When Wan Chengyi and his disciples were in doubt, there was a sound of noise at the gate.

Master Wan Chengyi turned his head and looked.

In the distance, a huge line of puppets was coming fast.

When they came to the wall of Luofu City, the puppets stepped directly across the wall and entered the city.

There was a commotion in the crowd, so timid that even their faces turned white.

However, the man with broad knowledge could not help exclaiming, "it's puppet. The puppet Xianzong is coming!"

Hearing the name of puppet Xianzong, many practitioners couldn't help but look pale.

Although the puppet Xianzong was only a second rate in the Xiuzhe sect of Zhongzhou.

Don't forget that there are so many schools in Zhongzhou.

To be in the second class is already outstanding.

What's more, many people still remember that the puppet Xianzong opened the ancient secret array some time ago. This shows that the power of the puppet Xianzong will certainly increase in the future, which naturally can not be underestimated.

At this moment.

Many disciples of the puppet Xianzong fell down from the puppet's shoulder.

Then these puppets twinkled around, and their bodies began to shrink, and soon they became about the size of ordinary people.

Standing in front of these disciples are Liu Keke and Cang Yayun.

Wan Chengyi and shanruoling look happy, and are ready to come forward to see him.

But these puppet Xianzong's disciples were all serious, all separated to two sides and stood with their hands down.

Even Liu cocoa was respectful, as if waiting for someone to come.

The crowd began to whisper.

"What's the matter? Who are these puppet Xianzong people waiting for? "

"My God, isn't that older woman Cang Yayun, the leader of puppet Xianzong? Even if she is so respectful, what will happen to the people who have to wait? "

"Hush, keep your voice down! And your news is out of date. Now the leader of puppet Xianzong is not Cang Yayun, but the young woman standing beside her Someone warned.

"How could it be? Cang Yayun is a half step immortal. Can the woman take her place The speaker was puzzled.

"Well, let's say your news is out of date! That young woman is indeed the new leader of puppet Xianzong, named Liu Keke! And I guess who these people are waiting for. "

"Who?" Asked the crowd.

"Wait and see! You'll know for a while. " The man said mysteriously.

While these people were talking about it, it was suddenly dark.

All of them were startled and looked up.

We can see that there is a black cloud on the sky. The black cloud moves very fast, and even the light is absorbed by it, which makes the clear sky dark.

In the twinkling of an eye, this black cloud flew over Luofu city.

After circling for several times, the black cloud quickly fell down in the eyes of all people.

Until the moment of contact with the ground, the black clouds suddenly scattered, and then a fierce team with black armor appeared.

As soon as the team appeared, it was as if there was a gust of wind.

Because of its powerful power, many great practitioners were horrified. Subconsciously, they stepped back a few steps and did not dare to seize the front lightly.

What's going on?

Where did this come from?

Many practitioners are wondering.

A black armour warrior came from the sky flapping steel wings.

The speed is so fast that even a streamer is pulled out behind him.

When they reached the front of the team, the black armor soldiers converged their wings and began to lower their altitude.

At this time, people could see that there was a man standing on the back of the black armor soldier.

He was dressed in white and stood with his hands on his back. His clothes were rustled by the wind. He could not see his face clearly, but he felt an impulse to worship him.

When the black armour soldier landed at a height of 100 Zhang, the man raised his feet and took a step.

The whole man fell straight down from the height.


After a big bang.

People only feel that the whole street is shaking, and the place where this person lives has been shaken out of a big hole, and there are countless cracks in the blue slate street.

Such a violent impact, the general monk is estimated to be directly shocked into meat pie.

But the man didn't care.

After seeing this man, the puppet Xianzong and those black armour soldiers bowed their hands and looked extremely respectful.

This scene made the whole street quiet for a moment.

And WAN Chengyi and Shan Ruoling looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Naturally, they know someone.

Isn't this the man who helped puppet Xianzong open the ancient secret array, and let Cang Yayun abdicate voluntarily, and then replaced Liu Keke to take charge of Xue an of puppet Xianzong?But what about these black armor warriors?

How can we not see in such a short time that we have such a strong force?

At this time, Xue an looked around the audience, and his eyes swept over everyone's face. Then he took back his eyes and said, "is this Luofu city?"

"Master, this is the city of Luofu. My puppet clan has another courtyard here, so I can settle down there." Liu Ke said.

Xue an nodded, "OK! Let's go. "

Then they turned and left.

Liu Keke smiles at Wan Chengyi and shanruoling, saying hello and leaving.

When they're gone.

Shan Ruoling said in a dazed voice, "master, this What is the origin of this Chinese man

Wan Chengyi looked dignified, shook his head and said, "I can't see it, but I have a strong premonition that you should never provoke this person, or no matter who you are, you will certainly suffer great losses."

The powerful appearance of puppet Xianzong and Xue an soon spread throughout the whole city of Luofu.

All forces can not help but feel awe inspiring.

At the same time, the people of shanhaizhai quietly appeared in Luofu city.

The crape myrtle God son sits in the hall of Shanhai bieyuan, fiddling with the chess pieces in his hand, playing chess with Gong Budian.

Fandingtian and other peak masters are waiting below.

After a good while, this crape myrtle God son light way: "puppet Xianzong?"

"Yes Fanding heaven answers the way.

Ziwei Shenzi smiles. "The inheritance of alchemy has long been cut off. It's really shameless to call yourself the puppet Xianzong. Don't worry about it. I will teach them how to be a man when the thousand people's Congress is held. "


At this time, crape myrtle God son dropped a son, "you lost again!"

Sure enough, as soon as this piece falls, all the pieces of Gong Budian are locked tightly, and there is no possibility of counterattack.

"Do you know why you lost?" Ziwei Shenzi light way.

Gong did not read the face gradually pale, and then shook his head.

"Because mortals can't defeat the gods. In my eyes, these sects are chess pieces on the chessboard. Only I am the one who holds the chess." Crape myrtle God son full face arrogant said.

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