Hua You'an looked at the middle-aged man who made his way for himself, and then he bowed his hand and said, "yes!"

"That's just right. I'm Wan Chengyi, the Dharma protector of the Kalan sect. This is my disciple shanruoling. If the three of you don't mind, you can come in with me, OK?"

Hua You'an and song ajaining looked at each other and nodded.

"Thank you so much."

Wan Chengyi laughed sincerely, "don't be so polite, please!"

Said, then accompany Hua you an three people to go inside.

Shan Ruoling didn't understand why master valued the three Chinese so much.

Master has never been like this before?

Jialan religion is also a major gate in Zhongzhou, so it is arranged in the main hall.

After he takes Hua You'an and other three people in.

It's full of people.

When they saw master and apprentice Wan Chengyi, those who had made friends with them all stood up and said hello.

But there are also many people who look on coldly with disdain on their faces.

But when they saw Hua You'an, who were following Wan Chengyi, they were all stunned.

"This Is this Chinese? " There is a practitioner's soft voice.

Then some practitioners could not help but stand up and said in a cold voice, "wanhu Dharma, what is the matter with these Chinese people?"

"What's the matter?" Wan Chengyi said lightly.

"Hehe, this is the main hall. How can these Chinese people be qualified to be here?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that these Chinese are my friends. I brought them here. Do you have any opinions?" Wan Chengyi said in a deep voice.

His words made a lot of people look at each other, and then some sneer.

"Friend? When did the Kalan people make friends with these Chinese

Wan Chengyi looked up and his face sank.

Because the speaker is the mortal enemy of the Kalan sect, the broken mountain of Shiva's magic gate.

He is a first-class master of Shiva magic gate. His accomplishments have reached the peak of Jinxian, which is higher than Wan Chengyi.

However, there was a serious conflict between Shiva and galanism in terms of doctrines, so they were regarded as enemies for a long time.

I didn't expect him to be here.

Wan Chengyi took a deep breath. "Po Shan, what kind of friends do I have to make? Do you still need to say hello to you?"

"Of course not, but the main hall is full of monks. You lead a group of Chinese who have no accomplishments in this hall. Isn't that a violation of the rules?"

Said, the broken mountain's sight first in the mountain if Ling's body to play a turn, then then greedily looked at Hua You'an.

What else does Wan Chengyi want to say? Po Shan has already laughed grimly, "tut Tut, I didn't expect that there are such beautiful little girls in the Chinese ethnic group who even dress up as men to participate in the thousand people's Congress? Yes? Can't you Chinese send men? "

This caused a burst of laughter around.

Hua Youan's face suddenly becomes extremely ugly.

And janing and song'a are even more flaming in their eyes.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Jie Jie, if I don't see you, I still can't remember. At the last thousand people's Congress, some of the cowards sent by you from the Chinese people were not beaten. I just teased them a little, and as a result, they became a group of flesh and blood. Hey, hey, I don't know how long you can last this time? "

Hearing the words of the broken mountain, Hua Youan's face turned white, and his language was as cold as ice: "at the last session of the thousand nationalities Congress, did the Chinese people die in your hands?"

The broken mountain laughed carelessly, "yes! I'm a group of weak guys, but I'm not one of them

Then Po Shan gazed greedily at Hua You'an, "but this time, as long as you are willing to accompany me, I can give you Chinese a horse first? How about it? "

At this time, Wan Chengyi was already gloomy and terrible, and said in a cold voice, "broken mountain, what do you mean?"

"Wan Chengyi, don't talk nonsense here. If you are not convinced, let's fight a fight first. If you lose, let's let your little apprentice come with me once. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Wan Chengyi was furious.

But he's still sober.

The cultivation of this broken mountain has always suppressed one's own head. If you really hit his fierce method, if you start now, you will surely suffer a great loss.

He failed a little. If he delayed entering the heaven, the Kalan religion would be finished.

So his face changed and he was silent for a moment.

Po Shan laughed more arrogantly, then looked at Hua You'an and said, "little ladies? What about? Can you think about it? My patience is very limited

Hua You'an's face gradually shows the color of perseverance and is about to say something.

Song a on the side has stepped forward and said with a smile to Jia Ning and Hua You'an: "Your Highness, old Jia, this boy is too arrogant. I'll fight him!"After that, without waiting for their reply, they went forward and stood in the field to attack the broken mountain opposite.

"Boy, don't think you are a monk. I'll teach you how to be a man today."

Hearing this, the broken mountain and all the monks in the room were stunned and then laughed.

Among them, Po Shan laughs most exaggeratedly.

"A mere mortal, dare to challenge me?"

Song a didn't smile, just looked at the broken mountain quietly.

After a moment's smile, the broken mountain began to smile and lick his lips ferociously.

"Very well, since you want to die yourself, I will help you!"

With that, the broken mountain suddenly rushed to song'a, and directly punched song'a in the chest.

If the boy has the confidence, he will be broken by the boxing.

However, song ah took a deep breath and roared: "get out of here!"

It was also a blow.


After a crisp sound, song'a's arm directly burst open, and at the same time, the whole person stepped back more than ten steps before finally being able to stand still.

The mountain is just a little broken.

But it was this flash that made his face very ugly.

Because he was a Jinxian cultivator, he didn't smash the young Chinese without any accomplishments in one blow, but he was shaken by the body of counterattack.

It was a great shame to him.

Hua you an and Jia Ning exclaimed.

"Song ah!"

After standing still, song'a turned his head and looked at his right hand, which had exposed his bones. He grabbed his arm with his left hand indifferently, and then made a sudden effort.


The abandoned right hand was torn down by song a Sheng.

There was another gush of blood.

However, many practitioners felt their hair standing upright and could not help swallowing their saliva.

Because song ah's expression is so terrible.

It's like breaking your arm. It's chilling to be extremely cold to yourself.

Even Po Shan felt uncomfortable all over, but he still grinned and said: "good, you can even take a punch from me. It seems that you are much stronger than those Chinese wastes of the last term." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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