked to the door, the palace dress woman light way: "the outer gate now lacks a person who manages the chores, you go to support it first!"

Lian Yun's face turned white in an instant. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to say it. He just gave a low hum, and then bowed himself out.

Waiting to leave the room, Lian Yunzhi's tears burst out.

Because she knew it was like being kicked out of the door in disguise.

But she did not even dare to show her dissatisfaction.

Because the speaker is the first master of shanhaizhai. Don't read it.

In shanhaizhai, the position of the first senior sister is very powerful.

It can be said that he is in charge of all the inner disciples of shanhaizhai.

Her words can even determine the fate of an inner disciple.

Compared with Gong Budian, lianyunzhi is nothing.

So even if she was expelled from the inner door, she only dared to shed a few tears.

And in the house of the palace do not read, after seeing Lianyun's going out, the corner of the mouth appears a trace of sneer.

"What a waste! I sent you to capture the collection of real immortals, and I was still in your hometown Bafangshan. I failed, but I still had a big problem in my mood! Such a fool is a rubbish at the bottom of the door. "

If you can become the first elder martial sister, you should be able to serve the public.

Gong Budian is already a half step golden immortal, and his cultivation can also rank among the top three in the inner chamber of shanhaizhai.

Secondly, we should have excellent leadership and keen vision.

On these two points, Gong Budian can be said to be the first among the disciples of shanhaizhai.

In particular, her eyes, even the mountain Haizhai several peak owners are sigh Fu Ru.

Therefore, at the first sight of Lianyun, Gong didn't want to see that there was a big problem in her mood.

If this problem is not solved, even Yunzhi doesn't want to make progress in this lifetime. It's good to keep going.

So she gave up lianyunzhi decisively, let it to the outside door to deal with the chores, to put it bluntly is to expel it out of the inner door.

After thinking for a moment, Gong Wu Nian got up and went to Jinding, the highest place in the city of the sky.

Her master, the great master of shanhaizhai, lived here.

When we arrived here, several peak owners of shanhaizhai were also there.

The rocking light star girl of the rocking light peak and the palace don't read the intimate relationship is good, see her to come after is a smile.

"Don't read it!"

Although Gong Budian was of great status, he was a disciple after all, so he bowed his hands and said, "I've seen the master of Yaoguang peak!"

"Shake light star female to smile," and I still so polite to do what? "

The palace does not read at the moment in the heart also can't help but have a little doubt.

How come all the giants in shanhaizhai get together today?

Is there something big to happen?

Thinking about it.

Sitting on the Dragon Court, Vatican Dingtian said: "you came just in time. You just received a message from the divine world. Lagerstroemia indica is going to go down."

Hearing this, Gong did not read a big surprise.

"Why did the son of God come into the world at this time? Is it for the thousand people's Congress? "

As soon as the words were spoken, the palace did not read and then consciously dropped his tongue.

Sure enough.

Fandingtian frowned slightly, "don't read, the son of God is the star king of the upper world. You can't speculate at will, because you are different from ordinary people! Do you understand? "


"These days, all the leaders of the peak should be ready. The future prosperity of shanhaizhai depends on this matter!"

"Understand!" All the leaders of the peak bowed their hands in response to the road.

At this time, she asked, "don't read it. What's your business here?"

Gong did not read to nod, and then will Lianyun's words again.

Finally, he said, "master, you peak masters, I think this Chinese man is very strange. Especially according to Lian Yun, he destroyed the king of thousand birds and the evil spirit childe with a body of no cultivation, and then went to the puppet Xianzong to open the ancient secret array. It can be seen that this man has some skills."

Fandingtian smell speech, but just do not move slightly nodded.

"It is not surprising that the thousand people's Congress this time is very important. Various forces come on stage in turn, and even some secret forces that should not have existed for a long time have also begun to appear. This is not surprising.""However, the Chinese can't cultivate themselves. No matter how strong they are, they are just ordinary people, which is not worth mentioning! Send a few people to investigate, that's it

Fandingtian did not regard it as a big deal.

For him, the most important thing is to prepare for the coming of the son of God.

Gong didn't know for a long time that the master would react like this, so it's not surprising.

"yes, then I'll send a few secret agents to investigate it."


Don't want to bow down and retreat.

Rocking light star girl looked at her far away back, giggled a few Jiao.

"Master, in recent years, don't read it, but you have grown into your right hand!"

Fandingtian nodded, "this woman is careful and does everything well. It's really good."

"Hehe, I don't know if our God son can see it or not! If she knew that she would be presented as a gift to God, she would be honored? Still afraid The girl sighed.

"It would be a great honor for her if the Lord Shenzi took a fancy to her. Moreover, if she had the blood of the Lord Shenzi, she would be able to become a transcendent existence in this world by virtue of her mother and son. Would she be afraid of such a good thing? " A peak on one side of the main cold channel.

"Hehe, it's like you know women well!" Shake light star girl light said a word, get up to leave.

This is the time when the shanhaizhai is preparing for the arrival of the son of God.

Small water with a cadre of elite has come to the puppet Xianzong, met Xue an.

"Angie, this place is so strange! How come the fruit on the tree is made of steel Asked Xiaoshui.

Xue an smiles and then looks at the Chinese soldiers who come with Xiaoshui.

"Are these people

Xiaoshui nodded. "According to your order, the country of thousand birds has been completely pacified by us. Many Chinese who do not want to go back are placed there. Those who come with me hope to return home!"

Xue an nodded, "OK! If so, I will give you another chance. "

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