Crape myrtle star gentleman face a trace of struggle and hesitation.

"My Lord, may I..."

"Well?" Xue an raised her eyes and took a look at Ziwei Xingjun.

This one eye then lets crape myrtle star gentleman startle whole body cold sweat, then incomparably bitter should way "yes! Thank you for your kindness. "

After that, his spirit split into a quiver, and then broke up soundlessly, turning into countless starlight, scattered between heaven and earth.

And the purple micro stars above the sky also became dim.

Xue an looks at this scene quietly.

Fox night went to his side, light way: "it seems that you left too long, many people have begun to gradually lose the heart of awe."

Although this crape myrtle Star King finally or in accordance with Xue an's instructions, but fox night understand.

This crape myrtle star gentleman hesitated, even tried to bargain.

But if it was in the past, as long as Xue an gave an order, he would not even dare to be tardy, and he would immediately blow himself up.

Xue an smell speech a smile, "this is not strange, peaceful days have passed for a long time, there will always be some people forget what the taste of blood is."

Fox night sighed slightly, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

This is just an ordinary star king.

Such goods, in the past, even did not qualify to let Xue an have a look.

But now even such goods are beginning to lose their awe.

We can imagine what kind of attitude those powerful people who defend one side will be like.

Now, the news of Xue an's rebirth has not been spread, but as time goes on, it's really hard to say what will happen if these strong men know what will happen.

Don't worry about the sky, don't think about it

The tone of plain to extreme, but let fox night some chilly.

At this time, Xue an looked at the pale face of the gods and demons, and said faintly: "next, it's their turn!"

While Xue an was talking, a figure was quietly retreating.

Since Xue an broke through the seal of Luotian and proved Jinxian, kuchan understood that there was nothing to do and began to retreat quietly.

Because he's not a fool.

Xue can beat himself when he is safe and has no accomplishments. Now he becomes a golden immortal. Isn't it easy to kill himself?

And so on to see even the birth of crape myrtle star Jun are obediently self destruct, is to confirm his idea, so even the speed of retreat can not help but speed up.

Just as he had slipped to the edge of the city Lord's house, he was preparing to escape from this place of terror.

Xue an's voice sounded in his ear, "now go, don't you attend the thousand people's Congress?"

Kuchan was stiff all over, and then slowly turned around and laughed at Xue an in the air.

"Big My Lord, we will not take part in the thousand nation meeting! And when I go back, I will close the mountain gate and never be born again! What do you think? "

This is a total surrender.

Xue an but slightly shakes his head, "no way."

"You..." Kuchan's face sank and said in a cold voice, "xue'an, don't really think I'm afraid of you. The so-called" forgive people and forgive people... "

Xue an waved impatiently, "stop talking nonsense, win me, let you go now! Or leave your head behind. "

Kuchan snorted angrily and glanced at Leng junxie and Feitian.

"Ladies and gentlemen, when will it be better if we don't do it now? Together, kill him

Leng junxie and Feitian also witnessed what had just happened, and his heart was naturally cold.

Now I was awakened by kuchan's words. After a look at it, I was gnashing my teeth.

Put it together!

Now if you want to live, you have to do your best.

The whole body of one demon and one Shura twinkled, and the demon soldiers and the Shura soldiers on the ground screamed, and then turned into streamers, which integrated into their bodies.

Leng junxie and Feitian's momentum became extremely powerful, facing Xue an, they killed him.

Xue an raised a smile and said lightly, "I want 90%, the rest belongs to you!"

At the same time, the golden body of Bodhisattva also appeared in the bitter Zen. All over his body, the Buddhist light was all around him, and the Sanskrit sound was in bursts, and Xue an, who was in the air, was in a terrible momentum.

But when Leng junxie and feitianye had already started to xue'an, the bitter Zen suddenly turned to the West and ran away.

His wishful thinking is very good.

Let Leng Jun Xie and Fei Tian entangle Xue an, and then find a chance to escape.

Even if Xue an is more powerful, lengjunxie and Feitian are not vegetarians. As long as you can entangle him with a breath, you can escape from the heaven.

Sure enough.

But in a flash, he had already rushed to the edge of Luofu City, and his heart could not help but be overjoyed.

But at this time, Xue an, standing in the air, just said two words."Cause and effect!"

At a command, the originally excited bitter Zen was completely solidified in the air.

Not only he, but also Leng Jun Xie and Tian Tian, including almost all the practitioners on the ground were immediately imprisoned.

It was as if someone had pressed the pause button. All the gods, demons and practitioners stood still, even their hair was frozen.

At this time, Xue an said faintly, "do you know why I can kill the golden immortals in this world with a body of no cultivation?"

Cang Ya Yun and Hua You'an, who were not affected, all shook their heads.

"Because There are flaws in the way of heaven in this world. The golden immortals generated do not even have immortal lattices. If there are no immortal lattices, there will be no magical powers. The incomplete version of golden immortals is rubbish at all! "

"And what you see now is my magic power!"

With that, Xue an whispered, "reverse!"

This time, the pause button is pressed again.

However, it is as if the time was reversed by an invisible giant hand.

The face began to grow younger and the body began to shrink.

But the change is terrifying.

Because in a flash, these gods and Demons began to turn into powder one by one.

In the end, almost all of the original mighty deities and Demons practitioners turned into nothingness, and the heaven and earth became empty.

All the survivors looked at the scene with dull eyes.

Fox night also woke up from the consternation, then shook his head and said with a wry smile: "people are more popular than dead people. A golden immortal has awakened such a supernatural power! It's just like cheating if you want to steal your head

Mumbling in his mouth, fox night casually pointed to the crowd below, and said powerlessly: "little ones, these little fish and shrimp will be handed over to you!"

Following this group of big demons who came to Fox night to answer the promise, they fell to the ground and began to besiege the remaining practitioners.

Another slaughter begins.

Xue an smiles at Luo Baobao, who stands in the farthest distance and tries his best not to attract other people's attention.

"If you can escape my cause and effect, it seems that you are not an ordinary person indeed!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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