Don't read for a moment.

The star hall is the absolute forbidden area of shanhaizhai.

At ordinary times, except for the master and several peak masters, no one is allowed to step into half a step, even her first elder martial sister is the same.

Today, the master suddenly called me here. Why?

Is it possible that Is crape myrtle coming?

After this idea rises in the heart, the palace does not read all over the body hair to stand erect.

If this is true, it will be the first great event of shanhaizhai in the past 100 years.

So she immediately flew to the back of the mountain.

A moment later.

The back of the mountain has arrived.

There are countless layers of prohibitions here, and no one can fly here.

Don't read the palace will fall to the ground and walk to the temple of stars.


There are countless stars twinkling above the black dome in the sky.

The great power who built this hall did not know what kind of amazing means it used. Actually, with the size of one hall, it contained countless stars all over the world.

Moreover, these stars correspond to their actual positions one by one,

even every change of stars in reality will be reflected here.

At this time, the stars are rapidly disturbing, like a mass of confused star fog, rapid rotation.

However, no matter how the stars rotate, there is a bright and bright star like the bright moon standing in the middle of the palace.

This star is as big as a light fight, and ten thousand stars are facing the arch. It is very important to be in charge of life and death.

This is the star of crape myrtle.

Fandingtian and the lady of the rocking star stood on the platform of sacrificing the stars and looked up at the stars, showing unprecedented reverence on their faces.

Because they can feel that a noble and noble breath is coming.

When the palace does not read also appears in the Zhou Tian star temple.

A purple star light from the crape myrtle star projected down, just shining on a jade in the center of the hall.

This jade is huge and incomparable. What's more, it is extremely crystal clear, just like transparent.

If there are other practitioners here, they will cry out.

Because this whole jade is extremely rare chalcedony crystal.

This chalcedony occurs only occasionally in the depths of large jade veins, and is basically the size of a fist.

And this chalcedony is more than one person tall, and this chalcedony is worth a lot of money.

Even some small religious sects could not afford to buy such a crystal stone.

However, in the eyes of the master of shanhaizhai, fandingtian and other peak masters, such crystals are not worth mentioning.

As long as we can meet the coming of the son of God, then everything is worth it.

The purple starlight seeps into the chalcedony and begins to condense.

This process is slow but awe inspiring.

Because in the chalcedony crystal, the purple star light condenses out, is the outline of a person.

With the gradual penetration of starlight, the outline becomes clearer and clearer.

In the end, the image of a young man with a majestic face like an emperor appeared, but his eyes were closed.

Even so, a strong pressure or let the palace do not read pale face.

The main faces of fanding heaven and the peaks are excited.

Because they know that crape myrtle is coming.

Sure enough.

After a breath.

The purple micro star on the dome of the star hall suddenly burst into light.

At the same time, on the outside sky, the purple micro star appeared in the daytime and projected the next powerful force.

This star force passes through the dome of the star hall around the sky, and directly penetrates into the chalcedony crystal, and then turns into a mysterious and noble mark, which is engraved on the man's brow.


With a clear sound.

Numerous fine cracks appeared on the chalcedony, which turned into powder in an instant.

Then the man slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, it seemed that there was a gust of wind in the starry palace, and a strong momentum swept through everything.

The stars above the dome darkened in a moment, as if they did not dare to twinkle again.

And the man's eyes flashed countless mysterious Fu Zhuan, it seems that the stars are included in the general, people dare not look directly.

Fandingtian and others were all trembling with excitement. They stepped forward and knelt down together.

"Shanhaizhai disciples, welcome the arrival of Lagerstroemia indica."

Crape myrtle God son stood quietly, after a moment with a dignified voice said: "you do a good job!"

Thank you Fandingtian Bangbang kowtow, excited tears in his eyes, but even did not dare to lift his head.Don't look at the palace of crape myrtle.

He was dressed in a robe full of fine patterns. His body was jade, his skin color was as elegant and white as ivory, and his facial features were deep and handsome. The ancient and mysterious mark on his eyebrows added a bit of dignity.

Especially his eyes, if you look closely, it seems that you can see countless stars rotating in it, which makes people involuntarily deeply involved.

The palace does not want to see all stupefied.

And this crape myrtle God son also seems to have noticed her, a faint smile, "life palace crape myrtle sit, and 14 Lord Yao are crape myrtle, this daughter is a bit interesting!"

Hearing this, Vatican said respectfully: "since I got the Oracle 300 years ago, I have been paying attention to the theory of life forms. Finally, I found this girl and accepted her as an apprentice. Now I am the first disciple of my seat, the head of shanhaizhai."

Don't read the palace, your face looks dazed.

What's going on?

Didn't Shifu take me as a apprentice at the beginning, but did he take a fancy to my talent?

Why do you say that again now?

And the crape myrtle God son smell speech tiny a nod, "this female life style is indescribable, will have the achievement naturally."

After hearing this, Brahman raised his head and said, "Lord God, when I took this girl as a disciple, I was ready to give it to you. How could you not have a good companion when you came into the world? "

Hearing this sentence, Gong Budian felt his hands and feet cold, his whole body couldn't stop shaking, and his brain was blank.

"Crape myrtle God son smell speech light a smile," also, this daughter I still calculate to like. If you can leave my blood, it will be your great achievement! "

After hearing this, Brahman's face showed a color of ecstasy, "I dare not take credit, but only wish that the son of God and the master of the stars are present in the world."

After that, he turned to the palace and said, "don't read. From today on, you don't have to worry about everything in shanhaizhai. Your most important task is to be with the Lord Shenzi and try your best to give birth to your son. Do you understand? "

Gong doesn't want to wake up from the stupor and look at the once majestic master who is now obsequious. Suddenly, he doesn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

It turns out that his hard work over the past few hundred years is all a reflection.

The master, who once thought that he was interested in his own ability and talent, was just using his own fate theory to ask for credit from the God son.

He also asked himself to serve the son of God like a lowly Ji girl and give birth to his son.

All these combine to form a very ironic picture. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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