Hearing that he was described as so unbearable, Leng Jun Xie and non heavenly demons together snorted.

"What a boast

Crape myrtle Shenzi looked at Xue an with playful eyes, full of banter and arrogance.

"I'm curious what kind of confidence makes you dare to talk to me like that."

Xue an light way: "I am also very curious, just a star king's son, what makes you so arrogant?"

Crape myrtle God son look a congealed, "you..."

Xue an waved impatiently, "well, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you!"

Then he showed his white teeth and laughed, "today, I'm going to let you gods and Demons learn to be in awe."

With that, Xue an jumped to his feet.

Just at this time, I do not know when the sky has been covered by clouds flashed a huge lightning, lightning branches instantly covered the whole night sky.

And the electric light illuminated Xue an's body posture to confront the gods and Demons alone.

Looking at his proud and upright back in the sky, Hua You'an and Liu Keke are all shaking.

Although tens of thousands of people have gone, this momentum shocked everyone.

Xiaoshui said coldly: "the armour refining Corps obeys orders. Next, follow the immortal master and never die!"

All the Chinese soldiers cheered together: "no!"

And Liu Keke, cangyayun and Lian Yunting all showed the color of perseverance in the end.

A hundred times more brutal than just the beginning of the killing.

Leng junxie and Feitian have already released the demon soldiers and Shura soldiers that they carry with them.

These are the elite combat forces that have experienced many battles. Once they enter the battlefield, they bite the real soldiers of armour refining and delay their original fierce offensive.

The puppets of Xianzong were trapped by the monks and soldiers under the master of kuchan.

Although these monks and soldiers are not very good at cultivation, they can be called abnormal in their physical skills, and they are extremely resilient. Therefore, they can fight against these puppets.

The battle on the ground is stuck.

But in the air, it is a battle of life and death.

There are three people who are not Tianleng junxie and kuchan. They stand in a pin shape and surround Xue an.

The peak masters of fandingtian and shanhaizhai are responsible for the close combat.

The lowest of these people have the cultivation of half a step of true immortals. Their actions and actions affect the power of heaven and earth, and their prestige is very terrible.

But even so, Xue an can't do anything. Instead, he is hit by his left and right. He is very embarrassed.

At this time, the following Luo came out and yelled: "this Xue an has no cultivation, but one body skill is extremely powerful. Don't fight with him closely!"

Xue an knocks back the star girl with a fist and laughs at Luo Baobao below.

"Don't worry, it's your turn soon!"

Luo loulai was made all over by Xue an's smile, which seemed to feel a great threat. Just like Luo's appearance, the Qi of the world around him also changed.

Aware of this, Luo came out pale with fear, and quickly backed away.

Almost no one paid attention to this scene, only Xue an saw it. The light in his eyes flashed, and a mocking smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

At this time, fandingtian and others had retreated to the distance, and then stood in a strange position. Their hands condensed brilliance and displayed the art of Taoism.

Orthodox practitioners generally don't study the skills of Daoism too much. Even if they rely on the most important external objects, the essence of sword cultivation is to improve their own cultivation.

To put it bluntly, cultivation is the foundation of everything.

However, the art of Taoism is only a trivial matter. Once you indulge in it, you will become a fool who gives up the essence and pursues the end.

However, fandingtian and others are different. Their accomplishments are close to the upper limit of the rules in this world. After feeling the laws of heaven as a natural moat, they will know that the road has come to an end.

Therefore, they began to study Taoism and successfully created the art of mountain and sea, which is the name of shanhaizhai.

In the twinkling of light, there appeared mountains and seas, which covered xue'an.

These mountains and seas, like real and illusory, can be powerful, so that non heaven and cold Jun evil and other demons are looking at it.

Once it is covered, unless you really have the ability to pull out mountains and rivers, you can only be trapped in it.

The mountains and seas formed.

Suddenly it became quiet in the air.

Fan Dingtian's face showed a satisfied look, "God son, this man was suppressed by the mountains and seas, it is inevitable to die."

Crape myrtle God son nodded, "very good, this method is to have the merit."

Instead of heaven and Leng junxie and other demons looked at each other and saw the doubts in each other's eyes.

Is it really dead?

At this time, the mountain and sea, which had been stable, suddenly shook violently, as if a fierce beast was about to get out of the trap.

In the twinkling of an eye, the mountains collapsed and the sea overturned.The sea of mountains was shattered.

And Xue an's body is walking slowly from the ruins.

"How could it be?" Brahman couldn't believe his eyes.

Xue an just a light smile, and then red crape myrtle God son a hook, "come, I will accompany you to play first!"

Crape myrtle Shenzi was infuriated by Xue an's attitude, and he was about to speak.

Xue an's body shape has come to him, and then a slap in his face.


After a record of the extremely crisp sound, Lagerstroemia indica Shenzi was fanned out far away, then covered his red and swollen cheek, and exclaimed in disbelief: "how can you beat me?"

Crape myrtle is full of shock.

Because his coming this time is a body condensed by the innate starlight, containing a trace of the rules of Lagerstroemia.

Ordinary practitioners can't touch him at all.

This is also the reason why he has been standing aloof.

But all this was smashed by Xue an's slap.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "it's just a congenital Dao body. Do you really think you're great? And it's just the beginning. You have to get used to it

Crape myrtle God son's eyes are full of towering anger, he was born is the son of star king, has always been high, even no one dares to look at him with disrespectful eyes.

Today, he was slapped out by the Chinese man.

It was such a disgrace that he was about to explode.

"Since you want to die yourself, I'll let you know what it's like to enrage a god!"

Crape myrtle God son looked up to the sky and roared, "the emperor star came into the world, Luotian seal!"

With his roar, the purple micro stars in the sky suddenly burst into light, penetrated through layers of clouds, and fell directly on Xue an's head.

A layer of thin to dizzy runzhuan circulation, and then starlight will condense into amber, which completely imprisons Xue an.


When all this has taken shape, Xue Anli is in the amber formed by starlight condensation, as if the whole person had been solidified, even his eyes became lifeless.

Crape myrtle God son laughed, "under the seal, the soul will be imprisoned forever, Xue an, I see how you turn this time!"

But at this time, from the sky far away, there appeared a mighty demon family army.

On top of the leading demon flag was a large ancient seal character.


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