When Xue an traveled all over the world, he once came into a lost place.

In that deserted world, all the mountains have been made into alchemy towers, and rivers and oceans have been refined into array threads.

The magnificent scene surprised Xue an at that time.

But it was a dead world.

Standing on the top of the mountain, the earth is covered with huge puppet remains.

Although countless years have passed, the remains still shine with cold metallic luster, which shows how powerful the civilization that built them was.

Finally, Xue an opened a secret collection and gained many useful things. The knowledge of ancient alchemy, such as Zhou Tian Jie Zhen and alchemy black tower, was obtained from it.

Xue an LED Xiaoshui and others to the alchemy tower.

Now it is the holy land of the whole puppet Xianzong.

When Xue an came here, Liu Keke and Cang Yayun also came.

"Master, is there any change?" Cang Yayun asked.

Since the puppet Xianzong opened up the ancient secret array, Cang Yayun felt that his puppet art was advancing rapidly.

Although she said that her path of cultivation has gone wrong, and there is no chance to turn back.

But if the puppet skill can be broken through again, its strength will be greatly increased, and it may even become the top few people in Zhongzhou.

Therefore, Cang Yayun's resentment for being deprived of the position of the leader has long since disappeared.

Now she is devoted to the study of puppet every day.

For Xue an is also a sincere respect.

Xue an shook his head. "Nothing. I just want to make some armor for these Chinese soldiers."

Make armor?

Cang Yayun and Liu Keke looked at each other and saw the doubts in each other's eyes.

Liu Keke stepped forward. "Master, there are many pieces of armor and many puppet seeds left in the ancestral residence. If you want to, I will order these Chinese soldiers to go in and choose."

Although the puppet Xianzong has been reduced to a second-class sect, it has a deep foundation after all. There are a large number of alchemy armor left in the clan house, which is more than enough to arm Xiaoshui.

Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "No need. You wait to get back! "

Cangya cloud and Liu Keke retreated to the distance.

Xue an stood in front of the alchemy tower with a negative hand and said, "maybe there will be some pain. Can you be afraid?"

Xiaoshui and those Chinese soldiers all laugh at the speech.

"Brother ANN, is there any reason to be afraid of pain?" Said Xiaoshui.

"Well, line up."

At the command of Xue an, Xiaoshui and others are in line with the battle array.

Xue an went to the alchemy tower and suddenly said, "do you know what the first principle of alchemy is?"

In the distance, cangya cloud and Liu Keke are all stunned, and their faces are full of blank colors.

"Alchemy, in fact, is a kind of art that forcibly changes the original structure of matter and allows it to grow according to the wishes of the refiner, but it has an iron law." Xue settled down.

"That is equivalent exchange."

"Alchemy is a very fair method. You have to pay as much as you want to get. There has never been such a thing out of nothing. This is its first principle."

"Only when you understand this can you be regarded as a qualified alchemist."

"Master, but this Liu Keke points to the alchemy tower and says something.

Xue an said lightly: "do you want to ask why this alchemy tower changed the whole puppet Xianzong?"


Xue an smiles. "What you see is often not the truth. The reason why this pagoda can change the puppet Xianzong is that for thousands of years, its bottom has accumulated a huge amount of earth spirit power. "

Speaking of this, Xue an stretched out his hand and gently stroked the body of the alchemy tower and said faintly, "now, please borrow me for alchemy!"


With a slight sound.

With Xue an's palm as the center, a series of dense golden patterns gradually emerge!

The whole alchemy tower was slightly shaken, and there appeared a brilliant brilliance on the top of the tower.

Xue an slowly closed his eyes, the huge mind spread out, carrying these bright brilliance, covering Xiaoshui and others.

"Take care of yourself!" Xue an's voice rang out in every Chinese soldier's mind.

Xiaoshui and others are all shocked, immediately embracing yuan Shouyi, so that his mind is quiet down.

At the same time, Xue an's mind was like a knife and pen, and he began to carve alchemy runes on every Chinese soldier.

Each time the seal cutting, Xiaoshui and others will appear on the face of pain.

Can let this group of men who are not afraid of life and death like this, we can see how severe the pain is.In fact, Xue an's every knife is equivalent to directly seal cutting on the bones and meridians of Xiaoshui and others.

Natural pain pierces the heart.

But even so, these Chinese soldiers are still silent and bear all this in silence.

Cangya cloud and Liu Keke in the distance are staring at all this!

In particular, Cang Yayun, after all, was the leader of the puppet Xianzong, so she had a lot of knowledge.

So at the moment, she was full of panic and murmured: "this This is the art of training soldiers! "

She had seen the records of this kind of secret art in the classics handed down by the clan.

This is a kind of secret method that directly carves the alchemy Rune on the human body.

Because the truth is similar to alchemy, it is named the art of refining soldiers.

However, it is recorded in the ancient books that the conditions required for military training are extremely complicated, and it takes a long time to prepare in the early stage, and when the script is engraved, the writer must be attentive and not be distracted.

Because if the alchemy Rune makes a little mistake, it will be useless.

In this way, there is no guarantee that we will succeed in the end.

A lot of times we have to rely on luck.

Xue an now carves runes for hundreds of Chinese soldiers at the same time.

It's just like the Arabian Nights. It's unbelievable.

But only Xue an understood that what he used was not the method of military training here, but the secret collection from the lost place.

And because of xue'an's great blessing, he can refine for so many people at the same time!

At this time, Xue an light way: "the real pain is about to begin, endure the past, you can become strong!"

What? The real pain hasn't arrived yet? What is this now?

Xiaoshui and others are wondering.

Xue an carved the last rune.


It's just like the flash of light in the water.


It's like tearing up the soul!

These Chinese soldiers finally couldn't help but groan in pain.

Xue an watched quietly.

No one can help them at this stage. They can only get through it by themselves.

The first to complete the transformation is Xiaoshui!

His whole body was shocked and his runes were filled with glory.

He roared up to the sky, and black lines appeared around his body, and then the dotted lines quickly filled the real images.

In a flash.

The little water was covered with black armor, which exuded terror.

And it's not over.


With a clear metal sound, two huge steel wings emerged behind Xiaoshui.

With the black armor on the whole body, it seems extremely mysterious and powerful.

At the same time, all the Chinese soldiers began to transform.

With a roar of pain.

In the twinkling of an eye, they were all dressed in black armor, and they all extended their wings.

This It is the ancient alchemy.

The skill of refining armour!

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