Gong did not suddenly feel that his heart was empty.

But master's words, she dare not listen, had to bow her head to silence.

The star girl turned her head and looked at her, and sighed slightly in her heart.

From the beginning, she knew that this kind of reaction would definitely happen in this palace.

Because she knows too much about this competitive palace.

The blow was too heavy for her.

It was destroying everything she had built up in the first half of her life.

This makes the rocking star girl full of sympathy for her, but she can only be silent to the Lord.

At this time, that crape myrtle God son light way: "thousand race meeting when to start."

"Come back, Lord. It's half a month."

"Good! Get ready. I'm going to be there in person. "


Crape myrtle God son slowly walked on the tall star watching platform, light way: "still have, this world can have what strange matter?"

"This I don't think so. " Fandingtian turned his head and looked at the palace not to read.

Because in shanhaizhai, many specific affairs are in the charge of Gong Budian.

Gong did not want to take out the jade slips.

The son of God sat on the broad chair of the observatory and waved to her, "come here, serve me!"

Palace don't read all over a shudder, all eyes shocked at this crape myrtle God son.

"What? Didn't you hear me? " Ziwei Shenzi light way.

Fanding heaven see palace don't read a face confused color, impatiently said: "don't read, God son adult is calling you to go!"

Gong did not want to wake up from the confusion, and then bowed his head, shaking to get up and go back and forth on the platform.

Fanding heaven showed a color of relief.

Can include that crape myrtle God son, all people did not notice, palace do not read the jade slips in the sleeve, suddenly a force, will be its birth broken.

All that was recorded above naturally disappeared.

Then she took a deep breath, raised her head, and slowly walked to the crape myrtle Shenzi with a trace of evil smile at the corner of her mouth.

Fandingtian and other peak masters slowly retreated, quietly disappeared in the dark.


Zhongzhou is a vast land with tens of thousands of miles. There are countless ethnic groups living in Zhongzhou, and there are so many families and countries in Zhongzhou.

But at the very edge of Zhongzhou, on the barren land adjacent to the demon mountain range, there is an extremely ancient but disastrous country.

Ancient China.


In the ruined capital of ancient China, a practice wine was held in the extremely poor Palace Banquet Hall.

Different from the laughter and joy of other parties, the banquet hall is silent at the moment, and all the people are looking sad and serious.

Sitting on the throne is a middle-aged man with a thin face, bloodshot eyes and tired expression.

He is the emperor of ancient China, Huafu!

It should be said that every emperor of ancient China called this name.

It seems that there have been more than 400 generations of him.

At the moment, Hua Fu looks at the three teenagers standing below. He has five tastes in his heart. He doesn't know what it is.

"Three righteous men, this is a situation of life and death. Can you Have you thought about it? "

The three looked at each other, and then stood in the front of a beautiful young woman like arched way.

"Sire, the three of me have already thought about it! Now, even if there is no life after ten deaths, we should not be underestimated by all ethnic groups! "

His words made many old ministers in the room wipe their eyes secretly.

Too long.

Even many people can't remember how many times.

It is also in this banquet hall, the same practice of wine, the same words.

The difference is that the speaker never comes back.

But even so, no one has backed away.

Looking at three high spirited teenagers, Hua Fu is heartbroken.

Years of war, oppressed by various nationalities.

It is a miracle that ancient China has survived for so long.

But now, or reduced to the extent of the yellow.

At the beginning, the famous middle-aged righteous men participated in the thousand nationality assembly, and gradually changed into young people. Finally, almost all of them were young people.

Now, there are even very few young people who are qualified to participate in the Millennium Assembly.

"You an, you Do you really want to go? " Hua Fu shudders the vocal tract.

The leader of the youth was silent for a moment, with tears in his eyes, but he still took a deep breath: "father, if the child doesn't go, then my ancient China will really be removed from the list of all nationalities!"

"But You are a girl after all

Hua Fu finally said this sentence.

At the moment, he is no longer the emperor of ancient China, but an ordinary father.Hua You'an shook his head. "In the face of fate, we Chinese, regardless of gender, will never yield to it."

This sentence set off a gust of applause in the banquet hall.

Some of the old men cried

But most of them are still speechless.

Another old minister said with a wry smile: "but a few days ago, the country of ronin sent a letter of state saying that if we could not make a reasonable explanation for the death of their soldiers some time ago, we would not allow the Chinese people to pass through their land!"

Hearing this, many people looked gloomy.

It's known to all.

If other countries are OK to say, but Langren country is the only way for ancient China to go to the Millennium Assembly.

What if they don't allow it?

At this time, someone slapped the table angrily and said, "these bastards, their soldiers have repeatedly provoked our ancient China, raped, raped and plundered everything. We have repeatedly restrained them, but they got an inch and finally wiped them out. As a result, they have to explain it

A lot of people were angry.

But what can that do?

Ancient China is like a giant dragon trapped in a corner. Now it can't compete with ronin country.

Just then, a soldier with armor came in carrying a wooden box.

When they got close to the crowd, the armored soldier knelt on his knees and raised the wooden box above his head. "Your Majesty, general zuozhi Commit suicide


Hearing this, everyone stood up.

Hua Fu was even more pale and said, "what's the matter?"

The soldier with armour opened the wooden box slowly, and there was the head of general Zuo Puqi.

Then he said calmly, "the general said that It's an explanation for the ronin country! "

Hua Fu slumped down on his seat and waved his hand dully. A bodyguard came forward to take over the wooden box.

But when everyone didn't respond, the armored soldier pulled out his sword and committed suicide on the spot.

Dead bodies fall to the ground.

There was a dead silence in the banquet hall.

After a while, someone began to sob.

Because they all know that this armored soldier came from thousands of miles to fulfill the order of his commander.

Now that the mission is completed, he will also follow the heroic spirit of general Zuo Puqi.

Hua Fu burst into tears, but his face showed a resolute color, and then raised his glass.

"What they have done to the Chinese people today will be remembered by us! Chinese, never bow down

"No! The Chinese never bow their heads! "

All the people in the banquet hall roared in unison, and their eyes were as bright as their ancestors who fought in heaven and earth thousands of years ago.

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