Hearing Xue an say this, the bitter Zen looks solemn. "Benefactor Xue, you have been to the Buddhist country all the time, but I don't know that the Buddha country is also created by human beings, and the Buddha's actions are not necessarily correct. What I do is to create my own Buddhist country!"

Xue an sniffed at the words, then took out his ears and said, "OK, then you will go to create your Buddhist kingdom! What are you talking about here? Do you still keep telling us to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha

Speaking of this, Xue an's face was bitterly killing. "When the Chinese people were slaughtered, where are your bullshit mercies? Also put down hatred, ha ha, kill all enemies, is the only way to put down hatred! If you haven't experienced what I've experienced, just shut your mouth, or I'll take the golden wheel off the back of your head and use it as a light bulb! "

Bitter Zen was so speechless by Xue an's words that he could only put his hands together.

"The benefactor has entered the devil's way, old..."

"Into the path of NIMA!"

Xue an Leng drinks, don't know when already appeared behind him, a slap is clapping in his that can see person's head.


This palm directly fans kuchan out of the ground, and then twists 360 degrees in the air before landing.

At this time, kuchan finally couldn't maintain the just fake compassion, and his eyes showed anger, "endless Buddha..."

"The Buddha kingdom of endless NIMA!" Xue an appeared on his side and kicked kuchan's head, just like kicking a ball, he directly kicked him out of the ground.

Just in the distance of the wall there are several wall bottles, this bitter Zen was kicked to the past, a head will smash these vases.

Xue an light smile, "goal, perfect!"

Kuchan's face was shocked.

He really can't understand why he was beaten by Xue an when he was on earth before. Now he has finally become a Bodhisattva position, but Xue an lost his cultivation, but he is still beaten by him.

What went wrong?

Like him, Luo came out.

He thought he had found the straw, but he was still beaten by Xue an.

At this time, Xue an turned to look at the night sky outside the wall, and said faintly, "since you have come, do you still refuse to show up?"

With Xue an's voice, from the dark void, Leng Jun Xie and Fei Tian both showed their bodies.

They have just arrived at the city Lord's house.

Because of this dinner, all the clans and ethnic groups have received the invitation.

However, one of them respected the demons and the other was the king of Shura.

They are not tolerated by practitioners in the world.

So they were very careful to arrive at the end of the day, hiding themselves, ready to see what was coming in.

Coincidentally, I saw the scene of Xue an's violent attack on kuchan.

They know kuchan, and of course they know Xue an, who almost destroyed himself on earth.

This discovery made both of them feel awed by one of them, and then they wanted to observe it for a while.

Unexpectedly, she was broken by Xue an's words.

After the appearance of the Sora.

There was an uproar among the practitioners below.

"Demons! Isn't this group already under pressure at the foot of Tiewei mountain and hasn't appeared in the world for a long time? "

"Your news is too closed. Tieweishan has been overturned. Of course, all these demons have come out!"

"The Shura also appeared! What's going on at this thousand people's Congress? Why is it so busy? "

Luo was out of consideration. Looking at those cold and silent armor refining soldiers, he felt chilly all over.

Now, as long as he can kill Xue an, it's more important than anything.

Therefore, he yelled: "you two, as long as you can kill this Chinese man, I am willing to provide all the information of tiandaoyuan."

Leng junxie and Feitian looked at each other and then laughed.

"Xue an, I didn't expect you could live to this day! Yes? When the Chinese entered the Bureau, they lost all their accomplishments? " He said with a grim smile.

Leng Jun Xie said faintly: "don't talk nonsense with him. Kill Xue an. You and I will share his fortune equally."

Have you forgotten? This man is a very evil sect. Only the three of me can deal with him! " Kuchan returned to that ancient state, said the cold voice.

Leng junxie and Feitian hesitated, then nodded and agreed.

Luo was overjoyed when he came out. "If the three can join hands, it would be great! At that time, I will be grateful to Luofu. "

Then he looked at Xue an and said, "Hey, God is going to kill you. No one can help you! Ha ha ha

There seems to be a big reversal.

These monks stabilized their minds and fixed their eyes on Xue an and others.

Hua You'an and others gradually became pale.

Cangya Yun and WAN Chengyi look at each other with unprecedented solemnity.Because with their accomplishments, we can feel the fluctuation of Leng Jun Xie and Fei Tian's strong cultivation.

At the very least, it's also a golden immortal, or even a real immortal.

Moreover, both the demons and the Shura have the skill of leading soldiers.

They must be carrying an endless number of Sora.

It's really tricky!

Xue an but quietly looking at this demon a Shura, face is not sad.


Then I looked up at the night sky, and my eyes were shining.

"And you, the star God?"

The people did not understand what Xue an's words meant.

See in the night sky that crape myrtle star suddenly burst bright, a bright star constitute the path appeared in the sky.

Then slowly down from the top, a tall and broad-minded young man.

And behind him, it is the great leader of shanhaizhai, Brahman Dingtian, and other peak masters.

There is also a pale girl who follows the man.

"It's shanhaizhai!"

"The people of shanhaizhai have appeared!"

"This Who is this man? How to get to the front of shanhaizhai

These exclamations were heard all the time.

Then the crape myrtle God son stood on the star, overlooking the crowd below, and then focused on Xue an.

"It's interesting that you know the astral realm?"

The banter and aloofness in the eyes make people very uncomfortable.

Xue an looked at this crape myrtle God son, after a moment just shook his head, "it seems that your peaceful days have been too long, have forgotten what is awe?"

This sentence a, this crape myrtle God son's face a heavy, cold hum a way: "only a mediocre, good arrogant tone!"

At this time, Leng Jun Xie, kuchan, and Feitian also saw the extraordinary nature of Lagerstroemia indica, and their faces were all awe inspiring, but they all aimed their spearheads at Xue an.

Luo came out and many practitioners were also eyeing Xue an.

In their view, Xue an has been completely in a desperate situation, and there is no possibility of turning over.

Hua You'an and others took a deep breath and walked behind Xue an in silence.

Xue an took a look at them and then gave a faint smile.


Xue an once asked this question, and this time again.

Hua You'an and others still shake their heads.

Xue an laughed, "good! So is the Chinese children's lunch! As for these... "

Xue an casually pointed to the gods and Demons all over the sky, and said faintly: "but the native chickens and dogs, kill them!"

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