In the next few days, with the influx of numerous monks, Luofu city became more and more heated.

As a result, collusion among various forces has gradually become increasingly heated.

However, in this complex situation, including puppet Xianzong, all the big doors remained silent.

Because real smart people know that no matter what kind of intrigue you use, it is based on strength.

Without strength, everything is as useless as a mirror.

Xue an LED Xiaoshui and others to live in the other courtyard of the puppet Xianzong in Luofu city.

Because of the special status of Luofu City, there are different courtyards for each major gate here.

First, it is for the convenience of the Millennium Assembly, but more importantly, it is to collect information.

According to Cang Yayun, the way of heaven entered by each thousand people's Congress is different.

If you can know in advance what kind of tiandaoyuan you want to enter, it will be of great help to get a good result.

But this kind of information is in the hands of the Lord of Luofu.

Only the Lord of Luofu city can know when the heavenly way is opened and what the situation is like through the ability similar to lineage talent.

No one else knows.

This is why the status of Luofu city can be so detached, but it has not been annexed by other sects.

Xue an just laughs.

The so-called tiandaoyuan should be the place where the will of Tiandao in this world is generated.

It's not very unusual.

However, Xue an was interested in the Lord of Luofu city.

Information can be obtained in advance, which shows that this person can contact the will of heaven in this world.

And it can be passed down from generation to generation as a gift of lineage, which is even more interesting.

At a time when Xue an was very interested in it.

In the evening of that day, an invitation was sent to the other courtyard of puppet Xianzong.

The invitation was very simple. The leader and elders of the puppet Xianzong were invited to go to the city Lord's house for a banquet tomorrow night.

Luo was the city Lord of Luofu.

Cang Yayun was not surprised by the invitation.

Before each thousand people's Congress, the then Lord of Luofu held a dinner party.

This is a convention.

As Cang Yayun expected, numerous invitation cards were sent out from the city Lord's house, inviting people from all sects and ethnic groups to attend the dinner party tomorrow.

The situation, which was originally undercurrent and surging, rose again under the impetus of this matter.

A variety of alliances and counter attacks have been staged one after another.

At the same time.

A little shabby black coach took advantage of the moonlight, slowly drove into the city of Luofu.

The carriage passed through the busy streets and alleys, and finally came to a very humble inn.

Today, this small inn closed down early. The shopkeeper is looking forward to his new clothes.

When he saw the arrival of the carriage, he was very excited to welcome up.

Then the curtain was lifted.

Hua You'an gets out of the carriage with the two Chinese teenagers.

The shopkeeper's first sight was that he was three young men with weak crown. First, he was stunned, and then his eyes were red. He gave a deep Courtesy: "I have met three righteous men."

Hua You'an and his three people quickly dodge and dare not accept such a heavy gift.

Then Hua You'an clasped his hands and said sincerely, "Uncle Zhong, you have been operating in this city of Luofu for many years. How dare we accept your courtesy

After that day's practice, ancient China sent envoys to hand over the head of general Zuo Puqi to the country of ronin, which bought a way.

After that, the three people of day an go to Luofu.

Finally, I arrived in the city today.

Before leaving, someone told Hua Youan.

After entering the city, he went to find uncle Zhong.

Because it was the only stronghold of ancient China in Luofu city.

The manager, known as Uncle Zhong, just shook his head. "I just did what Chinese people should do. It's not worth mentioning."

Then he arched his hand and said, "three, please follow me!"

Then he led Hua You'an into a secret room in the inn.

When he sat down, uncle Zhong's face turned pale.

"Three, this evening, the Lord of Luofu has already sent out invitation cards to invite all ethnic groups to dinner tomorrow, but he has not given us Chinese invitation cards."

Hearing this, Hua Youan's three people all look angry.

"These bastards, why don't you give the Chinese an invitation? Don't the Chinese even have the right to go to a banquet? " A young man said excitedly.

Uncle Zhong waved his hand to show them not to be excited. Then he said in a deep voice, "this is the end of the matter, and anger is no help to the matter.""What about that? Don't you go? " Asked another calm young man.

"Of course not!" Hua you an and Zhong Shu said in one voice.

After that, uncle Zhong took a deep look at Hua You'an and said with a wry smile, "are all Chinese compatriots? Are you a woman?"

Hua Youan's face was slightly red, then nodded his head and said, "yes! My name is Hua You'an. "

Uncle Zhong is shocked and looks at Xianghua You'an in horror.

"You Is your surname Hua? "

In ancient China, only the royal family had the surname Hua. The young man on the side of

said, "Zhong Shu, this is the three princess's highness."

On hearing this, uncle Zhong took a deep breath and knelt down.

Hua You'an hastens to help.

"Uncle Zhong, don't be like this. I'm not here as a princess, but as a Chinese soldier who participates in the thousand nation assembly!"

Uncle Zhong looks at Hua You'an, who looks like a man, but she still can't hide her beautiful face. He doesn't know what it's like.

He has been stationed in Luofu city for 30 years, and he has also experienced three thousand people's congresses.

At the beginning, the Chinese sent men who were steady and experienced a lot of training.

But then he changed to a young man who was a little immature.

This time, all of them are young and weak, but they still want to let the third princess of the royal family dress up as a man.

It can be seen that the strength of the Chinese people has declined to what extent.

But even so, uncle Zhong still did not see a trace of fear from the three faces.

This kind of state also infects Zhong Shu.

"Although I didn't receive the invitation, I was one of the thousands of Chinese, so I can't be absent from this dinner. I'll leave it to me. If I'm Chen Zhong dies, I'll let them go to the banquet."

Hua You'an said in a hurry: "Uncle Zhong, don't talk about death casually!"

Chen Zhongwen said with a smile, "Your Highness, don't worry. I have been in Luofu city for more than 30 years. I still have this kind of contacts! Don't worry

Chen Zhong did what he said. After settling down the three people, he left the inn that night and began to operate everywhere. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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