Chen Zhong did not come back until the next afternoon.

In the inn, the two teenagers became anxious.

"Your Highness, why hasn't uncle Zhong come back yet? Has anything changed? "

The boy who spoke was eager, and he was the youngest of the three.

He was selected because of his innate power.

Hua Youan shook his head. "Don't worry. Since uncle Zhong says he can do it, he can, and so on."

The older boy also said: "song ah, your highness is right. Uncle Zhong has been operating alone in Luofu city for decades. There must be something extraordinary about it. Don't be too impatient."

Song a turned his mouth, "Jia Ning, you don't say me here. Who was so anxious that he couldn't even eat?"

Jining some embarrassed smile, and then retorted, "do you think everyone is like you, like a bucket of rice, eating all the time?"

Because song'a was born with divine power, he had a tremendous amount of food.

"That's better than you. If you don't accept it, let's have a fall outside?"

"Why don't you compete with me in archery?"

Jianing is very good at archery. His archery is extraordinary and can even restrain some practitioners. Therefore, he was selected.

"I'm stupid. I'll compete with you?"

"Then I'm stupid, wrestling with you?"

The two began to bicker.

Hua Youan looked at it and couldn't help laughing.

Because they are all teenagers of similar age, and after this period of time getting along with each other, they have already become close friends.

Moreover, Hua Youan knows that the two people's bickering is also to ease the tension.

In fact, why is Hua You'an not like this?

Although she just said she would trust uncle Zhong.

But she knew that the world of practitioners was extremely cruel.

As long as you are strong, you are right to do anything.

But if you are weak, you are even wrong to breathe.

It is hard to get tickets to the banquet with the strength of the Chinese people.

While the three were waiting anxiously in the inn.

In the ear room of the Lord's house of Luofu city.

Chen Zhongzheng nodded to a fat housekeeper.

"Steward soup, please do yourself a favor and try to get an invitation for the Chinese people! It's a small token. It's not a compliment. You can buy a bag of tea to drink! "

Then Chen Zhong handed over some silver tickets.

This soup housekeeper glanced at Chen Zhong's crumpled silver ticket, snorted coldly, and then said in a strange way.

"Chen Zhong, I have known you for more than ten years. I thought you were an old dog who only knew how to flatter and flatter. I didn't expect that you would dare to stand out for the Chinese people? Yes? I feel that my fellow countrymen have not received the invitation card, and they are shameless? "

Chen Zhong didn't dare to say anything, but he just laughed and flattered.

Geng Jin sneered and said, "don't play silly with me. I wonder. What do you mean by the Chinese people? At the last thousand nationalities Congress, the people you sent didn't even enter the heaven's way, so they were played to death at the banquet. How could you send someone here this time? And to dinner? "

"I tell you, this time, the Lord of the city thinks that you Chinese people are too weak. At the same time, it is also to protect you, so he did not give you an invitation, so please go back!"

After this, Geng Jin, the housekeeper of the city Lord's mansion, took up his tea cup, which was obviously attacking Chen Zhong.

Chen Zhong did not leave, but took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "steward soup, we Chinese people are trying to prove that we still exist in this world! As long as you let us go to the banquet, we Chinese will never forget your kindness! "

"Don't forget me? Hehe, you mortals? To tell you the truth, I don't want to see you if it wasn't for the face of the several guarantors you've got. " Geng Jin snorted coldly and got up to leave.

At this time, Chen Zhong fell to his knees with a plop, "housekeeper, please help me!"

Then he banged his head.

Geng Jin didn't even blink his eyelids. On the contrary, he said with a sinister smile: "kowtow I see a lot. Chen Zhong, I heard that you are famous for your good temper. Well, as long as you kneel down to school now and the dog barks, I will agree to think of a way for you Chinese people, OK?"

Chen Zhong was stunned and looked at the soup.

"What? unwilling? Then I can't help you! " Geng Jin said that he was about to leave.

"Housekeeper, stop!" Chen Zhong lowered his head and said softly.

Geng Jin stopped, "what? Yes? "

Chen Zhong looks pale, but he smiles sincerely.

"Of course, I was just trying to learn how to bark like a dog."

Then he barked.

Seeing the gray haired old man kneeling to school, Geng Jin couldn't help laughing and patting Chen Zhong on the head."You're also a man of taste. Well, I'll help you, but I said in advance that you Chinese people die, don't rely on me!"

Chen Zhong nodded forcefully, "please rest assured. If my Chinese are dead, I have nothing to do with you."

Geng Jin laughs and mumbles.

"I really don't understand. Are you Chinese people crazy?"

Then he left.

After a moment of humiliation, Chen Zhong got up and left the house again.

"Uncle Zhong, how are things going?" Song ah can't wait to ask.

Chen Zhong nodded with a smile, "I'm Chen Zhong. All parties will naturally give me some face. It's done. I can go to the banquet in the evening."

"Really! That would be great! " Song ah happily drags Jia Ning down to prepare.

Looking at these two vigorous figures, Chen Zhong didn't feel sad even when he knelt down to school and the dog barked.

The words of gold are still in my ears.

And the tragic situation of the last session of the thousand nationalities Congress also appeared in Chen Zhong's mind.

They were three young men of the same age. They went to the banquet in such a hurry, but what they carried back was a mass of flesh and blood mixed together.

I just don't know if there will be any change in the situation.

Hua You'an is smart. Seeing Chen Zhong's appearance, he naturally knows what he is worried about and laughs.

"Uncle Zhong, don't be sad. When we made the decision to come to the thousand people's Congress, we were ready for everything. If... "

Hua you settled down.

"If we really can't come back, please remember to send a letter to my father, saying that I didn't disgrace him!"

Chen Zhong was silent for a while.

No tears.

Because in this world, the weak don't deserve to have tears.

Geng Jin didn't break his promise and sent an invitation at the lamp.

Hua You'an, who had already been ready, got up to go to the city Lord's house with invitation cards. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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