With the voice, more than a dozen figures flew across the sky and landed in the courtyard.

After standing still, people were surprised to find that all the more than a dozen of them were powerful masters.

Standing at the front was a middle-aged man with three wisps of goatee and a sinister complexion.

This man can't see how high the cultivation is, but there is a chilling light in his gloomy eyes, which makes people dare not look directly.

"It's the Lord of Luocheng!"

"The Lord of the city is here in person."

There was a commotion in the crowd.

It was Luo, the Lord of Luofu City, who came out.

He looked down and saw his tongue sticking out on all fours, like a pig and a dog crawling on the ground. His face became more and more gloomy.

"It's really a vicious way to smash the soul, and then condense it according to the shape of pig and dog, and make it human like pig and dog." Luo came out and said in a cold voice.

Xue an looked at Luo's appearance with a smile and said, "thank you very much."

Hearing him say so, those who stand behind Luo's appearance are all angry.

"City Lord, this boy is too wild! Not killing is not enough to calm down the anger, and it's not easy to explain to the ancestors of Shiva's demon gate! "

"Yes, just a Chinese boy. I don't know what kind of evil means he used. How dare he be so arrogant and kill him!"

These people started shouting.

At this point the situation began to change.

Just have been watching the crowd, now all quietly slip to Luo out behind.

In addition to Xue an and Hua You'an, the puppet Xianzong and the master and apprentice Wan Chengyi of the Kalan cult did not leave.

The comparison of the number of people on both sides suddenly appears very different. Luo came out here. All the practitioners in Wuyang and Wuyang were all practitioners.

Xue an's back is empty, appears very desolate.

In this form, many people look at Xue an's eyes began to become bad.

In their inherent cognition, the Chinese should not have strong people, they should be bullied by others, and they should always be at the bottom of the thousand ethnic groups and never turn over.

But Xue an's birth made these people feel a strong sense of crisis.

Kill the golden immortal with one's fist and crush the soul with one finger.

This kind of near terrible means, let these monks have a deep fear of it.

If they are allowed to grow, God knows what the Chinese will become.

It's better to eradicate him when he is not very strong now.

Moreover, it is still the city Lord of Luofu who personally comes forward to make a fuss. These people follow behind, waving flags and shouting, and it doesn't take much effort to make a good impression on Luowen.

Why not?

You should know that the thousand clan assembly will be held now, and the heaven will soon emerge from the clouds. If you can have a good relationship with the Lord of Luofu, you may get a lot of useful information.

Therefore, under the combination of these factors, almost all the practitioners ran to the opposite side.

At the moment, Hua You'an and Jia Ning song'a looked at each other and saw the determination in each other's eyes.

Then he stepped forward and stood beside Xue an.

Hua Youan said in a low voice, "master, we will attract the attention of these people in a moment. You can run quickly!"

Jining also said: "yes, master, don't worry about anything for a while, run quickly!"

"Run? Why run? " Xue an smiles.

Hua You'an turned white and clenched his teeth and said, "master, these practitioners will never allow the Chinese to appear as strong as you! Now they are eyeing, and they must be thinking about how to eradicate you

"So for the sake of the Chinese people, you should try every means to leave here! Only a strong man like you can lead the development and growth of the Chinese people, and then bring back the blood debts of thousands of years! "

Hua Youan said in a low voice.

Xue Anliu some surprised to see this woman disguised as a man's "youth.".

Although she was young, the little girl had a very clear mind.

Then Xue an said, "I'm gone. What do you do?"

Hua You'an and Jia Ning just smile when they hear the speech.

"Master, you don't have to care about the three of us. Compared with your importance, we are dead." Song a said in a low voice.

Hua Youan nodded, "the rise of an ethnic group is always bloody and cruel. If you want to rise without bloodshed, it's just wishful thinking! And the Chinese have shed enough blood, and they don't care about the three of us! "

When they spoke, the tone of the three people was very insipid, and they didn't take life and death seriously.

Xue an quietly looked at the three people, then shook his head and chuckled, "very good! You are worthy of being a Chinese, but you don't have to say that. I won't leave! "

"But..." Hua You'an is in a hurry when he hears his speech. He just wants to speak.

At this time, Luo came out to stare at Xue an for a while, then sneered and said: "you are so cruel and merciless, aren't you afraid to arouse public anger?"Between words, all the practitioners focused their eyes on xue'an, which was powerful enough to shake the mood of ordinary practitioners.

But when Xue an faced all this, he did not change his face at all, but said faintly: "the hand is cruel Arousing public anger? "

Then he suddenly raised his eyes, and his eyes were full of light. "When you destroyed my people, did you ever think of cruel means?"

"Have you ever thought of arousing public anger when you deceive my people?"

"Now that I have just recovered some of the blood debts owed to the Chinese people by you for thousands of years, what are you going to say

Speaking of this, Xue an sneered, his face appeared crazy killing intention, "I can only say, why don't you die?"

This sentence is like a little spark, which instantly detonates the already explosive situation.

There was a roar of rage, and many practitioners were eager to try to teach this Chinese man a lesson.

Luo asked the world to be iron and blue, waved his hand, motioned for silence, and then said in a deep voice: "young man, don't be too arrogant. As long as you admit defeat and confess your guilt now, and hand over the body skills and gods you have cultivated, I can consider protecting you Chinese people to spend this thousand nationalities meeting! What do you think? "

Luo's words are also the thoughts of many practitioners who are evil.

In their opinion, Xue an must have cultivated some supernatural body art to destroy the golden immortal with his body without any accomplishments.

If you get it, it's priceless.

Xue an laughed instead of angry, then turned to Liu Keke, Wan Chengyi and Hua Youan behind him and said, "see, this is the so-called practitioner in the world population! The world looks upon you like a fairy, but to me, it is like a pig and a dog! "

Luo came out and finally couldn't help his anger. "So, are you going to fight against me in the end?"

A smile of disdain appeared in the corner of Xue an's mouth, and then he held out his hand and pointed to all the practitioners in the opposite direction.

"Listen, today, I will teach you how to be a man!"

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