Seeing this scene, the group of practitioners took a breath of cold air.

In particular, Luo came out. He looked at these armor refining soldiers in disbelief, waiting to talk.

This group of armour refining soldiers quietly step forward, the momentum can reach, the gang of practitioners are scared back.

The entangled situation has become clear again.

Xue an smashed a monk's head with another blow, and then he appeared in front of the real armor refining soldiers.

Xiaoshui and others bow down and wait for Xue an's order.

Xue an looks around the audience and smiles at Luo loulai in the distance, "this gift, I hope you will like it!"

Then he pointed to all the practitioners on the opposite side and said coldly, "kill all of them, one will not stay!"

At an order.

Xiaoshui took the lead, and all the Chinese soldiers arranged their battle lines like a black chariot of hell, crushing the past with invincible power.

No one is the enemy of these armor refining soldiers.

Even if it is a strong golden immortal, in the face of this battle like the ancient magic soldiers, they can only do nothing.

In the blink of an eye, the armour refining soldiers have advanced more than ten meters.

Where I passed by, there were corpses everywhere and blood was flowing.

This group of practitioners was not a well-trained army. They just wanted to pinch the soft persimmon of the Chinese nationality.

But I didn't expect to kick on the indestructible rock.

As a result, as soon as they came into contact with each other, they were in a state of collapse.

When the horror of the real armor refining soldiers was fully revealed, the group of practitioners finally collapsed.

The repairman at the back of the team turned and ran, which triggered a chain reaction.

No one dares to face these black demons any more. They just hate that they have lost two legs and run away crazily.

Luo came out with cold hands and feet in the rear, and began to want to stop the fleeing.

But he was defeated like a mountain, which was beyond his control.

But Xiaoshui obviously won't let go of any practitioners.

All the Chinese soldiers have gone through a lot of hardships and are waiting for this day.

Therefore, Xiaoshui made a look, and the real armour refining soldiers who originally formed the square array immediately began to change their array and directly turned into an encircling circle, which firmly trapped all the practitioners.

All of them have been changed.

But it can't stop these real soldiers from killing.

In fact, if these practitioners summon up the courage to face each other, they will not necessarily lose so badly.

After all, there are several golden immortals among these practitioners.

However, they are so confused and constrained by each other, how can they be the opponents of such killing machines as armor refining real soldiers.

Blood splashed everywhere.

Xiaoshui and others mercilessly harvest the lives of these monks.

Luo came out to roar and struggle with all his might, but he could not shake the situation.

At this time, a group of monks slowly walked into the courtyard, and standing in the middle of the procession was a thin monk with Golden Wheel hidden behind his head.

The thin old monk looked mercifully at the ongoing killing, shook his head and sighed, "good, good, why are you so stubborn? How about putting down the hatred at this time and entering our Buddhist country? "

When Luo came out and saw the monk, he seemed to see the straw to save his life. He yelled: "master, help me. I am the Lord of Luofu. If you can save me, I will tell you all the information about tiandaoyuan."

There was a flash of light in his eyes, nodded with a smile, and then turned to look at Xue an in the distance.

"Benefactor Xue, long time no see!"

Xue an looked indifferent. Looking at the thin monk, he said, "bitter Zen, I didn't expect that after you entered this chess game, you actually became a Bodhisattva fruit position?"

It is the kuchan venerable who entered the Qiyun chess game together.

He said with a smile, "everything is fixed. Benefactor Xue, why are you fighting so fiercely? When is the so-called retribution? It's better to stop here! If you know that my Buddha is merciful, he who puts down the butcher's knife can become a Buddha

With the words, the Golden Wheel behind kuchan's head became more and more bright, and the soft light covered the whole courtyard. Many practitioners in a weak mood were confused at that time.

However, under the golden light, the action of the armored refining soldiers, who had never been able to move forward, gradually became astringent and even stopped completely.

Luo came out with a long breath and exclaimed in surprise: "the master has great powers, but this Chinese man is very evil. Be careful."

Kuchan smile, just looking at Xue an, "what do you think the old monk said?"

The atmosphere became a little silent. Kuchan was so powerful that he restrained the real soldiers of refining armour. Cangya Yun, Liu Keke, and others were all secretly shocked.

Wan Chengyi looked at the bitter Zen with a gloomy face, and his heart was even more frightened.

Just as soon as this bitter Zen appeared, his statue of the worshiper of Kalan seemed to come out of his body and wanted to worship the bitter Zen.This kind of feeling made Wan Chengyi scared. He knew that this bitter Zen was terrible in the cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism.

Xue an raised his mouth and sneered, "I thought You're just Farting

With Xue an's voice, a huge divine idea came out and directly collided with the Buddha light created by bitter Zen.


After a violent shock from the level of mind.

The bitter Zen, which had been full of compassion, was shaken back seven or eight steps, and the Golden Wheel in the back of his head flashed.

And the light of Buddha that just shrouded the whole audience disappeared.

The armor refining soldiers trapped in the light of Buddha all recovered their freedom and were about to rush up.

Xue an waved and told them not to move.

Then he looked at the bitter Zen in his eyes, and said, "do you really think that if you become a Bodhisattva, what will happen? Today is the great day of your family, so the Tathagata has to bow down. "

"Not to mention..." Xue settled down for a moment, then said coldly, "what you are practicing is not orthodox Buddhism at all!"

Kuchan's face showed a sad look, "benefactor Xue, why did you say that? If you want to know that slandering Buddha Dharma is to fall into the abyss of hell and suffer endless pain

Xue an looked up to the sky and laughed. Then he pointed to the bitter Zen. "Bald ass, don't act with me. I've been to your Buddhist country. I've seen the orthodox Buddhists with my own eyes."

Buddhism and Taoism is a unique school of practice among the heaven and the world.

Different from other sects which all originated in ancient times, this Buddhism and Taoism has a short history. It was created by a man with great opportunities and great compassion.

And born in the fairy demon God, unique way to create a bright Buddhist country.

For such people, Xue an also has great respect.

When he had traveled all over the world, he had indeed been to the country of origin of Buddhism.

He even interviewed the founder of Buddhism and Taoism several times.

In the Buddhist kingdom, Xue an met the real Buddhist and Taoist practitioners.

Those people are merciful, and they do things to help the world, but they never ask for it because of one fate.

It will never, like this bitter Zen, imprison the souls of believers with their own cultivation, and threaten the world with various retribution words.

This is not Buddhism, but evil. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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