Although song'a looks pale, he still looks at the broken mountain and sneers at him and says, "silly *, I want to teach you how to be a man today."

The broken mountain was angry. "Do you think this can defeat me? You know, it's useless for me to practice that fist just now

Said, slowly raised his fist, a strong momentum gradually began to condense.

Hua You'an and others were forced to step back, and their faces became very dignified.

The residual power has been so powerful.

We can imagine how much pressure song'a faced with the momentum.

Sure enough.

Song'a's body is rickety, just like a small boat in the rough sea, which may capsize at any time.

After all, the cultivation of Jinxian is too terrible.

Although song a was born with divine power, he could not be the opponent of this broken mountain.

But even so, song a still gnawed his teeth.

Seeing this, Hua you an and Jia Ning's faces show sadness.

Because both of them knew that song ah was ready to fight.

Even many of the monks who were watching the temple also showed an unbearable look on their faces.

"Hey, your highness, Lao Jia, I'll go first!" After that, song ah faced the broken mountain and roared: "go to your mother's practitioner!"

And then the left fist goes out.

Song a was born with divine power, and the momentum of this fist was also called strong.

But the broken mountain just grinned grimly, "looking for death!"

And then there was a blow.

Shiva magic gate itself is very good at body skills. This broken mountain is also a gold immortal cultivator. Therefore, the power of this fist makes all practitioners pale.

Wan Chengyi was struggling. He tried to rescue him several times, but he finally sighed. He turned his head and couldn't bear to look again.

At the moment, his heart is full of guilt.

After all, if they lead people in here, they will kill themselves.

Hua Youan is staring at song'a's back, his silver teeth clenched, and even his lips have been bitten with blood.

But at this time, a cold voice came, "the golden immortal cultivator Is that amazing? "

Then he saw a figure rushing in at a very fast speed, directly blocking song A's face, and then a blow out, directly against the broken mountain.


There was a big bang.

The whole hall seemed to be shaking.

Then in the eyes of all the people, I saw that the broken mountain was shaking and staggered back a few steps before stopping.

This How could that be possible?

How can you beat back the mountain?

Everyone's eyes turned to the one who rushed in.

I saw a Chinese man standing in his place with a cold look and killing intent in his eyes.

Wan Chengyi shivered.

It's him!

It's Xue an, of course.

He and the puppet Xianzong's people were just arriving at the city Lord's mansion. They were preparing to enter the main hall, but they unexpectedly saw song a Zheng fighting with the broken mountain.

And behind them are two Chinese teenagers.

Xue an immediately guessed that this should be the man sent by ancient China.

Then the various arrogant actions of breaking the mountain made Xue an's murderous heart gradually rise.

However, the performance of song A and others made Xue an feel more gratified.

No matter what kind of strong enemy they face, the three Chinese teenagers have no intention of shrinking back.

It was not until the broken mountain used a killing move that Xue an made a bold move to save song'a.


Xue an slowly withdrew his fist and said to song A and Hua You'an, who were stunned by his face, "you should step back."

After hearing Xue an's words, the three subconsciously stepped back.

Then Xue an stood with his hands down and looked at the face of the mountain that was in doubt. He said faintly, "was he the last murderer of the Chinese people?"

Hearing Xue an's question, Liu Keke stepped forward and said in a respectful voice, "it's this person who comes back to me."

At this time, the monks in the room woke up from their consternation and all looked at xue'an in amazement.

I don't know who the man of Huashan can retreat.

What's more, it seems that the Chinese man has no accomplishments?

Xue an nodded, and then raised his mouth, "good, there is a head of injustice and a master of debt. Since you have killed the Chinese people, you should pay for their lives today."

Broken mountain at this time already from just a fist in slow come over, smell speech grimly smile way: "another to die? Do you Chinese people talk like this... "

Xue an stamped her foot before the rest of the speech was finished. There was a violent shake in the main hall, and the whole person rushed in like a shell, and then shot out.

The blow was so fierce and powerful that Po Shan didn't even respond to it. Xue an hit him on the chest.Click.

With a burst of dense like burst beans like fracture sound, broken mountain mouth spitting blood fly out, smashed a few tables before landing.

The shock of the stone made the room quiet.

Xue an stretched out a finger and said faintly, "this is the first punch for the Chinese."

"You want to die!" The black light on the broken mountain twinkles, and the wound is quickly repaired. At the same time, he roars.

"Shiva perishes!"

With this roar, there was a terrible smell behind him.

Wan Chengyi shivered and yelled: "stop him, he is calling Shiva to the world! At that time, all living creatures within a radius of ten miles will die

"Hehe, do you want to stop it now? It's late? You all die for me Broken mountain Jie Jie Jie strange smile, behind gradually appeared a statue of a blue ancient god.

The statue is open chest and belly, mouth raw fangs, the top of the flame on top of a golden skeleton, very ferocious.

It's Shiva's horror.

This is the true appearance of Shiva when she is angry. Her strength is extremely terrifying and has the power to destroy the world.

Many practitioners were shocked by the momentum and retreated one after another.

Po Shan said with a grim smile: "Chinese man, after I kill you, I will go to Guhua and kill all the people there! Let you Chinese disappear in the world from now on

With that, he laughed wildly.

Xue an said faintly: "even if you really summon Shiva, today, you have to kneel down for me!"

With that, Xue an suddenly raised his eyes, his eyes were bright, and a blood lotus gradually condensed and emerged in his eyebrows.

After seeing this even some delicate and lovely blood lotus flower, the face of this revered Shiva's terror appearance actually appeared the color of fear.

Then he turned around and ran away.

The blood lotus does not give it this opportunity at all, directly rushes past, covers this Shiva.


After a crisp sound.

On the statue of Shiva, there are many cracks, and finally they are broken.

Po Shan couldn't believe his eyes

Before the words fall, Xue an rushes to the front and blows out another punch.

The blow hit him on the head, sending him flying off the ground and hitting the wall in the distance.


A burst of smoke and dust, Xue an stretched out a second finger, light way.

"This is the second punch!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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