Shanhaizhai other courtyard.

The palace does not read the facial expression to serve crape myrtle God son to change clothes.

The first elder martial sister of shanhaizhai, who once held power, has been reduced to a concubine.

Crape myrtle God son looked at the bronze mirror in the high crown broad with the sword eyebrow star target oneself, can't help but satisfied nod, and then the head also does not return to say.

"You don't seem willing to serve me?"

Palace don't read smell speech whole body slightly tremble, then lower head light voice way: "don't read dare not."

"What a woman should learn most is to submit to the strong, not to show off her cleverness. That will only make her look ridiculous. Do you understand?" Ziwei Shenzi light way.

Palace does not read low head, complexion is slightly pale, low should way: "yes!"

"I'm quite satisfied with you. As long as you serve me well or give birth to my son, I can even consider taking you back to the astral world and become a high imperial concubine from now on!"

Finish saying, crape myrtle God son then turn round to see to palace do not read.

To his surprise, however, he did not see a trace of excitement from Gong Budian's face.

This made him very angry.

The powerful star force immediately bound the palace mind firmly, and then suspended it.

"It's your honor, humble woman, to serve such a powerful God as me. What qualifications do you have to pretend to be proud here

Crape myrtle God son said, Star Force constitute of the rope suddenly shrink, palace not read the body came clucking sound, that is the bone in the strong pressure issued by the unbearable groan.

Gong did not read the face of pain, but still did not ask for mercy.

Crape myrtle Shenzi's dignified face showed a ferocious look.

Just then, outside came the voice of reverence of Brahman.

"Lord Shenzi, the car is ready. Are you going now?"

Hear this sentence, crape myrtle God son's expression instantly returned to normal, the star power disappears.

Miyagi falls to the ground from mid air.

Then Lagerstroemia God son light way: "now starts."

Then he turned and left the room.

With her hands on the ground, the tears in her eyes loomed. Under her broad robes, her once delicate body was covered with ferocious and terrible scars.


Luofu city.

In a very luxurious inn.

Leng junxie stood by the window, playing with a piece of ancient jade as black as ink, and looked up at the light of the road in the night sky.

After a moment, he looked back and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The Shura people, the kingdom of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and all the major gates have arrived. It's really lively!"

With that, he gently rubbed the ancient jade in his hand, "I can feel that you are eager to kill. Don't worry, the demon will come to the world eventually."

It seems to be in response to his words, the ancient jade in the faint voice of the demon roar.

Leng Jun Xie, with a smile, gradually turned into a black fog and disappeared in the dark.


This is happening everywhere.

However, those who have the intention to do so find that there seems to be a lack of an important participant in this session.

Yes, it's the demon clan.

Up to now, there are no monsters in the demon mountain range.

Is it that the demon clan is not ready to participate in this session of the thousand clan meeting?

This conjecture inspires many people.

If the demon clan really does not participate in the thousand clan meeting, then correspondingly, other ethnic groups and the clan will have a greater chance of winning.

After all, the strength of the demon clan is still very strong.

With this idea, thousands of people came to the city Lord's house to open this feast.

Today's city Lord's house is full of bright and lively lights.

All the people from the main gate were arranged to be entertained in the inner hall.

And some of the small clan door simply set up a banquet in the courtyard.

Because of the large number of visitors, the so large city Lord's house was packed with people.

When Hua You'an takes Jia Ning and song'a to the city Lord's house, the street in front of the gate has been blocked by various carriages.

Of course, there are more practitioners flying to the sky.

Standing on the street, you can see countless streamers falling on the city Lord's house, which attracts the crowd to marvel.

Hua You'an got out of the carriage half the street and walked to the gate. Then he dressed up and walked inside.

"Wait a minute. What do you do?" A sharp voice sounded, and then a well-dressed doorman stopped the three of them.

"We're here to dinner! This is an invitation Hua Youan took out the gold stamping invitation card and handed it to the doorman.

The doorman took a look, and the look on his face suddenly became very strange."Ha ha, it's Chinese..." When the word "Chinese" is mentioned, the doorman has a long voice.

Before Hua You'an said anything, song a couldn't help but come up and said in a cold voice, "what's wrong with the Chinese people? It's not that we don't have invitation cards, and there are so many people. What do you mean by stopping us

The doorman turned his mouth carelessly, threw the invitation directly in his hand, and then said haughtily.

"I'm happy to check. Can you manage it?"

At this time, a group of onlookers gathered around. When they saw the black hair and black pupil of Hua You'an and others, they all whispered.

"It's Chinese!"

"Tut, how dare you come?"

These comments made Hua You'an feel as if they were on his back. However, he suppressed his anger and stopped song'a, who was about to burst into a rage.

"Now that it's all right, can we go in?"

"Yes, please." The doorman said in a strange way.

At this time, two golden lights flew by and landed on the ground. It was Wan Chengyi and master shanruoling of the Kalan cult.

When he saw the two men, he immediately changed into a flattering smile.

"It turns out to be the Dharma protector of the Kalan sect. Please come in quickly, you two!"

To be a doorman here, one of the first things is to have an extremely keen eye, and to be able to see people's apprenticeship through various details.

It's a good job, the doorman.

Wan Chengyi nodded slightly.

At this time, Hua You'an leads the angry song'a and Jianing to the inside.

"Well, who told you to go there? Is that where you can go? The Chinese people have to go to the side hall. They have no eyesight! " The doorman turned and saw that Hua You'an was about to enter the hall. He immediately changed his sour face and called out.

Even Hua You'an couldn't help it and said angrily, "are you aiming at the Chinese people on purpose?"

"So what?" The doorman had no fear at all, and was ready to go on.

Wan Chengyi suddenly said: "a doorman dare to be so arrogant?"

As soon as he spoke, the doorman turned white, "Dharma protector, this..."

Wan Chengyi said faintly, "go away!"

Of course, the doorman didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction with Wan Chengyi. Hearing this, he immediately left in dismay.

Then Wan Chengyi stepped forward and said with a smile, "are you the people sent by the Chinese people to attend the thousand people's Congress?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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