Hearing Xue an's arrogance is extreme.

This group of practitioners was quiet at first, and then they were noisy.

"Kill him!"

"Yes, let's go together and kill this arrogant boy!"

There were shouts of death.

Cangyayun and Liu Keke, who have been standing behind Xue an, summoned the puppet directly without hesitation.

Lian Yunting directly releases her strongest power of four images and looks at each other's practitioners with killing intention.

As for WAN Chengyi.

They didn't have to be here.

But wan Chengyi always has a strong premonition that if he stays, there will be a big chance waiting for him.

So he bit his teeth and didn't go.

Now seeing that the situation has become the same as the situation, Wan Chengyi simply goes out of his way. He uses Xuangong silently, and gradually a statue of the Dharma protector appears above his head.

However, in the face of so many aggressive practitioners, xue'an still seems very weak.

Luo came out and said with a grim smile: "puppet Xianzong and Jialan religion, do you want to collude with these Chinese people? If you come here now, we can let bygones be bygones. "

Liu Keke frowned and said coldly, "where the elder is, we will be. As for you shameless people, you'd better not pretend to be good people here!"

Luo Laibo was pale with anger, "very good! Then don't blame me for being cruel! Let's kill the Chinese boy first

As soon as the order was given, the monks rushed to Xue an like a flood.

At the forefront are the practitioners of physical arts. These people practice their own bodies, and the body of the body is their magic weapon.

And at this juncture, they all used their own unique skills to press the bottom of the box, momentum is very frightening.

Followed by a variety of sword Qi, this is a variety of sword cultivation schools.

In addition, there are various kinds of Fu Zhuan, some of which are more than ten Zhang high. The characters are simple and plain, and they are clearly the ancient divine script. These come from all kinds of Fu xiuzong.

Finally, there are all kinds of innate magic weapons, which come from various miscellaneous schools.

All of these combine together to form a powerful offensive that changes the color of heaven and earth.

In the face of all this, Xue an's expression is still indifferent as before, slowly raised his fist, and said faintly: "afraid?"

Hua You'an and Jia ningsong'a shook their heads.

Liu Keke and cangyayun also shook his head.

Even the mountain Ruoling, at this moment, all show their determination to sacrifice their Dharma protectors, without any fear.

Xue an's mouth rose, revealing a cold smile, "since I'm not afraid, then Crush them

After that, Xue an, who was in front of him, had already rushed to the front. Xue an's eyes were bright, and he drank coldly, "broken! Day! Month

The advanced version of the fifth fist of the six moves of killing God.

Although Xue an doesn't have any accomplishments now, the six moves of killing God are more about forging body and divine fist, which can be performed only by body skill without cultivation.


This blow out, as if the sun and the moon are in the hands, and Sheng Sheng crushed general.

The ten or so physical practitioners who rushed to the front did not react, they all turned into powder.

At the same time, the monks in the back were scared to death, and Shengsheng stopped the attack. As a result, the whole team was in chaos.

At the same time, all the puppets of the puppet Xianzong rushed to fight with these practitioners.

A scuffle began.

Luo appeared in the rear, and the more he looked, the more frightened he was.

Because under the siege of so many practitioners, Xue an was still as if he was in a state of no one. With only a pair of fists, Xue an ran left and right. All the four practitioners who killed did not dare to seize his front lightly and gave way.

The world is so gloomy.

If you can't surround and kill this person this time, there will be endless troubles.

Thinking of this, Luo Laibao refers to the three Hua You'an who hide behind the puppet Xianzong.

"First of all, arrest the three Chinese who have failed in cultivation."

A few people flew straight into the air.

At this time, all the puppet Xianzong people were entangled with death and couldn't get away at all.

Seeing this, Xue an just gave a cold smile. After a blow broke the head of a sword repair, a divine idea flew out of the courtyard directly.

At this time, those swordsmen had already rushed to Hua You'an.

"Hey hey, I'll catch you, or I'll let you..." The leading swordsman has not finished speaking.

Janing opened his bow and arrow, and fired three arrows in the sky.

Puff, puff, puff!

Three dull sounds of the blade of the arrow.

The most famous sword hit three arrows on his chest and abdomen. He roared in pain.

"How dare you hurt me

Then he tried to pull out the arrow, but at this time, there was a layer of gray light scattered over the three arrows, and the eroded sword Xiu fell from the air.Cang Yayun, who is in front of him, looks back on his sleeve and hits the head of the sword Xiu.


The head of the sword was shattered, and his life was lost on the spot.

The rest of the sword practitioners did not dream of it. Jianing, who had no accomplishments at all, could hurt the cultivator with archery. He could not help but roar.

"Kill this Archer first!"

With these words, several swords went straight to Jining.

Just now, the three arrows were sent by Jia Ning, who gathered Qi and blood all over his body. Because of his unique talent in archery, he could hurt the cultivator.

But after shooting three arrows, he was at the end of his tether, unable to fight again.

In the face of the surging sword light, Jia Ning laughed, "kill one, enough!"

Then he was ready to close his eyes and wait to die.

At this time, a black streamer flew across the sky at an astonishing speed, just in front of Hua You'an.


After several sounds of metal hitting each other, these sword lights directly split on the black light, but only a few sparks splashed, and then disappeared.

At this time, people can see that standing in the air is a soldier in black armor with a pair of huge steel wings stretching behind him.

Just now those sword lights are chopping on these black armor.

"How could it be?" The swordsmen exclaimed.

And the black soldier didn't say anything, just waved his wings and rushed to these swords.

Before they could react, the iron and steel wings soared and covered all the swords.

After an instant, when they release their wings, these swords are already bloody and flesh, and dead bodies are planted on the ground.

Luo came out to see this scene, the heart is shocked inexplicable.

What the hell is this?

Why is it as terrible as a demon from hell?

Fortunately, there is only one, otherwise my side will be finished.

It seems to be in response to his ideas, the stars and the moon are suddenly darkening.

Some practitioners exclaimed, pointing to the sky and saying, "well Those... "

Luo came out, looked up, and saw a group of dark clouds that were darker than the night, flying over the city Lord's house.

Then the black cloud fell to the ground, and when it was about to land, it turned into hundreds of soldiers in black armor, looking at all the practitioners in silence.

Armour refining real soldiers, finally come into the world.

And all debts due with blood shall be paid with blood.

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