At this time, Xue an looks up to Fox night, and a faint smile appears in the corner of her mouth.

"You're wrong. You can't beat me even in the next life!"

Fox night helpless a show of hands, "hit but can't hit it, anyway, I'm used to it."

Then he pointed to crape myrtle and others, "what are you going to do with these guys?"

Xue an said faintly, "what do you say?"

Fox night hey hey a smile, "you seven I three how?"

Xue an shook her head.

Fox night face a bitter, "Hey, I also came all the way, I must give some face!"

Xue an didn't speak.

Fox night a bite teeth, "then eight two bar! You want 80%, the rest belongs to me! I can't take it any lower! "

Xue an still didn't speak, just held out a finger.

Fox night cried out, "what? You give me ten percent? No, no, it's not enough for me to stuff my teeth! "

Xue an said faintly: "then you can grab the head with your own skills! Who killed more is who's got it

Fox night nodded, "in fact, I think 10% is also good."

Watching the two of them start to divide their heads.

A sense of absurdity arose in the hearts of the gods and Demons all over the sky and many practitioners below.

It's as if they have become fish on the chopping board and are being slaughtered by others.

But at the moment, the crape myrtle God son, is the complexion is iron blue, the corner of the mouth has not been wiped off the bloodstain, the eye twinkles with the light of resentment and fear.

At last he felt a trace of fear.

Because he found that he could not see through the origins of these two people.

At this time, Xue an, who had finished dividing the spoils, turned to look at the crape myrtle Shenzi, and said faintly, "do you remember what I said?"

Crape myrtle was stunned.

Xue an then said, "I said, your peace days have been so long that you have forgotten what reverence is."

"So you and your father have to pay for it

Crape myrtle God son smell speech is a Leng first, then crazy laugh up.

"What a boast! Although I don't know how you broke through Luotian's seal, do you really think that you can win my father God with this strength? My father is the supreme crape myrtle star king, the master of all stars

Fox night hears very speechless with hand to help forehead, "this person if brain is disabled, return really not saved! At this time, he is still provoking him. Does he really think that he has lived a long time? "

Sure enough.

Xue an smiles.

"Oh? Try it and see how good your father is

With that, countless swords appeared in the air.

These swords move like living creatures, and the sharp sword meaning is full of the whole world.

Crape myrtle God son's laughter suddenly stopped, just want to say what, these swords suddenly turned into a sword dragon, directly to him.

Crape myrtle God son roars, also wants to resist.

But in the face of such a powerful sword, he just struggled a little and was completely swallowed up.

In the sea of swords, came the roar of crape myrtle.

"It's no use. Even if you kill me today, you'll only kill a part of me! Still can't shake my father's share

As soon as the words fell, his body was completely hanged by the sword and turned into a little star light, scattered between heaven and earth.

At the same time, a spirit of starlight that ordinary people can't detect soars to the sky and wants to return to the astral realm.

Xue an light way: "this time still want to go?"

Then, as soon as he reached out, the God screamed and returned to xue'an's hand.

Looking at the divinity in his hand, Xue an said coldly, "don't you want to come out?"

With that, Xue an's fingers were flying in the air, and he quickly wrote an ancient and profound seal character.

As soon as the seal script is completed, it turns into a streamer and rushes straight into the sky.

"You What do you want to do? " Crape myrtle God son of this God thought roar way.

"It's time to figure out the situation? He is killing your father through the mark of your divinity with the curse of separation Fox night light way.

"Of course, your father God is also the star king of Lagerstroemia indica. He should not be cursed to death, but this will certainly disturb him. When he comes, he will come, haha..."

Sure enough.

On the top of the dome, the stars were shaking, and Ziwei emperor star in the middle palace suddenly burst out, shooting out incomparably bright starlight.

Under the starlight, a figure of incomparable greatness slowly emerged.

"Who dares to kill me with a secret spell?"

Crape myrtle star Jun's voice is filled with endless dignity, but also with a trace of sullen.

He was originally sitting in the Star Palace. Suddenly, he felt a strange spell. The killing power came from the space and attached to him.This makes the crape myrtle star king very angry, directly will a part of the body of God came down, want to kill this dare to him disrespectful person.

Xue an looked at the huge figure covered by the starlight and said faintly, "Ziwei Xingjun, long time no see!"

At first, the purple Myrtle star king, who was very aggressive and planned to start a teacher's inquisition, trembled after hearing the familiar voice, and the starlight was a violent disturbance.

He lowered his head and saw Xue an standing in the air with his negative hand.

Then three breaths of silence.

Finally breaking the silence, it is the idea of crape myrtle Shenzi.

"Father God, it is this man who cursed you from the sky! And he killed the body that I had gathered when I came here! "

This crape myrtle God son roars, very excited.

In his opinion, when the father comes, the good days of these guys will come to an end.

I just can take this opportunity to revenge the death revenge.

But the next scene, but scared crape myrtle God son of this God almost scattered.

I saw the star king of crape myrtle standing high in the sky. At the moment, she scattered the stars and showed her true colors. Then she lowered her tall head with great respect and trembled in her voice.

"Big My Lord, why are you here? "

Now, everyone was shocked.

Only fox night hey hey a smile, "I knew it would be like this!"

And this crape myrtle star gentleman hears speech, a side look next to Fox night, whole body is a shudder, "original fox Fox night adults are also here! But I don't know what they called me to do? "

Fox night shrugged, and then pointed to xue'an, "ask him, anyway, your head has belonged to him! I don't care. "

Xue an said faintly: "you really don't know? Or are you playing dumb with me here

Crape myrtle star Jun's forehead showed a cold sweat.

"Big My Lord, but my son of God

Xue an nodded. "Yes!"

Say, raise in the hands of the crape myrtle God son of that God.

"Your son of God has repeatedly challenged me. What do you say you should do?"

Crape myrtle star Jun face showed a cruel color, with a star light, the crape myrtle God son just wanted to scream, but was directly blasted into pieces by the starlight.

"You see, my lord..."

Xue an eyes gradually cold, "crape myrtle star Jun, are you teasing me to play?"

Lagerstroemia star Jun whole body trembles, "dare not!"

Xue an lowered his eyes and said faintly, "kill your God son completely, and then destroy this part of your noumenon. I will spare you once, otherwise..."

Xue an coldly said: "kill you ZIWEIXING." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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