If you ask the chaotic land of Zhongzhou, where is the pure land which is detached from the world.

That must be the city of Luofu.

If you ask Zhongzhou, where the situation is the most complex and the forces are most intertwined.

It's still the city of Louvre.

It's all because it's adjacent to tiandaoyuan, the place where the thousand people's Congress is held.

It is impossible to prove when the heaven came into being.

This place is surrounded by clouds all year round. No matter how strong you are, you can't enter it. Only when the thousand nationalities Congress is held will a road emerge.

As for the situation inside, each session is different.

There are plains, deserts, islands and dense forests.

Enter it and live to the end, and you are the winner.

The rules are that simple.

It's so simple that it's almost cruel.

Because of the unique geographical location of Luofu City, it will become a arena for all forces when the thousand nationalities Congress is held.

It has been said.

From the moment you step into Luofu City, the meeting of thousands of nationalities has already started.

However, Shan Ruoling of the Kalan religion did not feel this.

On the contrary, he looked at the passers-by on the street curiously.

Because these pedestrians of any race have, very lively.

After watching a peacock demon with a long tail passing by, shanruoling said excitedly, "master, it's so fun here."

Wan Chengyi had no choice but to smile bitterly. He even used the word "fun" to describe Luofu city.

It seems that sometimes ignorance will make you happier. For example, Wan Chengyi can see clearly that the beautiful tail of the peacock demon is clearly a top-level killing device, which has nothing to do with fun.

"Well, don't stare at others casually. It's taboo." Wan Chengyi told me.

Mountain if Ling Oh, but still looking around with interest.

Because of the proximity of the thousand ethnic assembly, the once peaceful city of Luofu has once again become noisy and lively.

All kinds of business shops along the road have opened their doors. The shrewdness of the businessmen has added a few lively atmosphere to the originally frigid atmosphere.

And these businesses are all inclusive, doing everything, let shanruoling eye opener.

It's just the time to watch.

There was a commotion outside the gate, and then a group of dusty monks came in.

These monks are all dignified. Although they walk with their heads down, they can still see the golden light in their eyes.

Wan Chengyi's heart is full of awe.

It's from the land of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Moreover, of these monks, the lowest level of cultivation is the peak of Sanxian.

It seems that this time it's coming.

Just thinking about it, I saw a group of monks coming back.

Unlike the well-dressed monks in front of them, this group of monks appeared to be in rags, and even their robes were torn a lot.

But when he saw these unsophisticated monks, Wan Chengyi was shocked and looked very dignified.

Because these monks are more powerful than those just now.

It seems to feel Wan Chengyi's eyes, and the thin monk who has been walking with his head down in the middle of the team slowly raises his head.

When he came into contact with the monk's eyes, Wan Chengyi was struck by lightning.

In that eye, there is a Buddha's seal, which makes Wan Chengyi feel a trace of worship.

Although he was swept away by Wan Chengyi in an instant, his heart was really cold.

How profound is the Buddhist attainments of the old monk who can influence such a golden immortal?

But the monk just glanced at Wan Chengyi, then turned his head and looked at the ignorant face of shanruoling.

When looking at shanruoling, the golden light in the eyes of the old monk is more and more prosperous, and the golden wheel is hidden in the back of his head, causing a burst of exclamations from people around him.

Then he heard the monk say in a low voice: "this daughter is not a common child, but a reincarnation saint. She is willing to come back. She has a deep fate with my Buddha. She should join my door and worship me as a teacher."

Hearing this, Wan Chengyi was slightly stunned and was about to open his mouth.

Shanruoling's face became gloomy.

Although she was curious like a child when she saw something new.

As a matter of fact, she traveled with her master to various states, and she already had a deep understanding of the world.

So when she heard the old monk's words, she couldn't help but frown.

"Hello, I have a master now. You don't have to talk about it here! I will never join you as a teacher. "

After hearing Shan Ruoling's words, the old monk didn't get angry. Instead, he gave a slight smile and then turned his head to look at Wan Chengyi.

"The benefactor has the power of four images. He should be a Dharma protector of our sect, and he should also join me."

Compared with his apprentice, Wan Chengyi is much more calm. Hearing the words, he just smiles, "the great protector of the Kalan sect, Wan Chengyi has met the master!"The old monk stared at Wan Chengyi and shook his head after a while. "Benefactor, I'm not lying. You should teach me Dharma protection!"

Wan Chengyi's face gradually sank, staring at the old monk, he said: "let's talk about it later, but I don't know how to call it master?"

"My teacher is the master of bitter Zen in the land of Ten Thousand Buddhas!" Several monks, who had been silent for a long time, said in unison. Their voices were mechanical and rigid, which made people feel uncomfortable.

"Oh? Why didn't the master Zhenyan of the land of Ten Thousand Buddhas come

"The truth is a heresy, which has been defeated by my teacher!"

Hearing this, Wan Chengyi was horrified.

He knew Zhenyan and knew that the monk was very powerful.

I didn't expect that he was defeated by this kuchan venerable.

But who is the master of kuchan?

Didn't you hear that the land of Ten Thousand Buddhas had this one before?

Wan Chengyi is wondering.

Kuchan showed a compassionate smile, "one of you is reincarnation, the other should teach Dharma for me. It's predestined that you can't escape."

Hearing this, Wan Chengyi couldn't help being a good tempered man. He couldn't help humming: "as a practitioner, do you believe in life? Oh, by the way, you believe in this set of Buddhism, but we don't believe it. "

Kuchan venerable looked at Wan Chengyi, who looked at him like frost. He didn't refute it. He just laughed and lowered his head to go on.

With his steps, the monks who surrounded him in the middle began to walk forward.

Looking at the back of these monks, Wan Chengyi frowned slightly.

He always felt that the pace of these people was a little strange, but he could not tell where they came from.

At this time, Shan Ruoling exclaimed: "master, you can see that the steps of these monks seem to have stepped on the footprints of the previous one, and they are exactly the same."

Wan Chengyi has a look.

Sure enough.

When the first monk lifts his feet, the monks behind him will step on his footprints exactly, and so will the monks at the back.

Such a ring and a ring make it walk with a very strange rhythm.

However, no matter how they went, these monks still vaguely focused on the kuchan worshippers.

In such a scene, Wan Chengyi felt cold in his heart.

How can a man be so precise in every step unless he is a walking corpse without a soul?

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